Science Lesson Plans

PBS Learning Media: Earth & Space Science Resources
Explore Science Practices & Phenomena with NASA (K-12) Engage K–12 students with phenomena and science practices using this collection of supplementary digital media resources created by GBH in… learn more

Science Trek: Educator Resources
Science Trek offers a wealth of materials specifically for teachers. Each topic site includes several tabs with a wealth of information. Click on the “Educators” tab in each… learn more

ExploreLearning Gizmos: 3D Eclipse Simulation
Observe the motions of the Earth, Moon and Sun in three dimensions to investigate the causes and frequency of eclipses. Observe Earth's shadow crossing the Moon during a… learn more

K-12 TeachEngineering
The TeachEngineering Digital Library is an educational resource featuring standards-aligned, design-rich curricula. Our goal is to help educators put the ‘E’ in STEM— by making applied science, technology,… learn more

Kids Python
The objective is to prepare the best Python materials and lessons for kids to learn the programming language easily. learn more

Teaching About Earth Day
Earth Day, which is celebrated on April 22nd, promotes environmental protection, encouraging people to keep a clean, healthy habitat for the species residing on this planet. Teaching students… learn more

Lesson Planet: Forensic Science Lesson Plans
Founded by educators for educators, Lesson Planet is passionate about creating and delivering innovative digital tools and quality educational resources to help personalize student learning and inspire great… learn more

FT STEM Introductory Video
Flite Test STEM is an educational program that helps students soar. Developed by Flite Test, a company specializing in the design and production of remote-controlled (RC) aircraft, the… learn more Plant Life Cycle Activities
The materials in this chapter on plants and ecology can help you create interesting, engaging lessons for your students. These lessons can be useful as homework help, classwork,… learn more

Teacher Vision: Mini-Lessons
Mini-lessons promote easy, regular skill-building Teach your students smaller concepts with focused mini lessons; they will later be able to relate this smaller idea to a larger concept… learn more

Science Lessons for Middle and High School
This collection of teaching resources spans a wide array of topics, from the fundamentals of biology and chemistry to the intricate studies of physics and earth sciences. Within… learn more

OpenSciEd Middle School Science Program
Our middle school science materials and free online science resources for teachers are phenomenon-based, three-dimensional units that prioritize student coherence and equitable science sensemaking. The units are developed… learn more

NASA STEM Resources and Opportunities
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is America’s civil space program and the global leader in space exploration. The agency has a diverse workforce of just under 18,000… learn more

Plants Lesson Plan
7th Grade Science Lesson incorporating transpiration, absorption, response to stimulus, dormancy and relating it to the function of plants. learn more

Plant Life Cycle Teacher Resources
Lesson Planet is passionate about creating and delivering innovative digital tools and quality educational resources to help personalize student learning and inspire great teaching. For over 20 years,… learn more
15+ Plant Science Activities and Lessons
Use these free lesson plans and activities to teach students about plant science—hands-on STEM options for all grade levels! Plant science, botany, plant ecology, and plant biology can… learn more Life Cycle of a Plant
Students will be able to recite and draw the life cycle of a plant. Students will be able to name the three things plants need to grow. learn more

TeachHub: Introduction to Plants
This is an introductory lesson for a unit on plants. It would be the first of a series of lessons that would center around the book, Tops and Bottoms by… learn more

Let’s Plan an Experiment: What Do Plants Need?
n an introductory discussion, students identify the physical needs of animals and then speculate on the needs of plants. With teacher guidance, students then design an experiment that… learn more

Easy Engineering Lesson Plans
Explore IEEE Try Engineering’s database of lesson plans to teach engineering concepts to your students, aged 4 to 18. Explore areas such as lasers, LED lights, flight, smart… learn more

PBS LearningMedia: Teaching Women's Suffrage
This collection of video clips, lesson plans, and primary sources details key figures, events, and regional movements of the decades-long fight to win the right to vote for… learn more

Free Flip-Book Lesson on the Stages of Mitosis
Looking for a new way to teach your students the stages of mitosis this year? We’ve partnered with our friends at Ward’s Science to create a hands-on lesson… learn more

