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Science Lessons for Middle and High School

This collection of teaching resources spans a wide array of topics, from the fundamentals of biology and chemistry to the intricate studies of physics and earth sciences. Within…  learn more

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Top PhDs and world-class animators bring BioBuddy’s free biology models to life, empowering your students to understand complex concepts faster.  Study smarter, not harder, with free animated courses…  learn more

Project Noah Nature School

A global community of nature enthusiasts,  photographing and learning about wildlife.  learn about wildlife from experts in our community and your favorite wildlife spotters. The spirit of Project…  learn more

Cells Alive Glossary

The CELLS alive! website was provided free of charge. This version is provided free of charge as well. You are welcome to share it freely with others with the…  learn more

The Explorer's Guide to Biology

The mission of The Explorer’s Guide to Biology (XBio) is to create a free learning resource that emphasizes the wonders of life and the problem-solving nature of science.…  learn more

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PHOTOSYNTHESIS LAB: Floating Leaf Disks: AP Biology

This video is about photosynthesis and covers the AP Biology lab "What factors affect the rate of photosynthesis in living leaves". This lab is commonly called Floating Leaf…  learn more

TeachersFirst's Human Body Systems - Science Resources

This collection of resources will help you research information about human body systems. Read the descriptions to find out whether a site sounds right for what you want…  learn more

Science Classroom Teacher Resources: Biology

This site is designed to provide high school and middle school science teachers access to the materials and resources that I have collected during my 37 years of…  learn more

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MIT Biology Resources

Visit the BLOSSOMS Video Library anytime to browse and download lessons to use in your classroom. Every lesson is a complete resource that includes video segments, a teacher’s…  learn more

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Photosynthesis Lab Activity

Investigating the Relationship between Light Intensity and the Rate of Photosynthesis Lab Activity. Aquatic plants can be used to demonstrate oxygen evolution in the process of photosynthesis. In…  learn more

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Extinct, Endangered, and Threatened Animals Activity

Using reference materials, students will research the habitats of extinct, endangered, and threatened animals listed in this printable. Then they will write a report about efforts to save…  learn more

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Endangered Animal Species

Students evaluate changes in the numbers of endangered animal species in the U.S. between 1994 and 1996. Assesses students' understanding of the factors that cause extinction and the…  learn more

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Digital Teaching Boxes: Middle and High School Life Science Resources

The Teacher Institute has supported middle and high school science teachers in assembling “teaching boxes,” helping them to collect lessons, activities, assessments, and inexpensive supplies for a specific science unit…  learn more

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Here you'll find a wealth of resources and information aimed at helping educators bring genetics, bioscience and health alive in the classroom. A companion to the popular Learn.Genetics website, Teach.Genetics…  learn more

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BioMan Biology: Scientific Methods

Scientific methods are the techniques and tools scientists use to learn about the world!  Learn about questions, hypotheses, variables, theories, laws and much more by playing video games…  learn more

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YouTube: BioMan Biology

BioMan Biology has videos and animations to help you learn biology in a fun way! This YouTube channel is an extension of the BioMan Biology learning games and…  learn more

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Texas Parks and Wildlife: Snakes

Snake!  Just say the word and for a lot of people, shivers go up and down their spine. Snakes have been objects of fascination or fear and suspicion…  learn more

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The Franklin Museum: Neuroscience & Society Curriculum

What does it mean to be human? How might emerging brain science change the answer? The applications of neuroscience have far-reaching implications for our self-identity, health, relationships, and…  learn more

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How do schools of fish swim in harmony?

How do schools of fish swim in harmony? How do the tiny cells in your brain give rise to the complex thoughts, memories, and consciousness that are you?…  learn more

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The mathematics of fish schools and flocks of humans

This non-technical article looks at Professor Ian Couzin's work on how a group of individuals make decisions about how to move and where to go all at once?…  learn more

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70 Best High School Science Fair Projects in Every Subject

The cool thing about high school science fair projects is that kids are old enough to tackle some pretty amazing concepts. Some science experiments for high school are…  learn more

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Surviving Winter: Animal Adaptation Strategies | Mountain Lake Journal

Join naturalist Mark Fraser on a nature walk to see how the animals of the Adirondack Park in upstate New York prepare for the tough winter ahead and…  learn more

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5 Free Photosynthesis Worksheets for Middle and High School

Teaching photosynthesis this year? You’re in the right place! Five fantastic photosynthesis worksheets are ready to help your students learn and review this essential topic. There are activities…  learn more

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Top Strategies for Teaching Anatomy and Physiology

Find top strategies for teaching anatomy and physiology to bring it alive in the classroom with resources that will draw students in, hold their interest, and maximize their…  learn more

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Best Science Websites for Middle and High School

Science is exciting. Unfortunately, students can find the lessons a little dry. Whether you’re in the classroom or teaching online, finding the right resources can bring these complex…  learn more

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Cells Alive

CELLS alive! represents 30 years of capturing film and computer-enhanced images of living cells and organisms for education and medical research. The majority of the site is free of…  learn more

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Science Museum of Minnesota

Through education, in-person experiences, online learning, and everything in between, the Science Museum of Minnesota is dedicated to collaborating with our community to create a world where everyone has the…  learn more

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The Biology Corner: Resources for Teachers

Biology is the study of living organisms, from the smallest bacteria to giant sequoias.  Biologists use observation and experimentation to gain an understanding about the natural world.  Branches…  learn more

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Science News Learning: Classroom Resources for Teachers

Explore major advances across the sciences that have transformed our understanding of the world and our universe, and our lives. Search our rich collection of reading and data…  learn more

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Seterra Anatomy Science Quizzes

Welcome to our free science quizzes! Here, you can learn more about the human body, and also about plant cells and animal cells. We also have a large…  learn more

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iTeachly Biology Archives

Below are some of our Free Biology Lessons, Labs, and Activities for you to use with your classes. These are full of resources to help you do different…  learn more

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Science Kids: Lesson Plans

Enjoy a wide range of fun science lesson plans featuring educational activities for kids, ideas for teachers, free online resources and more to help bring interactive, hands on…  learn more

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Biomes of the World in VR

Learning about the world’s biomes should be fun. It should get you into the places and become immersive. If you have access to a smartphone or a VR…  learn more

Biology - Science Videos and Info

Untamed Science If you are teaching biology, then you have come to the right place to find science videos and short articles that explain science in a fun and entertaining…  learn more

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FlinnScientific Channel

FlinnScientific has created a channel on YouTube devoted to explaining complex science topics, walking you through experiments, and anything else related to biology, chemistry, physics and life sciences.  learn more

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BioInteractive, from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, provides high quality multimedia resources, including apps, animations, videos, interactives, and virtual labs, to bring the excitement of scientific discovery into…  learn more