Inventors & Inventions

Benjamin Franklin Resources
The Franklin Institute site is a creative pacesetter for student exhibits. If you want to help students design their own exhibits, check out this museum. Dive deeper into… learn more

The Wright Brothers: First in Flight
Leo and Layla learn about teamwork and cooperation from a pair of high-flying siblings. They learn how the Wright brothers worked together. learn more

30 Famous Inventors Everyone Should Know
From the printing press to the internet! Ask kids to name famous inventors, and you might get Thomas Edison or Henry Ford as a response. And while they… learn more

PBS Learning Media: NOVA: Secret Life of Scientists & Engineers
Wish more of your students saw science and engineering as career possibilities. These resources can help. The Secret Life of Scientists & Engineers is an Emmy-nominated web series from… learn more

Inventors of the Industrial Revolution
TeachersFirst offers this classroom-ready unit on Inventors of the Industrial Revolution, written by Georgia social studies teacher Bill Burton and revised in 2007, in a format well-suited for… learn more

Inventors and Inventions Lessons, Printables, and More
Explore inventors and inventions with your students by using lessons and printables to discover a world of unlimited possibilities. There are plenty of hands-on science activities to encourage… learn more

Benjamin Franklin: PBS LearningMedia Teacher Resources
This two-part, four-hour documentary explores the revolutionary life of one of the 18th Century’s most consequential and compelling personalities, whose work and words unlocked the mystery of electricity… learn more

The Henry Ford Museum
Teach and inspire the most powerful resource on earth: the next generation. Ride through 300 years of American History. Unparalleled resources documenting the American experience of innovation, ingenuity,… learn more

Use Google Scholar to Learn About Inventors and Inventions
Google Scholar includes an option to find patent filings and read them online. Using that feature is a neat way to learn about inventions and inventors. Richard Byrne … learn more

Benjamin Franklin & Engineering for Good
In this three-part lesson, students will learn the science behind Benjamin Franklin’s famous kite experiment and how he proved lightning and electricity to be the same. Students will… learn more

The Wright Brothers
National Air & Space Museum. The invention of the airplane by Wilbur and Orville Wright is one of the great stories in American history. The Wright brothers’ invention… learn more

Enchanted Learning: Inventors and Inventions
A list of inventors and inventions categorized by type of invention, date, place of origin, and other interesting facts. learn more

Famous American Inventors (Top ten and their Inventions)
What is an invention? An invention is an original idea used to create something. This idea should solve a problem, satisfy need or better an already functioning idea.… learn more

Benjamin Franklin
(January 17, 1706 – April 17, 1790) was one a signer of the US Constitution of 1787, Declaration of Independence, and Paris Peace Commission. He was the first… learn more

Thomas Elva Edison
Thomas Alva Edison is one of the greatest inventors in history and was responsible for more inventions than any other inventor. He created the first research laboratory, which… learn more