Science Lesson Plans
The digital resources, tools, and learning materials are developed by educational experts to incorporate leading pedagogical practices. They are useful in any type of teaching moment and many… learn more
26 Science Experiments for Spring
Celebrate spring with these free science and engineering lessons, projects, and activities for enriching hands-on STEM related to spring weather, flowers, plants, and more! Science Buddies Lesson Plans contain… learn more
25+ Robotics Projects, Lessons, and Activities
The free STEM lessons, projects, and activities below help introduce students to robotics, robotics engineering, and the kinds of algorithmic thinking used to program, control, and automate robots.… learn more

Ward's World K-5
Get FREE activities and lessons created exclusively by real teachers like you including new ideas and fresh takes on routine topics! learn more

2024 Earth Day Activity Guide for 3-5
Discover a world of eco-friendly fun with our Earth Day Guide for 3rd-grade to 5th-grade teachers! Packed with engaging lessons, classroom activities, worksheets, and games, this Earth Day… learn more

Christa McAuliffe’s Lost Lessons
Christa McAuliffe was chosen to be the first teacher in space. Due to the tragic space shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986, she did not film the science lessons… learn more

Interesting Animals: Whales
Is it a fish? No! It is a whale! What makes this fascinating creature so special? Learn all about the interesting world of the whale while practicing fluency… learn more

The Franklin Institute: Earth
Welcome to your virtual classroom for the science of Earth! The planet we call home is a place that’s always changing. Investigate the science of plants, water, wind,… learn more

As middle school teachers, you play a key role in shaping and energizing the future of your students by teaching and helping them explore their interests – which… learn more

Free Science Lesson Plans & Resources
Find free Science lesson plans, teaching resources and professional development for grades PreK-12, higher education, and adult education. learn more

24 Science Kits for Middle and High School That Make Hands-On Lessons Easy
Students often tell us the coolest thing about science class is doing hands-on activities. But it’s often time-consuming to gather and organize all the materials. Our favorite solution?… learn more

Franklin @ Home
At The Franklin Institute, we help people understand science and technology in ways that empower them to make decisions about critical issues that affect their lives. Stay connected… learn more

Why don’t all trees lose their leaves in the fall?
Mystery Science Mini-lesson. Children are naturally curious. Elementary school years are the time to nurture that curiosity. These are the years when children form habits of thinking that… learn more

Arthropods - Invertebrate Powerhouses
About 75% of all animal species are arthropods. There are more different types of arthropod than any other group on the plant. Arthropods include insects, spiders, crabs, lobsters,… learn more

Biome Lesson Plan
At the end of this comprehensive biomes lesson plan, students will be able to observe and describe how different environments, including microhabitats in schoolyards and biomes, support different… learn more

NSTA Lesson Plans
National Science Teacher Association (NSTA) has a section on lesson plans on a variety of science topics for elementary, middle school, and high school students learn more

Society of Women Engineers provides projects, events, and the ability to connect with women engineers in your area. Whether you're a teacher searching for lesson-planning content or a… learn more

MIT: Blended Learning Open Source Science or Math Studies
BLOSSOMS video lessons are enriching students' learning experiences in high school classrooms from Brooklyn to Beirut to Bangalore. Our Video Library contains over 100 math and science lessons,… learn more

Ecology Explorers: Teacher Toolbox
Ecology Explorers is an example of how universities are teaming up with the K-12 community to give teachers and students opportunities to learn through real scientific research. We… learn more

Rod's Education Resources
Bringing values to every busy classroom. This education journey began as an intense fascination for things I don't understand. I hope to convey this passion in my classroom… learn more

Space Station Explorers Lesson Plans
Space-based science is supporting our nation’s goals in education. Space Station Explorers is a community of educators, learners, and organizations that make STEM learning fun and exciting through… learn more

Rockets Educator Guide from NASA
Few classroom topics generate as much excitement as rockets. The scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical foundations of rocketry provide exciting classroom opportunities for authentic hands-on, minds-on experimentation. The… learn more

NSTA Learning Center
The NSTA Learning Center provides journal articles, book chapters, events (online and in-person), professional learning goals and activities tracker, and connections with other teachers through 14 topical forums… learn more

Geoscience Careers
AGI produces lessons, activities, and curricula for K-12 and informal earth science educators. Many of these resources are made in partnership with geoscience organizations whose work relates to… learn more

Celebrating Earth Day and Arbor Day: Lesson Plans and Resources
Earth Day is celebrated worldwide every year on April 22nd in order to raise awareness for environmental protection. National Arbor Day is celebrated on the last Friday in… learn more

Madden Science
Madden Science aims to inspire awe and wonder and help viewers learn science by highlighting fun and interesting concepts in our natural world. The website covers AP Biology,… learn more

