Summer Activities

Did you know that children typically lose 2-3 months of math skills over the summer months? It’s called the summer slide, and it’s a concern for several reasons.… learn more

After the TCEA Librarian Conference this past June, my educator’s resource-antenna discovered something else: a treasure trove of free educational resources from Amazon’s Future Engineer program. Let’s explore… learn more

Summer Solstice
How much do you know about the summer solstice day? Do you know what is the day is the longest day of the year? learn more

22 Exciting Read-Alouds for a Fun and Educational Summer
Summer is a vital time for students to keep up with their reading skills, and engaging read-alouds play a crucial role. As teachers, our influence extends beyond the… learn more

Solstices and Equinoxes: Summer Solstice
Actually, the first day of summer is the day with the most hours of daylight due to one of Earth's poles pointing most toward the Sun. This is… learn more

Summer Reading for Teachers
Looking for a great book to read at the beach or for several to recommend to your summer book club? Check out this slideshow of fiction and non-fiction… learn more

What is Reading Practice? The Google Play Books Feature Explained
Reading Practice is a new feature from Google that is designed to make reading easier for emerging readers, and is available on Google Play Books and Google Kids… learn more

Best Summer Learning Apps & Sites
The best summer learning apps and sites for students can help keep kids learning all year round. Summer is a time for exploration, creativity, and fun -- and… learn more

Digital Detox Summer Camps for Kids
The pandemic has had a devastating impact upon many young people. Some are experiencing depression, anxiety, or are underperforming in school—there's even been a rise in truancy. Students… learn more

100 Fitness Activities for the Whole Family
Physical fitness is essential to health and has a big influence on mental wellness too. Yet, with full work schedules, equally busy children, and lockdown restrictions, making the… learn more

5 Summer Science Exploration Ideas for Kids
Science surrounds us and summer offers the perfect time for families to explore science in action. Avoid the summer slump and try some of these suggestions for summer… learn more

3 Tools to Help Kids Learn Over the Summer
Learning can take place anywhere, not just in the classroom. Summertime offers many opportunities for kids to gain knowledge. You can help them learn by introducing them to… learn more

40 Sites for Students with Free Time on their Hands
When students are done with an assignment or project, how can they spend extra time wisely? These sites give them something academic to chew on. learn more

Google Kid Space
A kids mode with content to help children discover, create, and grow, available on select Android tablets.* Designed with kids’ curiosity in mind Whether it’s animals or art projects,… learn more

Summer Science Projects
Whether you are hiking, camping, visiting a lake or ocean, playing in your neighborhood park, touring a national park, or exploring your own backyard, there are tons of… learn more

50 Summer Science Ideas
Summer is a brilliant time to explore science outdoors with children. You don’t have to set up fancy experiments, even just looking at properties of plants and leaves or testing… learn more

17 Great Indoor Games and Activities
Parents Magazine has a list of activities that are fun and can help with their development. We especially like Signature Storytelling, where your child adds their own twists… learn more

whether you have teens at your home this summer or you know some teens who could use some ideas, here are a few summer activity options they can… learn more

Declaration of Independence – Videos & Activities
Use these educational videos and activities to learn about the Declaration of Independence and the historical events that preceded its adoption by the Continental Congress on July 4,… learn more

Fun Math Games
Turtle Diary offers the perfect online math games for kids at the exact grade levels kids need them. We use a scaffolded approach to build on previous skills.… learn more

Free Educational Games for Kids
Welcome to TurtleDiary! Our award winning educational website offers 1000+ learning activities that are both interactive and educational. The games support necessary skills while promoting fun. TurtleDiary activities… learn more

The Curiosity Lab
he Curiosity Lab is a Canadian company that serves students internationally. Our vision is to empower children with the skills they will need to thrive in a technology… learn more

Summer Reading (Grades 9-12)
Teacher Vision. Secondary students will enjoy the vast array of literature presented. The diversity of genres, authors, and time periods will keep them engaged and learning all summer… learn more

TCEA TechNotes. When I was teaching, summer held two distinct categories for me: leisure and learning. It was a time to unwind, allowing my mind and body to… learn more

Summer Reading Choice Board for Elementary Grades
Pair your summer reading lists with this 9-activity choice board of fun summer reading activities for elementary students. Each activity combines a fun project or challenge with a reading or… learn more

First and foremost, during summer break, every single teacher needs to kick back, put their feet up, and binge-watch their favorite series. The rule at my house is… learn more

Sporcle: Free Online Trivia Games and Quizzes
Sporcle is an online trivia and quiz platform featuring tons of fun and engaging games. What makes Sporcle truly special is the diverse community of people who make… learn more

Social Studies Summer Reading Suggestions
The summer months bring relief and joy for students, but also lots of free time to be filled. There is no better way to spend these hours and… learn more

NSLA Summer Learning
National Summer Learning Association. National Summer Learning Week is a celebration dedicated to elevating the importance of summer learning and ensuring kids return to school ready to succeed.… learn more

Summer Art Projects
Fun art projects will keep students engaged in learning during the summer. Kids can use paper and paint to create fun crafts, make their own play dough with… learn more

15 Summer Learning Activities for All Ages
Summer’s here! It’s time for fun in the sun, family vacations, and… learning. While you want to give your kids a chance to relax, you don’t want them… learn more

Summer Reading (Grades 6-8)
Variety of genres and interesting activities for all reading levels Help your students retain the reading skills the worked on so hard during the year by assigning or… learn more

Summer Reading Choice Board for Middle School
Pair your summer reading lists with this 9-activity choice board of fun summer reading activities for middle school students. Each activity combines a fun project or challenge with a reading… learn more

Travel the Web Virtual Field Trips for Summer
Field trips are great for any time of year. You can choose a place that helps build background knowledge. Give kids an opportunity to explore a high-interest area… learn more

Summer Civic Learning Activities
Build your knowledge about how local government works, who represents you, and how you can use your voice to participate in your community. The exciting games, web scavenger… learn more

Dive into Nonfiction: Summer Reading Adventures for K-5 Students
Summer offers students sun-filled days and endless adventures. It’s also an ideal time to explore the world of nonfiction reading. Beyond fiction, nonfiction engages students with compelling stories,… learn more

100 Summer Activities for Kids
School is out. The weather is nice. And your kids are… bored out of their minds. While blog posts about letting kids experiencing boredom have gone viral, we know that… learn more

Super Teacher Worksheets: Summer Worksheets
Printable summer puzzles, reading comprehension passages, coloring pages, and other printable activities. learn more

Smart Bubblegum: Focus on Child's Success
Our overarching goal at Smart Bubblegum is to impact literacy at the GLOBAL LEVEL by providing the apps, tools, and resources to meet educational challenges and reach new… learn more