Career Readiness
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Everfi: K-12 STEM & Career Readiness
Preparing Students Beyond High School. Whether you’re teaching career exploration, entrepreneurship, or workforce preparedness skills, EVERFI’s digital lessons help students plan for and practice achieving their personal goals… learn more

Learning About Careers
A Career Hub that explores different types of careers. Get fun and engaging one-pagers that make exploring careers easy for your students. learn more

What Is Career Readiness and How Do You Teach It?
Career readiness is the process of preparing students with the skills they need to find, acquire, maintain, and grow within a job. Career readiness is important because it… learn more

Build the Skills for Personal and Professional Success
A career and technology based education will help your child to be more than just an average student. Career and technology education can give your child what’s needed… learn more

35 Awesome Career-Readiness Activities That Teach Soft Skills
Set kids up with the skills they’ll need to succeed in the workplace. Soft skills are those characteristics that help you function as an individual (motivation, self-confidence, flexibility)… learn more

Common Job Skills That You Should Master [Infographic]
Being smart and skilled in a specific industry isn’t enough to make someone succeed in life. Aside from having remarkable abilities, there are general job skills that might… learn more

There are eight career readiness competencies, as outlined by NACE, each of which can be demonstrated in a variety of ways. Career and Self-Development Communication Critical Thinking Equity and… learn more

What Is Career Readiness and Why Is It Important?
Career readiness is the process of preparing students of any age with the essential skills they need to find, acquire, maintain, and grow within a job. Citation: Popovich,… learn more

5 steps to strengthening a career readiness culture
Embracing a culture of career readiness is evolving across the education sector at a record pace. The individual approach of being college-ready or career-ready is no longer the… learn more

Career readiness is a foundation from which to demonstrate requisite core competencies that broadly prepare the college-educated for success in the workplace and lifelong career management. For new… learn more

Explore Career Paths in Local Industries
Identify potential careers and prepare to conduct an informational interview using Google Docs. learn more

Overview of Career Readiness Competencies
8 skills of career readiness needed to be successful in the work world. learn more