Research Skills

Acquiring the research skill to locate specific information online will go a long way towards a student’s success in future undertakings.

Comprehensive resources ...


Lesson Planet: Research Skills Teacher Resources

Find Research Skills lesson plans and worksheets. Lesson Planet is passionate about creating and delivering innovative digital tools and quality educational resources to help personalize student learning and…  learn more

Develop students' information literacy skills: A guide to Search Coach for educators

Information literacy, which involves critical thinking when finding and engaging with information, is a vital skill for students in both their current education and their future careers. However,…  learn more

Teaching Kids to be Safe and Ethical Online Portal Page

Stay on the Path: Teaching Kids to be Safe and Ethical Online is a series of resources that aims to promote and encourage ethical online behaviours and digital…  learn more

Safe Search Engines & Research Websites for Students

Equipping ourselves because we love our learners! Too often students will just Google or YouTube topics when they are curious. The top results aren’t usually the best results.…  learn more

Civic Online Reasoning

Students are confused about how to evaluate online information. The COR curriculum provides free lessons and assessments that help you teach students to evaluate online information that affects…  learn more

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Wish you could empower and engage students with strategies that lead to long-term information retention? Outlining and summarizing is a strategy that assists students in learning new material…  learn more

resource URL thumbnail How to Use It to Teach is dedicated to truth by debunking myths and rumors. This is a great resource for both teachers and students in checking source validity online. The nonprofit website…  learn more

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Best Free Fact-Checking Sites for Students and Teachers

Fact-checking sites for students to research reports, papers, and more. Fake news is nothing new. Examples of propaganda, sensationalism, and disinformation are known from as early as the…  learn more

Pew Research: Internet & Technology

Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes, and trends shaping the world. We conduct public opinion polling, demographic research,…  learn more

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Primary Sources Lesson Plan

Lesson objectives: Skills objective• Understand how the historical thinking practice of sourcing is critical for interpreting historical documents. Description:In this introductory lesson on historical sourcing, students begin by…  learn more

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3 Useful AI Research Tools for Educators

How to make the power of AI research work for you. Here are three useful research tools that tell you where these found the information, with a basic…  learn more

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How to Write a Book Report (+ Book Report Example)

Write better book reports using the tips, examples, and outlines presented here. This resource covers three types of effective book reports: plot summaries, character analyses, and theme analyses.…  learn more

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11 Helpful Note-Taking Strategies Your Students Should Know

You’re delivering a lecture full of insight, but students haven’t even picked up a pencil. Yes, today’s students expect printouts, class web pages, and graphic organizers, but good…  learn more

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Best Search Engines for Teachers and Educators

In this comprehensive guide, I’ve categorized a selection of key search engines for teachers and educators into various categories, each tailored to meet specific needs within the educational…  learn more

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6 Criteria for Website Evaluation

In a digitally saturated world where information is a plentiful commodity, the ability to critically evaluate websites is more important than ever. While several sources offer a multitude…  learn more

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Hundreds of Research Guides for Students

The Library of Congress offers fantastic online resources for students, if you know where to find them. Here's an overview of how to find and access research guides…  learn more

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Scrible: How To Use It To Teach

Scrible is a tool that was developed to help with online research but has evolved into an education-specific system that's helpful for teachers and students alike. t works…  learn more

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Unconventional Research Sites to Inspire Students

So when it comes to research, are you still directing kids toward your grandmother’s resources — encyclopedias, reference books, and museums? No doubt, these are excellent sources, but…  learn more

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Google Search Tools Students Often Overlook

The default action for students to take when given a research task is to turn to Google. Unfortunately, many students won't venture much beyond the first couple of…  learn more

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Research Guides at the Library of Congress

Research Guides for Students and Teachers. The Library of Congress offers in-depth research guides for hundreds of topics divided into twenty-five groups. Research guides to the Library's collections, as…  learn more

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Media Literacy Resources for Making Sense of the News

On November 8, 2022, people across the country voted in the nation’s midterm elections. Facing History has created a collection of short, easily digestible resources to help teachers and their students enhance…  learn more

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2020 Guide To Teach Students How To Research & Avoid Fake News, Disinformation, And Misinformation

Based on my popular presentation titled "Teaching Students To Become Expert Researchers And Avoid Fake News, Disinformation, and Misinformation" this video will provide you with the resources needed…  learn more

