Graphic Organizers


Free Online Mind Mapping

A free and simple web-based open-source tool, great for creating shareable, exportable mind maps and brainstorms. Create, Share, Collaborate, View your mind maps ! What's a mind map? A…  learn more

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Quickly Create Concept Maps With MyMap

MyMap's mindmap generator quickly creates concept maps for any topic of your choosing. Richard Byrne Dec 19, 2023  learn more

25 FREE Google Drawings graphic organizers — and how to make your own

Using Google Drawings to create graphic organizers can help students gather their thoughts and customize to their needs. Sometimes, we just need some help organizing our thoughts —…  learn more

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Thanksgiving Multipurpose Graphic Organizer

Bring some holiday fun into your classroom with this multipurpose graphic organizer and coloring page for Thanksgiving. Students can use the body of the turkey as a Venn…  learn more

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Teach Britinnace: Graphic Organizers

Teach Britannica embraces five powerful principles in instructional design. We craft resources that offer Digital and Nondigital Choice for Flexibility, Student-Centered Learning approaches for engagement, Evidence-Based Practices for effectiveness, Professional Growth support for educators, and Inclusive…  learn more

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KWL Chart (Version 1)

Organize students' knowledge of a topic with a KWL chart. Track what students Know, what they Want to know, and what they have Learned with this customizable graphic…  learn more

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Concept Maps: A Powerful Meaning-Making Tool

Concept maps are powerful tools for supporting the meaning-making process because they help students visually organize and connect information. Let’s explore the specific benefits of using concept maps…  learn more

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Language Arts Graphic Organizers

Graphic organizers are a simple yet super effective tools for making a picture into a well drawn out thought. They can greatly help a struggling student make better…  learn more

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Graphic Organizer Maker

Make customized graphic organizer worksheets to use in your classroom. Choose from concept maps, KWHL charts, Venn diagrams, timelines, cycles, and more.  learn more

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Story Map Graphic Organizers: How To Use Them + Free Printable

A story map is a graphic organizer with space for students to record information from a story. They may record the beginning, middle, and end of what happens…  learn more

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Story Sequence

This organizer will assist students in ordering the events of a story and understanding the concepts of beginning, middle, and end. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF…  learn more

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Story Web

This web is a helpful tool for brainstorming. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs by typing in the highlighted fields before printing.  learn more

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Event Map

Organizing the who, what, where, when, why, and how of an event is the goal of this graphic organizer. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your…  learn more

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Graphic Organizers 101: Why and How To Use Them

Even if you’ve never heard of graphic organizers, chances are good you’ve been using them in one form or another all your life. That pros and cons list…  learn more

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Free Venn Diagram Template Bundle

A Venn diagram (originally created by John Venn, English logician) is a way to represent and organize sets using overlapping circles. Where the circles overlap indicates how two or…  learn more

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The Handy 5 Ws and 1 H

Use this graphic organizer in the shape of a hand to detail who, what, when, where, why, and how. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your…  learn more

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Steps in a Process

Use this graphic organizer to describe and order the steps in a process. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs by typing in the…  learn more

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Title, Character, Problem

Use this graphic organizer to create all the elements of a story or write about a book. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs…  learn more

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Main Idea and Supporting Details Web

An essential tool for language arts classes! This graphic organizer will help students identify the main idea of a story and the details that support it. This printable…  learn more

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Cause and Effect Graphic Organizer

An essential graphic organizer for all ELA classes! Students are asked to identify cause and effect of a story with this graphic organizer. This printable is customizable. Tailor…  learn more

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Title and Story Map

Students review a story by filling in the title and a problem in this graphic organizer. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs by…  learn more

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PBS KIDS Graphic Organizers

Explore the collections on PBS LearningMedia and leverage these graphic organizers with your students.  learn more

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Story Map Graphic Organizer

Using a story map helps children to identify key elements in a story such as characters or events. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching…  learn more