NSTA: Free Science Lesson Plans
Science literacy and education are recognized as vital to the future of our society, enabling us to make informed decisions about the collective challenges we face. learn more

Build a Model Space Craft: Exploring Astronaut Space Exploration Project-Based Learning Unit
A Complete Lesson on Astronauts and Space Exploration Train like an astronaut at STEM centers, design and build a model spacecraft, and write a travelogue about a space… learn more

10 Best Science Tools for Middle School
Once students have a foundation in elementary science, they move on to more advanced skills like planning experiments and developing evidence-based explanations based on their findings. Kids will see the real-world impact of… learn more

Project Noah Nature School
A global community of nature enthusiasts, photographing and learning about wildlife. learn about wildlife from experts in our community and your favorite wildlife spotters. The spirit of Project… learn more

Free Back to School Resources for Earth Sciences
Do you teach Earth science (including climate change)? Know someone who does? Earth@Home has many resources that might be useful to you and your students this school year.… learn more

MakerBot Education
Welcome to Thingiverse Education – where innovation meets the classroom. Discover over a hundred free lessons, curated curriculum, and collaborative projects. learn more

Earth Day Science Experiments
The free science projects and STEM lessons and activities below offer classes and families a variety of hands-on learning opportunities related to environmental science and Earth Day. In… learn more

Know Where Your Food Comes From! 5 Free Nutrition Education Video Lessons for Your Classroom
Food has an incredible way of bringing people together and generating good conversations, and it can have that same positive impact in the classroom. The food choices we… learn more

PBS LearningMedia: Seasons on Earth
Using this Lesson Plan, students study satellite data and explore an example of long-term climate change to learn about the seasons, changes in climate, and the role of… learn more

STEM Lesson Plan Template With Free PDF
Welcome to our STEM lesson plan template! STEM education is at the forefront of preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of the contemporary world. This template is… learn more

The Tech Interactive: Lesson Plans & Activities
Education is at the heart of everything we do at The Tech. We encourage curiosity for science, engineering, math, and technology in students on field trips, educators in… learn more

Mystery Science
Open-and-go lessons that inspire kids to love science! Children are naturally curious. Elementary school years are the time to nurture that curiosity. This is when they form their… learn more

Sparky School House Lesson Plans
The NFPA Public Education Division develops easy-to-use educational programs, tools, and resources to meet the needs of all ages and audiences in a variety of languages. This includes lesson plans,… learn more

Shed Aquarium: Curricula & Lesson Plans
Whether you are following up on a visit to Shedd, preparing for your visit, or looking for a standards-aligned lesson on the aquatic world for your classroom, you… learn more

Science A-Z: Interactive Science Lessons
Science A-Z’s Interactive Science Lessons give students a chance to be in the driver’s seat while learning the fundamental concepts of science. These virtual lessons provide a road… learn more

NASA STEM Engagement: Lesson Plans & Activities
Inspire. Engage. Educate. Employ. The Next Generation of Explorers. A list of lesson plans and activities are provided. K-12 educators are invited to explore more STEM resources. The… learn more

PRI Earth & Environmental Science Teacher Resources
PRI offers a wide range of workshops and resources for educators of every stripe, including K-12 teachers, college instructors, museum educators, and homeschool and pod parents. If you… learn more

TinkrWorks: Free Makerspace Lessons
TinkRpedia has everything you need to get started with STEM/STEAM Project-based Learning. Browse our educator-curated Makerspace Lesson Library—featuring free, hands-on projects that cover a variety of subjects and difficulty… learn more

US Geological Survey: Educational Resources
Tap into over 140 years of USGS research in the natural sciences with lesson plans, activities, maps, podcasts, lectures, videos, animations, and more. Select from the main science… learn more

2024 Earth Day Activity Guide for K-2
This spring, discover a world of eco-friendly fun with our guide designed with an Earth Day Theme for K-2 grade level teachers! Packed with engaging lessons, classroom activities, Earth Day printable worksheet… learn more

2024 Earth Day Activity Guide for 6-8
Explore our guide with an Earth Day Theme, tailored for teachers with middle school students (6-8 grade), brimming with Earth Day lessons, hands-on activities, printable worksheets, Earth Day… learn more

