
Learning A-Z: All About Pumkins
From Thanksgiving pie to pumpkin spice lattes to Halloween jack-o’-lanterns, the pumpkin is an American classic. Few (if any) foods boast deeper American roots than these beloved round… learn more

Pumpkin Populations & Limiting Factors
Are you looking to help your AP Environmental Science students understand exponential growth, k vs r strategists, and limiting factors? Look no further. This activity is the perfect… learn more

Best Pumpkin Math Activities for Grades K–3
What’s round and orange and helps you teach math? Pumpkins! Fall is in the air, and you know what that means: a trip to the pumpkin patch! Take… learn more

100 Educational Pumpkin Activities
It’s fall and that means it’s time for… pumpkin everything. Pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin bread, visiting the pumpkin patch, carving pumpkins, you know the drill. Since pumpkins are… learn more

Pumpkins are commonly grown for human consumption, for decoration, and also for livestock feed. Pumpkin, fruit of certain varieties of squash—such as varieties of Cucurbita pepo, C. moschata, and C.… learn more