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Practical KWL Chart Examples for Teachers

KWL is a simple yet powerful tool used to guide learning and foster comprehension. It’s an acronym that stands for three steps in the learning process: K –…  learn more

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Place-Value Charts: Tens and Ones

This place-value chart enables students to practice various arithmetic skills. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs by typing in the highlighted fields before…  learn more

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Sequencing Graphic Organizer

Your child can use this graphic organizer to identify the sequence of events in a story or a sequential task. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to…  learn more

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If you are a reader like me, you can read a few pages of a book, pause for a second, and come to the realization that you can’t…  learn more

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Research Paper Graphic Organizer

Help students to plan and prepare their research paper with this graphic organizer template. This printable research graphic organizer is designed to help students synthesize their sources and…  learn more

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Citing My Sources Graphic Organizer

Students can use this graphic organizer to keep track of their research. This will set them up for success as they work on their bibliography. There are places…  learn more

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TeacherVision: Making Connections

Help students plan a research assignment with this graphic organizer. Students chose a topic to explore, list what they already know, and document what they will learn. This printable…  learn more

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TeacherVision: Concept Map

Visually organize thoughts with this concept map. This type of map can be used in any content area when trying to brainstorm about a topic or concept. What's…  learn more

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TeacherVision: Cause-and-Effect Diagram

Explore cause-and-effect with your students by organizing these items on a printable chart. This graphic organizer is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your needs by typing in the…  learn more

Five-Sentence Paragraph

Use this picture organizer of a hand outline to teach your students how to write and organize 5-sentence paragraphs. Makes a great introductory lesson to writing or a…  learn more

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KWL Chart (Version 2)

This KWL Chart will help students organize what they know, want to know, and will learn by following a lesson. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching…  learn more

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TeacherVision: Central Issue

Graphic Organizer. Students determine the similarities and differences of central issues in a story with this chart. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs…  learn more

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Double Venn Diagram, Version 1

Use this two part Venn diagram to identify differences and similarities. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs by typing in the highlighted fields…  learn more

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TeacherVision: Five Elements of a Plot

Five elements of a story's plot (introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution) provide the structure for this graphic organizer. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF…  learn more

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Best Graphic Organizers for Education

There graphic organizer tools and apps make it easy to create beautiful and productive projects. Graphic organizers, including mind maps, Venn diagrams, infographics, and other tools, allow teachers…  learn more

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What’s A KWHLAQ Chart? Like A KWL Chart But Better

A KWHL chart is a variation of a KWL chart that adds ‘How’ to the learning process. In this way, students have to brainstorm, speculate, or otherwise identify…  learn more

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There are lots of reasons to use graphic organizers with your students. Graphic organizers can help students visualize information and organize their thoughts and ideas. This visual representation can…  learn more

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Book Creator transforms Graphic Organizers with multimedia and accessibility

We’re super excited to announce that Book Creator now comes with over 100 teacher-created, professionally designed graphic organizers, enabling your students to make use of all our multimedia…  learn more

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Causal Chains

Students visualize sequences in cause and effect with this graphic organizer. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs by typing in the highlighted fields…  learn more

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To include flowcharts, graphs and other visual representations use It is free, open source software that can be used on-line (or downloaded onto your computer). It can…  learn more

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Figma for Education

Figma connects everyone in the design process so teams can deliver better products, faster. Figma is free for students and educators.   Online mind mapping template Figma’s tools are easy…  learn more

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Graphic Organizers

Graphic organizers can really help students understand complex topics very quickly. They are a great tool that all teachers should be using with their classes. It's often said…  learn more

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Free Graphic Organizers Templates

Help your students classify ideas and communicate more effectively with these free graphic organizer templates, available for download. They can be used to structure writing projects and help…  learn more

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Graphic Organizers for Education

Here are over fifty of the free K-12 graphic organizers which are available to print on this site. (Browsing through specific content pages, you'll find even more.) There…  learn more