Teach Chemical Reactions - 20+ Chemistry Lessons and Activities
Use these free chemistry lesson plans, experiments, and activities to teach and explore chemical reactions with K-12 students. Lesson Plans contain materials to support educators leading hands-on STEM… learn more

Science Buddies
Science Buddies mission is to inspire and educate students of all ages with hands-on STEM explorations that reflect their unique personal interests. By providing highly personalized educational experiences, we drive… learn more

MIT Biology Resources
Visit the BLOSSOMS Video Library anytime to browse and download lessons to use in your classroom. Every lesson is a complete resource that includes video segments, a teacher’s… learn more

Online Self-Paced Astronomy Lessons
Explore the wonders of the solar system and universe with these self-paced astronomy lessons. Our lessons for middle/high school students are meant for self-directed online learning. Many of… learn more

Maria Mitchell: America’s First Woman Astronomer
Maria Mitchell (pronounced Ma-RYE-ah) was an astronomer, librarian, naturalist, and educator. She discovered a telescopic comet in 1847, for which she was awarded a gold medal by the… learn more

Space Foundation Discovery Center: Resources for Educators
DOWNLOADABLE LESSON PLANS The Space Foundation supports PreK through 20 students with standards-based curriculum that uses space principles to integrate science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) into all… learn more

Become a Weather Detective—Free Worksheets for Your Weather Unit!
Teaching your students about weather is one of the most exciting units! We’ve put together awesome weather worksheets with five different activities. Plus, an additional hands-on water cycle demonstration and… learn more

Photosynthesis Lab Activity
Investigating the Relationship between Light Intensity and the Rate of Photosynthesis Lab Activity. Aquatic plants can be used to demonstrate oxygen evolution in the process of photosynthesis. In… learn more

Extinct, Endangered, and Threatened Animals Activity
Using reference materials, students will research the habitats of extinct, endangered, and threatened animals listed in this printable. Then they will write a report about efforts to save… learn more

Digital Teaching Boxes: Middle and High School Life Science Resources
The Teacher Institute has supported middle and high school science teachers in assembling “teaching boxes,” helping them to collect lessons, activities, assessments, and inexpensive supplies for a specific science unit… learn more

PBS LearningMedia: Climate and Our Planet
This collection of supplementary digital media resources offers a range of options for engaging middle and high school students with key questions in climate science: How do the… learn more

Here you'll find a wealth of resources and information aimed at helping educators bring genetics, bioscience and health alive in the classroom. A companion to the popular Learn.Genetics website, Teach.Genetics… learn more

National Air & Space Museum: Learning Resources
From videos to ready-to implement classroom activities, help learners get excited about air and space. learn more

Interactive Earth Day Lessons for a Greener Tomorrow
This Earth Day, dig deep into our planet’s natural wonders, environment, biomes, and all the living beings, big and small, that call it home — including us! Take… learn more

Homeschool Scientist
This website is full of science experiments, lessons, homeschool resources, and help. Find experiment ideas, curriculum choices, science resources, expert advice, and more. Take the fear out of… learn more

Best Free Engineering Lessons and Activities
Explore these top engineering lessons and activities for K-12 classrooms. Look around. What do you see? Perhaps computers, phones, desks, and lights. Possibly chairs, backpacks, and textbooks. Likely… learn more

The Tech Interactive: Lessons and Activities
Did you know that you can integrate many of our design challenge and engineering lessons into your other content areas, like English Language Arts and social science? Most… learn more

Inquisitive Science Lessons K-5
Inquisitive is a complete, ready-to-go K-5 science program. To be inquisitive is to learn with purpose and depth. A lesson in an Inquisitive classroom begins with wonder, progresses… learn more

Inspire Your Classroom: Grab Your FREE Climate Action Kit Now!
Partnered with our friends at World Wildlife Fund to create “Youth for the Planet: Taking Climate Action in Your Own Community.” This climate action resource kit builds an… learn more

K-12 Climate Change Lessons by Teachers
A SubjectToClimate Lesson Plan is an easy-to-follow, interdisciplinary lesson plan or unit plan that shows you how to integrate climate change into the topics you already teach in… learn more

The Franklin Museum: Neuroscience & Society Curriculum
What does it mean to be human? How might emerging brain science change the answer? The applications of neuroscience have far-reaching implications for our self-identity, health, relationships, and… learn more

Groundhog Day is February 2
Groundhog Day is observed each year on February 2. The famous groundhog Punxsutawney Phil is pulled from his simulated burrow in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania to make the most anticipated… learn more

