Chemistry Resources

In former decades teachers were reluctant to commit to a multi-disciplinary approach to concept learning, because the students might raise questions beyond their expertise. These resources provide tools for multi-disciplinary learning, relating chemistry to “the rest of the world”.

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Printable Periodic Table: Free Worksheet Bundle

The periodic table lays the foundation for a student’s understanding of chemistry and physical science. Use the worksheets in this printable periodic table bundle to guide students through…  learn more

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Blue Coral's Periodic Table

An interactive guide to all 118 elements – and designed to work on all sizes of screens from desktops to phones. Swipe and tap your way across the…  learn more

Science Matters: Role-Playing Games for Students

The Science History Institute has created role-playing games designed to enhance the classroom experience for high school chemistry students and teachers. The games can also be implemented in…  learn more

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ChemTeam, a site created for high school students, includes tutorials and worksheets (e.g., atomic structure) and, almost best of all, humor and history.  learn more

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What the Nose Knows

The challenge is to design a distinctive, carefully considered smell or fragrance.  learn more

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Accidental Discoveries That Changed The World

Throughout the history of science, many major discoveries came accidentally. Sometimes they came from recognizing potential in an unexpected product or waste. Other times, discovery came out of…  learn more

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American Chemical Society Educational Resources

The American Chemical Society provides a wide range of resources for educators and students, including Adventures in Chemistry for younger students, and a club, magazine & Olympiad for…  learn more

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Choreography for chemistry

The article in EDUTOPIA describes choreographical designs for understanding concepts in chemistry like valence.  learn more

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Cooking and Chemistry

Cooking is a true experience in chemistry. One of the many resources from the Exploratorium in San Francisco.  learn more

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Lab Cleanup in 15 Minutes a Day

Like most high school chemistry teachers, you have probably inherited someone else's laboratory and prep room – and be promptly overwhelmed. What does that label say? Should I…  learn more

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Polymer Science Learning Center

Information on the topic of polymers (like "Why does shrink wrap plastic shrink?") can be found at the Polymer Science Learning Center site.  learn more

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Science History Institute's Digital Collections

The Science History Institute has a great resource site with everything from artifacts, photographs, advertisements, letters, rare books, oral histories, and more. Check out the section on Alchemy.  learn more

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The Atoms Family

The Atoms Family is a song about atoms based on the Adams Family theme song. It's a fun way to focus younger student's interest. You can find different…  learn more

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The Molecularium Project

The Molecularium Project has created a number of ground breaking projects to encourage exploration and understanding of the molecular nature of the world around them. NanoSpace is a…  learn more

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The Science Spot Chemistry Lesson Plans

An index of lesson plans, including many for younger students. Topics include: The Atoms Family (see the video on this page), the Christmas Cookie Mystery, Element Trading Cards,…  learn more

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What's That Stuff?

What Stuff offers the chemical composition of lipstick, tanning potions,cheese whiz, baseballs, chocolate--all intended to motivate students.  learn more