Virtual Libraries

Comprehensive resources ...


New York Public Library

Some of the famous collections at the New York Public Library have been placed online, including Small-Town America Stereoscopic views from the Robert Dennis Collection.  learn more

How To Use Lit2Go Audiobooks in Your Classroom

FCIT’s Lit2Go audiobook website contains an amazing number of books and passages at all reading levels. The variety of recordings and the possibilities for using them can be a…  learn more

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International Children's Digital Library

A Library for the World's Children. The ICDL Foundation promotes tolerance and respect for diverse cultures by providing access to the best of children's literature from around the…  learn more

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Digital Public Library of America

The Digital Public Library of America empowers people to learn, grow, and contribute to a diverse and better-functioning society by maximizing access to our shared history, culture, and…  learn more

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WorldCat is the world’s largest library catalog, helping you find library materials online. Get started with In about two minutes, you can learn how to make a…  learn more

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Utah's Online School Library

Utah's Online School Library is a virtual library designed for Utah K-12 students and teachers. This public service resource is available at no charge to our users. It's…  learn more

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Ms. M's Free Resources

The Ultimate Ms. M Library! A compilation of ALL my libraries organized with a Table of Contents. 186 slides of more than 4,100 books and nearly 300 drawing…  learn more

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Storyline Online Library

Reading aloud to children has been shown to improve reading, writing and communication skills, logical thinking and concentration, and general academic aptitude, as well as inspire a lifelong…  learn more

The Huntington Collections

Explore lessons generated by teachers, for teachers and inspired by The Huntington's collections. The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens shares its world-renowned collections to support scholarship,…  learn more

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K12 LibreTexts

Welcome to the K12 Library. This Living Library is a principal hub of the LibreTexts project, which is a multi-institutional collaborative venture to develop the next generation of…  learn more

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I Love Libraries

The American Library Association found out the following when doing a focus group with kids: The children told us they believe more kids would use public libraries if…  learn more

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WatchKnowLearn: Free Educational Videos for K-12 Students

The Vision behind WatchKnowLearn is simple: To provide a world-class, online domain on which educators can store, categorize, and rate the best, K – 12 educational videos on…  learn more

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Virtual Library

Virtual Library is a curation of free educational resources and tools to assist students, educators, parents and the community. Library Vision Statement:  to create a vibrant and dynamic…  learn more

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University of Alberta

A collection of concept papers, such as the advantages and disadvantages of desktop videoconferencing in a library setting, was prepared by advanced library students at the University of…  learn more

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InfoPeople at Berkeley

Based in California, Infopeople provides continuing education and professional development opportunities to library staff in and outside the state of California. Training formats include 2-6 week asynchronous online…  learn more

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Designed especially for K12 students, ProQuest has amassed magazines and other print media. The service is not free, but, as the costs of acquiring and maintaining these resources…  learn more

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LibriVox is a non-commercial, non-profit and ad-free project with over 24,000 free audiobooks placed in the public domain. It is powered by volunteers that record new content and…  learn more

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Classic Books

The Library of Congress has piblished a number of classic books of interest, broken out by age range. Titles include... Cinderella Jungle Tales of Tarzan The Arabian Nights…  learn more

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A Virtual Middle School Library

Here's another an example of a very simple library page. Check with your school or district's webmaster about creating web page(s) for your school's library.  learn more