National Geographic: World Water Map
National Geographic’s interactive World Water Map tells the story of how human water use impacts the global water cycle. learn more

How do schools of fish swim in harmony?
How do schools of fish swim in harmony? How do the tiny cells in your brain give rise to the complex thoughts, memories, and consciousness that are you?… learn more

Texas Parks & Wildlife: Activities & Lessons
Texas Parks & Wildlife has a variety of in-person and on-demand resources for students in early childhood through 12th grade. learn more

Endeavor - STEM Career Exploration Activities for Middle School
STEM is everywhere—from businesses and organizations to the products that power our daily lives. That’s why it’s important to build the first fully STEM literate generation and encourage… learn more
What Is Snow and How Does It Form? (Plus Free Worksheet + Slides)
There’s nothing more exciting than looking out the classroom window and seeing the first snowflakes of the year. Once the squeals of delight die down, the question “How… learn more

Research Polar Animals: Exploring Animal Adaptations Project-Based Learning Unit
A Comprehensive Lesson on Animal Adaptations. Research and explore the unique adaptations of polar animals, experiment with different types of adaptations, and design, create, and demonstrate an "adaptation"… learn more

Conservation Station
Explore the unexpected connections at the heart of the energy-water nexus and discover how you and your students can conserve water and energy at school and at home. learn more

Elementary School Science
Welcome to Elementary Science Class: A site dedicated to providing top quality science lesson plans and accompanying resources for free. The vast majority come equipped with the objectives,… learn more

Center for Science Education: Classroom Activities
Engaging all learners to explore and understand our changing world. Goals: To inspire, engage, and inform the public about the atmospheric and related science conducted by NCAR and the… learn more

Computer Science Education Week 2023
These lessons will inspire and introduce your students to essential coding and computer science skills learn more

NASA: STEM Resources for K-12 Educators
NASA has indexed hundreds of resources by subject, grade level, type and keyword. These lesson plans and teaching materials can be used to support your STEM curriculum. Spark… learn more

PBS Learning Media: Cool Ways Animals Adapt For the Winter
Spot on Science shares how animals survive the winter, including warm layers, hibernation, and torpor. learn more

PBS Learning Media: Spot on Science
Spot on Science is a collection of short videos focused on science and health lessons—from the rare plants found in Ohio bogs, to NASA's discovery that Uranus is one… learn more

Help Teaching: Online Self-Pace Science Lesssons
The collection of science lessons is designed to cover key concepts and skills in the areas of astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, earth science, and scientific practices. Many of… learn more

Help Teaching: Online Self-Paced Earth Science Lessons
Use these self-paced Earth Science lessons to help students develop an understanding of Earth's processes and the interconnected relationship between human activity and our Earth's systems. The lessons… learn more

Help Teaching: Online Self-Paced Chemistry Lessons
Learn about matter, from organization to reactions, with this collection of online chemistry lessons. The lessons for middle/high school students are meant for self-directed online learning. Many of… learn more

Because Learning!
How far can STEM go? An educational experience is more than just what happens in the classroom. Let’s follow our curiosity and keep exploring together. learn more

Help Teaching: Printable Physics Worksheets, Tests, and Activities
Try physics tests on motion, energy, and forces. Take a quiz to test your knowledge of electrical circuits using schematic symbols. learn more

Research Quest is an engaging and powerful series of science investigations that improve students’ critical thinking skills. Online lessons to fit your middle school science curriculum. A powerful… learn more

Nature Lab
Nature is the fantastic factory that makes the building blocks of all our lives—food, drinking water, the stuff we own, and the air we breathe. That’s why The… learn more

USA Science & Engineering Festival: Lesson Plans
Browse our library of lesson plans created by educators for educators! All lessons are NGSS and CASEL aligned and designed for middle and high school classrooms. Each lesson… learn more

Chemistry Corner Community
Everything is included! No need to purchase separate bundles. This is the complete curriculum! Lessons, quizzes, labs, doodle notes, task cards, games and activities, unit study guides and… learn more

Kids Discover Online: Free Lesson Plans
Nonfiction, at its Finest Enrich your science, social studies, and ELA curriculums with engaging, standards-aligned nonfiction texts, at 3 Reading Levels. With a specialty in science and social… learn more

Conservation Classroom
Smithsonian’s National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute. Conservation Classroom is a collection of monthly lessons for K-5 students. Each lesson has four elements: wonder, engage, act and connect.… learn more

