Comprehensive resources ...

Hundreds of lessons designed for middle school, high school and college chemistry, organic chemistry ,and biochemistry. We also have additional resources for students to learn more about elements,… learn more

Chemistry Shorts
Short films about chemistry. The Chemistry Shorts® series shows the vital role the chemical sciences play in the biggest issues facing the world. Each film is accompanied by a… learn more

Science Classroom Teacher Resources: Chemistry
This site is designed to provide high school and middle school science teachers access to the materials and resources that I have collected during my 37 years of… learn more

The Periodic Table of Videos
Tables charting the chemical elements have been around since the 19th century - but this modern version has a short video about each one. We've done all 118… learn more

YouTube: Periodic Videos
ultimate channel for all things chemistry. A video about each element on the periodic table. And we upload new videos every week about science news, interesting molecules and… learn more

21 Fascinating Periodic Table Activities for Chemistry Students of All Ages
The periodic table of elements is key to understanding and mastering chemistry concepts. These periodic table activities are fun and engaging, and you can use many of them… learn more

70 Best High School Science Fair Projects in Every Subject
The cool thing about high school science fair projects is that kids are old enough to tackle some pretty amazing concepts. Some science experiments for high school are… learn more

Help Teaching: Online Self-Paced Chemistry Lessons
Learn about matter, from organization to reactions, with this collection of online chemistry lessons. The lessons for middle/high school students are meant for self-directed online learning. Many of… learn more

Because Learning!
How far can STEM go? An educational experience is more than just what happens in the classroom. Let’s follow our curiosity and keep exploring together. learn more

Chemistry Corner Community
Everything is included! No need to purchase separate bundles. This is the complete curriculum! Lessons, quizzes, labs, doodle notes, task cards, games and activities, unit study guides and… learn more

Best Science Websites for Middle and High School
Science is exciting. Unfortunately, students can find the lessons a little dry. Whether you’re in the classroom or teaching online, finding the right resources can bring these complex… learn more

Chemistry Corner: Lessons, Support & Community
EVERY LESSON FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR. Grab the “done-for-you” year curriculum and join our community of teachers who are there to support and share ideas! When you JOIN… learn more

Elements and the Periodic Table
iTeachly. This site was created by a Licensed 7-12 Teacher in 2017, and it has now grown into a community of thousands of Teachers sharing lesson plans, resources,… learn more

In case you missed the history of the periodic table, it took almost a century to organize. Several scientists spent their lives working on this table. The periodic… learn more

Seterra Anatomy Science Quizzes
Welcome to our free science quizzes! Here, you can learn more about the human body, and also about plant cells and animal cells. We also have a large… learn more

Science Kids: Lesson Plans
Enjoy a wide range of fun science lesson plans featuring educational activities for kids, ideas for teachers, free online resources and more to help bring interactive, hands on… learn more

Periodic Table and the Elements
Learn about the chemical and physical properties of the elements with these periodic table resources. learn more

Periodic Table of Elements
Many of the elements from the periodic table we know today were originally discovered by the early chemists who worked to purify ores. In doing this, they realized… learn more

Chemix - Draw Lab Diagrams
Chemix is an online editor for drawing science lab diagrams and school experiments in Chemistry, Biology and Physics. The app provides easy sketching for both students and teachers. learn more