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PBS LearningMedia: Calculating Pi with Darts | Physics Girl
Pi can be calculated using a random sample of darts thrown at a square and circle target. The problem with this method lies in attempting to throw "randomly."… learn more

PBS LearningMedia: Five Physics Experiments for the Holidays | Physics Girl
These five holiday-themed physics experiments will keep you and your family busy with science during the winter holidays! All experiments involve materials found around the house. Parental supervision… learn more

Algodoo is a unique 2D simulation software. Algodoo is designed in a playful, cartoony manner, making it a perfect tool for creating interactive scenes, and encouraging your students'… learn more News & Articles on Science & Technology
Science X provides thorough daily coverage of the full sweep of science, technology and medical news. We are dedicated to our readers: scientists, researchers, engineers, tech enthusiasts, academics and… learn more

School Physics
Schoolphysics online is freely available to all. This is an invaluable resource base for all 11 to 19 year old Physics students and their teachers. learn more

Guide to Reliving the Wright Way
In the spirit of the Wright Brothers, NASA is using aeronautics technology to provide access to space. These fundamentals and lessons will help you understand their journey of… learn more

70 Best High School Science Fair Projects in Every Subject
The cool thing about high school science fair projects is that kids are old enough to tackle some pretty amazing concepts. Some science experiments for high school are… learn more

PBS: Physics Girl
Discover the immersive, perplexing, and hands-on side of physical science with Dianna Cowern, host of Physics Girl. In this series from PBS Digital Studios, Dianna shows us how… learn more

Physics Today
Physics Today, the flagship publication of the American Institute of Physics, is the most influential and closely followed physics magazine in the world. The mission of Physics Today is… learn more

Because Learning!
How far can STEM go? An educational experience is more than just what happens in the classroom. Let’s follow our curiosity and keep exploring together. learn more

Help Teaching: Printable Physics Worksheets, Tests, and Activities
Try physics tests on motion, energy, and forces. Take a quiz to test your knowledge of electrical circuits using schematic symbols. learn more

Learn Physics Through Beautifully Illustrated Fairy Tales
Learn physics the fun way – through beautifully illustrated fairy tales! In Newton’s Laws: A Fairy Tale, you’ll read about young Kip, whose only inheritance from his father is… learn more

The Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom is an online, free to use physics website developed primarily for beginning physics students and their teachers. The website features a variety of sections intended… learn more