Live Programs for Young Animal Lovers
From Smithsonian’s National Zoo’s Conservation Biology Institute, Conservation Classroom is a collection of lessons for K–5 students that include live virtual programs each month, from September through May. Each lesson has four elements: Wonder (preprogram videos that introduce the monthly… learn more

The Best Apple Science Activities for Grades PreK-2
The days are growing shorter, the air feels a little crisper and the trees have started their glorious fall fashion show. What better way to celebrate the season with your… learn more

The Geological Society: Lesson Plans
A collection of lesson plans and links for Earth science classroom activities. Our aims are to improve knowledge and understanding of the Earth, to promote Earth science education… learn more

Earth Science Teaching: Lessons & Activities
A Collection of Classroom Activities and Lesson Plans. Here is a list of teacher resources that can easily be modified and incorporated into the Earth science classroom. learn more

Middle School Chemistry: Lesson Plans
Explore inquiry-based lesson plans that cover basic chemistry concepts. What happens when solids, liquids, and gases are heated and cooled? Why is one substance more or less dense… learn more

Math and Science
Quality Math And Science Videos that feature step-by-step example problems! learn more

Teach Engineering: Lessons
Browse K-12 STEM Curriculum. The TeachEngineering Digital Library is an educational resource featuring standards-aligned, design-rich curricula. Our goal is to help educators put the ‘E’ in STEM— by making applied science,… learn more

PBS Learning Media: Curious George STEM
Active learning begins with curiosity! The Curious George STEM Collection is a great way to help young children understand science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) concepts, such as measuring, building,… learn more

Why is it Important to teach about Earth Day? By raising awareness about the importance of taking care of our environment, we would be ensuring that our planet… learn more

4 Quick and Easy Activities That Teach Kids About Our Earth
As teachers, we can help students appreciate our incredible planet while empowering them to take action to care for it. Sound like a big project? It is. But… learn more

Science News Learning
Search Educator Resources. Search our rich collection of reading and data comprehension questions, cross-curricular discussion prompts, hands-on activities and timely Educator Guides tied to the award-winning journalism in Science… learn more
Zone 7 Water Agency
ZONE 7 LESSONS Lessons are aligned with the Next Generation Sciences Standards for TK-12 content, created and taught by certified educators. Funded by Zone 7 and supported by… learn more

Chemistry Corner: Lessons, Support & Community
EVERY LESSON FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR. Grab the “done-for-you” year curriculum and join our community of teachers who are there to support and share ideas! When you JOIN… learn more

MightyOwl: Science
Fun and engaging Our videos, quizzes and worksheets prepare and support learners in a truly fun and engaging way Mighty and serious Our materials are developed by teachers… learn more

Science Journal for Kids and Teens
Are you looking for fun ways to cover scientific topics in your classroom? Check out our science lesson plans and ideas for teachers. learn more

EarthScience WesternAustralia
Earth Science Western Australia (ESWA) is a not-for-profit working to strengthen earth science education across Western Australia. Welcome to the free learning management system for the teaching of… learn more

USGS: Science Explorer-Educational Resources
The topical directory below provides an alternate way to browse USGS science programs and activities. Explore within each topic by data, news, images, video, social media, and much… learn more

iTeachly: Physical Science Units
Science Curriculum For Teachers That Value Their Free Time! Below are some of our Free Physical Science Lessons, Labs, and Activities for you to use with your classes.… learn more

Elements and the Periodic Table
iTeachly. This site was created by a Licensed 7-12 Teacher in 2017, and it has now grown into a community of thousands of Teachers sharing lesson plans, resources,… learn more

Science News Learning: Classroom Resources for Teachers
Explore major advances across the sciences that have transformed our understanding of the world and our universe, and our lives. Search our rich collection of reading and data… learn more

TeacherVision: Science & Social Studies Mini-Lessons
Become an Instant Expert on Science and Social Studies topics featured in DK's award-winning reference series. Find motivational mini-lessons and the informational texts you need to reinforce key… learn more

Beakerz Science Made Fun
At-home Science Activities & Experiments. Looking for a way to bring science lessons into your home? Beakerz Science boxes offer engaging and fun science lessons for Pre-K through… learn more

California Academy of Sciences: Science Lesson Plans
Here you'll find short, lively activities to focus your class trip, or full-period lessons to integrate into your yearly curriculum. Dive in! learn more

