February is Black History Month. Many web sites have been created to help convey information on the contributions and experiences of African Americans to the classroom.
Black History

50 Powerful Pictures From Black History That Speak For Themselves
BuzzFeed News has assembled 50 high resolution images showing Black History in America from before the Civil War to the present. Highly recommended. learn more

A Quest for Full Citizenship
The African American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship showcases the African American collections of the Library of Congress, with more than 240 items, including books, government documents,… learn more

iCivics: Black History Month
Black history is American history. Black History Month in February provides an opportunity to discuss and reflect on the role Black Americans have played in shaping the United… learn more

Black History Month in the Classroom
The history of people of African descent in the U.S. is American history, and Black History Month offers the opportunity to dig deeper. Each February gives us a… learn more

Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives
Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives contains more than 2,300 first-person accounts of slavery and 500 black-and-white photographs of former slaves. These narratives were collected in the 1930s as… learn more

Black History Month Activities & Resources
February Is Black History Month. Understand, acknowledge, and appreciate the influential contributions and experiences of key African American figures throughout the history of the United States. learn more

Black History Month Reading List – 30 Titles for Grades K-12
Black History Month gives you a chance to highlight some of the most celebrated African-American authors and their literary achievements. While some of their works highlight the rich… learn more

Ten Black Scientists that Science Teachers Should Know About
Helping your students see the possibilities of careers in STEM fields means providing them with diverse role models. Black History Month provides teachers with an opportunity to feature… learn more
60+ Black History Videos Everyone Should Watch
The past several years have certainly been unprecedented ones—a pandemic, civil unrest, political turmoil, and more. Through it all, racial injustice has taken center stage. At times, we’ve… learn more

Kids Discover: Honor Black History Month
Celebrate Black History Month with meaningful lessons that inspire and educate! Kids Discover invites you to explore the stories of perseverance, progress, and empowerment that define African American… learn more

NASA: The Color of Space | The Series – Black Women Astronauts
Explore the inspiring journeys of female astronauts at NASA, from contemporary figures like Jessica Watkins and Jeanette Epps to trailblazers like retired astronaut Joan Higginbotham and SpaceX commercial… learn more

49 Powerful Black History Month Poems for Kids of All Ages (Plus Free Printable)
Black history is American history, so it should be recognized every day. That said, every February, we have an opportunity to educate our students about the important events… learn more

40 Black History Month Activities for February and Beyond
Black history is American history and needs to be embedded into your classroom experiences year-round. At the same time, Black History Month provides the necessary opportunity to dig… learn more

PBS Learning Media: Black Soldiers in the Revolutionary War | Interactive Image
In this interactive image, students view four paintings and drawings, with accompanying commentary, to learn about Black soldiers in the Revolutionary War, including the 1st Rhode Island Regiment,… learn more

PBS Learning Media: Maggie Lena Walker: Black Entrepreneur | Making Black America
Learn about Maggie Lena Walker in this clip from MAKING BLACK AMERICA. Walker was an African American businesswoman, and in 1903 she became both the first African American… learn more

Free Printable Science Posters To Celebrate Black History All Year Long
Honor Black history all year long with this set of printable Black scientist posters. How can I use the posters? Hang the posters on your walls to brighten… learn more

Black History Lesson Plans and Resources
Teaching about Black History is an essential and important part of any history curriculum and an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the contributions and accomplishments of Black people… learn more

Free Resources for the Elementary Classroom
Black History Month provides a wonderful opportunity for educators to teach their students about the pivotal role black Americans have played in U.S. history, and to help students… learn more

Learn More About 35 Scientists for Black History Month
February is Black History Month. Learn more about some of the many African American scientists and engineers who have made important contributions to science history. By Amy Cowen on January 20,… learn more

African American History Month – Teacher Resources
The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial… learn more

Lesson Plan: Key Events of the Civil Rights Movement
The Civil Rights Movement was the struggle for equal rights and freedom for African Americans in the United States. It was accomplished through a series of protests, social… learn more

Black History Month for Kids: Google Slides, Resources, and More
Use this month to celebrate and honor Black history, culture, and people. February 1 marks the beginning of Black History Month in the United States. Learn more about… learn more

Best Lessons and Activities for Teaching Black History Month
The following are some of the best lessons and activities for teaching Black history. learn more

PBS LearningMedia: Celebrating Black History & Culture
This collection is curated to showcase Black excellence through contributions, achievements, and ideas across subjects and eras. These resources aim to inspire educators to intentionally include Black stories… learn more

Celebrate Black Art and Artists for Black History Month
Witness the enduring mark Black artists have made on American art through more than two centuries of Black art in our collection — from 19th century painters Joshua Johnson and Robert Seldon… learn more

February is Black History Month. As a former elementary school teacher, it was always very helpful to me to have a list to sift through to find just… learn more

Black History Month Choice Board for Middle School
Help your students understand why Black History Month is celebrated with these student choice activities for middle school students. They are perfect for researching famous Black Americans while reinforcing why… learn more

Black History Month Lessons & Resources
Bring African-American culture & history into your curriculum. Throughout the month of February, we come together to celebrate Black heritage, tradition, and achievement. learn more

Black History Facts & Worksheets
This comprehensive guide to your study of Black History is an incredible addition to any social studies class during Black History Month, or at any time throughout the… learn more

A Conversation With My Black Son
Ask almost any minority parent and they'll tell you the hardest thing was giving their children "The Talk", not about the birds and the bees, but about what… learn more

Celebrating Black History & Culture
This collection is curated to showcase Black excellence through contributions, achievements, and ideas across subjects and eras. These resources aim to inspire educators to intentionally include Black stories… learn more

Celebrate African-American Heritage & Culture
Enhance understanding with a teaching guide that offers books about African-American history and culture appropriate for all reading levels. This is useful resource for celebrating Martin Luther King… learn more

Black History Month Profiles: Great African American Poets from Across the Generations
This collection of poems from three highly regarded and important African American poets focuses on groundbreaking poems with the themes of diversity, inclusion, and racial equality. Includes biographies… learn more

Black History Facts
Black History Month honors the contributions of African Americans to U.S. history. It became a month-long celebration in 1976. learn more

Black History Figures, Events, Pictures & Videos
Each year in the United States, February is dedicated as Black History Month. What began as the grassroots effort of African-American historian Carter G. Woodson has grown into… learn more

Oh Freedom! Teaching Art and the Civil Rights Movement
Oh Freedom! is an interdisciplinary resource from the Smithsonian's American Art Museum. It helps K–12 teachers and students discover the history, influence, and legacy of the Civil Rights… learn more

Patchwork of African-American Life
Patchwork indexes a number of other resources including treasure hunts, webquests, sample activities and more. learn more

The Freedom School
In the summer of 1964, over forty Freedom Schools opened in Mississippi. These schools were part of Freedom Summer, a project of the Southern Civil Rights Movement, with… learn more

Vintage Photos Of Black History Being Made In America
NewsOne has also assembled a collection if Black History month resources. Some of the pictures on this page are a hard to see, and should probably be limited… learn more