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Research Paper Graphic Organizer

Help students to plan and prepare their research paper with this graphic organizer template. This printable research graphic organizer is designed to help students synthesize their sources and…  learn more

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Citing My Sources Graphic Organizer

Students can use this graphic organizer to keep track of their research. This will set them up for success as they work on their bibliography. There are places…  learn more

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National History Day: Teaching Research Skills

All National History Day® (NHD) students need research skills. Like all skills in life, they need to be taught, and students need opportunities to practice and develop their skill…  learn more

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YouTube: Elements of a Web Search

Understanding how to effectively search the Internet is an essential “information literacy” skill. Although students use the Internet to search for things all the time, very few will…  learn more

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How to Help Students Build Research Skills

Do you want to support students at your school as they conduct research this year? You can help students build research skills starting in elementary school. One of…  learn more

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National History Day

Studying the past to inform the present and shape the future.  Once a frontier is crossed, history changes. The National History Day® (NHD) 2023 contest theme invites the exploration…  learn more

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What is CTRL-F and How Can It Be Used for Teaching? Tips & Tricks

CTRL-F is a research education tool designed to help kids think about checking facts in literacy. CTRL-F comes from Canadian organization CIVIX, which is built around strengthening democracy…  learn more

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Cyberbee: Research Tools

Teaching information access skills cannot be done in a vacuum. It must relate to the learning environment by actively engaging students to gather and process information in a…  learn more

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A Research Guide for Students

We're here to help you write your research papers. Scholars and librarians have collated some of the best resources for literary research and we have the latest style…  learn more

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Elementary Librarian: Library Lesson Plans

Learn about ready-to-use lesson plans that are aligned to Common Core and AASL Standards. Get instant access to all of our lesson plans and resources for grades K-8.  Enhance…  learn more

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Top Research Websites, Search Engines, and a Research Choice Menu for K-12 Students

Students need to learn how to be skilled searchers. To learn more about a topic or find the answer students will often Google it! Search engines don’t always…  learn more

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Five Resources for Teaching and Learning About Copyright

Here are some resources for helping students and teachers understand the importance and the key concepts of copyright as it relates to school projects. Free Technology for Teachers. …  learn more

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50 Mini-Lessons For Teaching Students Research Skills

This post outlines 50 ideas for activities that could be done in just a few minutes (or stretched out to a longer lesson if you have the time!).…  learn more

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How to Teach Online Research Skills to Students in 5 Steps (Free eBook and Posters)

You want your students to go online and do some research for some sort of project, essay, story or presentation. Time ticks away, and students are busy searching…  learn more

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Teaching Students how to “Google It” to Learn Online Research Skills

These units are a great opportunity to collaborate with the classroom teachers. Each class the students will need a new question to research. You could easily pull in…  learn more

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Teaching Students How To Research

This video uses a fun and humorous approach to help students understand how to use keywords to make better search queries, provides several tips and examples taken directly…  learn more

Education World: Evaluating Web Sites Lesson Plan

Brief Description Students learn the six criteria for evaluating Web sites and then use those criteria to locate three sites that provide good information and three that do…  learn more

English Worksheets Land: Research Skills Worksheets

Researching skills are now more needed than ever with all the media that we constantly and involuntarily taking in. What is real and what is fake? If you…  learn more

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USA Facts

USAFacts provides a data-driven portrait of the American population, US governments’ finances, and governments’ impact on society. We are a nonpartisan, not-for-profit civic initiative without a political agenda.…  learn more

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The Question is the Answer

From Now On's "The Question is the Answer" page tells you how to create a Questioning ToolKit to encourage student questioning and research. Quite good.  learn more

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Big6 is a six-stage model to integrate information search and use skills along with technology tools into a systematic process to find, use, apply, and evaluate information for…  learn more

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Conducting Research

With so many information sources now at our fingertips, knowing where to start, sorting through it all and finding what we want can be overwhelming! Perdue's Online Writing…  learn more

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Learning to research on the Web

Librarians have a weird sense of humor. This was the old joke: "The internet is like a library with no catalog where all the books get up and…  learn more

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The Paraffin Paradox

Steve Long looks at the Paraffin Paradox. Steve shows how to hide a sheet of aluminum foil between two blocks of paraffin, then uses it to teach how…  learn more