Scientific Observations Worksheets and Choice Board
Help students learn how to apply the scientific method and develop their observation skills with this choice board of hands-on science experiments and activities. Perfect for general science… learn more

K20LEARN: Authentic Lessons for 21st Century Learning
An assortment of lessons, educator & family resources, instructional strategies, science resources, student resources, and technology strategies. learn more

Science Kids: Lesson Plans
Enjoy a wide range of fun science lesson plans featuring educational activities for kids, ideas for teachers, free online resources and more to help bring interactive, hands on… learn more

Teach Ocean Science Modules
The site was created to serve as a central location to gather the many ocean science education resources that our group has generated and compiled throughout our… learn more

GeoGebra: Classroom Resources
Find over 1 million free activities, simulations, exercises, lessons, and games for math & science! learn more

National Geographic: Education Resources
Explore educational opportunities that ignite the spirit of exploration and bring the wonder of the world to learners. National Geographic is where education meets exploration. We are transforming… learn more

Meet Gizmos The world's largest library of math and science simulations. Build inquiry, understanding, and a love of math and science. FREE Gizmos Get access to a rotating… learn more

Earth Day STEM Choice Board for Middle School
These Earth Day STEM activities are an easy and fun way to celebrate Earth Day with your middle school students! They are great as extension or early-finisher activities, or given… learn more

Periodic Table of Elements
Many of the elements from the periodic table we know today were originally discovered by the early chemists who worked to purify ores. In doing this, they realized… learn more

StudyJams: Interactive Math & Science Activities
Study Jams is a multi-media free educational website with more than 200 interactive lessons in math and science. There are tutorials, video lessons, practice problems, slide shows, games,… learn more

McDonald Observatory Classroom Activities
Standards-aligned activities and experiments for K-12 students, from modeling the night sky and observing the moon to guessing interplanetary distances and exploring sunspots. These engaging, TEKS/TAKS-aligned activities create… learn more
Science Buddies: Astronomy Lesson Plans
Astronomy is science that will challenge your imagination. How many stars in a galaxy? How many galaxies in the known universe? How many strange worlds are out there… learn more

Best Astronomy Lessons & Activities
These best astronomy lessons and activities to help teach and celebrate the study of celestial objects, space, and much more. April is Global Astronomy Month, but with the… learn more

i2 Learning
Preparing students for their future world. i2 Learning provides project-based STEM curriculum, professional development for teachers, and logistical support for educators to engage and inspire their students for… learn more

Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies is dedicated to understanding how ecosystems work. Our scientists are global experts in the ecology of: freshwater, forests, disease, and cities. Through collaborative… learn more

Science Penguin Free Resources
Upper Elementary Science Resources (Grades 3-5) Sign up for instant access to over 60 free resources from The Science Penguin. We included digital resources, notebook templates, organizational tools,… learn more

National Park Services (NPS): Educators
This website and the information it contains are provided as a public service by the National Park Service (NPS), U.S. Department of the Interior. National parks are America's… learn more

U.S. National Park Service: Educators
National parks are America's largest classrooms. Find lesson plans about these great places. learn more

Exploravision shows how pop culture and science can be integrated, such as the movie Avatar and ecosystems. Toshiba/NSTA Exploravision contests challenges teams of students to design future technologies.… learn more

Ask an Entomologist
Ask an Entomologist tackles your student's hardest questions about insects, their biology, ecology, physiology, or whatever else your curious about. The have a whole section devoted to Entomology… learn more

TeacherVision: Instant Expert
Become an instant expert on science and social studies topics featured in DK's award-winning reference series. Find whiteboard-compatible mini-lessons and the reference material you need to reinforce key… learn more

Learn With Us Explore educational opportunities that ignite the spirit of exploration and bring the wonder of the world to learners. National Geographic is where education meets exploration.… learn more

Generation Genius: K-8 Science Videos for Kids
Although students often learn much about computers by disassembling them (as folks have experienced with every technological advance), museums exhibits and workshops reveal the inner workings of the… learn more

Science4Fun - Science Topics
Welcome to the science topics sectionHere you will learn many science topics to Increase your Science knowledge.All the topics are entertaining and informative with a lot of pictures… learn more
Help Teaching: Online Self-Paced Science Lessons
Our collection of science lessons is designed to cover key concepts and skills in the areas of astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, earth science, and scientific practices. Our lessons… learn more