Commanding Heights
Commanding Heights, a PBS series about the future of the world economy, has been webified so that the 150 interview with major world leaders has been segmented for … learn more
Free PreK-12 lesson plans, activities, and resources
Commanding Heights, a PBS series about the future of the world economy, has been webified so that the 150 interview with major world leaders has been segmented for … learn more
In December of 2012, Nebraska adopted state social studies standards requiring districts to incorporate economics instructions for K-12. Resources for Teaching Economics & Personal Finance in Nebraska. The … learn more
Washington State Council for the Social Studies provides a number of links to history and social studies units.
NCSS is the umbrella professional organization for social studies teachers, including all the academic disciplines associated with history and social science. The site has been re-designed to include … learn more
Growing voters is a hotlist of vetted websites for knowledge about the electoral process. The activities are activity-centered, such as creating a candidate’s vote-for-me pamphlet and interviewing candidates.
At XPLORA – the European gateway to science education – you can find educational resources, school projects, teacher explaining their pedagogical projects, approaches and methodologies, eCourses and more.
NESTA’s purpose is the advancement, stimulation, extension, improvement, and coordination of Earth Science education at all educational levels. NESTA is an organization made up of and governed by … learn more
Physical & Health Education America is the New York Times of the physical education field. Few aspects of health and physical education have been overlooked.
Additional resources from the CDC can be found here. Everything from Adolescent Health and Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance to Multimedia Tools and Success Stories. Special needs factsheets can … learn more
The Bread Loaf Rural Teacher Network is a national organization of teachers sponsored by Middlebury College’s Bread Loaf School of English and is dedicated to foster fundamental improvement … learn more
The Tulsa Regional STEM Alliance goal is to build pathways for students to access high-impact careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). As part of that mandate, … learn more
Frost Science is committed to providing exceptional educational experiences for both students and teachers. From inspiring field trips that encourage interest in STEM (science, technology, mathematics, and engineering) to unique teacher … learn more
The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) has a range of publications available on their web site, most available for free. AMTE is devoted to the improvement of … learn more
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is the premiere professional organization for math teachers. Their web site includes sections on classroom resources, standards, research and professional development.
With thousands of direct subscribers and participants, EDTECH plays an influential role in determining the future directions of the uses of technology in education for many universities and … learn more
Internet Scout Project is maintained by the National Science Foundation and includes lists of relevant conferences and innovative uses of the Internet, in addition to discussion of key … learn more
CoSN is a membership organization with a nominal fee in exchange for comprehensive services, including a new national conference (real and virtual).
The International Literacy Association (ILA) is a professional organization with a mission of connecting research and practice to continuously improve the quality of literacy instruction across the globe.
AFT has a wide range of resources and support for educators. Areas they tackle include bullying, Common Core, healthy & hunger-free students, workplace harassment, and student loan issues. … learn more
ASCD empowers educators to achieve excellence in learning, teaching, and leading so that every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. Read, Watch & Listen to Top … learn more
ASCD (formerly the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) is an educational leadership organization dedicated to advancing best practices and policies. They provide a wide variety of resources, … learn more
The AACE is a pioneering organization in Internet technology. They are an international, not-for-profit, educational organization with the mission of advancing Information Technology in Education and E-Learning research, … learn more
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) is a global organization promoting the responsible use of computer technology. Founded in 1981, CPSR educates policymakers and the public on a … learn more
The primary audience for the Internet Society is “internauts”. For computer technology specialists, in particular, some of their activities, posted on the site, are pertinent and easy to … learn more
Research tools for molecular biology are available at the CMS Molecular Biology Resource. Use iCell for understanding a larger unit that molecule.
GenScope Project, developed by Paul Horwitz, is an advanced tool which links stored data (such as animations) to software objects with their own properties in disconnected online databases. … learn more
The Biotechnology Institute, a non-profit, stirs interest in biotechnology and its potential for solving human health, food, and environmental problems, especially disease.
This online web adventure from Rice University encourages students use the scientific method and science process skills to investigate infectious disease outbreaks.
For those of us still using whiteboards, DJ Chuang surveys past and current applications that can transform a photo of a whiteboard, remove the glare and fix the … learn more
Explain Everything is a unique interactive screencasting whiteboard app for the Applie iPad. Allows you to record, share and view presentations around the world.
Charles Kelly created the Guidelines for Designing a Good Web Site for ESL Students. While some points are specifically aimed at ESL teachers, the suggestions can apply to … learn more
This June, 2013 Infoweek article takes a look at two different school systems, and what factors went into choosing the products they did.
Microsoft’s introductory page on their free Office for Education offering. Requires a school email address to get started. Scroll down past the Get Started form to learn more … learn more
There are a number of free and paid educator support add-ons. One that’s been highly rated is Hapara for G Suite. It provides an instructional management layer on … learn more
Josh Stumpenhorst, self described disruptor and 2012 Illinois Teacher of the Year, has put together a getting started video, answering a lot of questions educators may have about … learn more
Shares teacher’s experiences using Google Docs. An example, “I am having students use Google Documents to write their assignments and then share the document with me. I can … learn more
An introduction and links to the software, solutions, training, support, and other resources offered by Google.
Google Docs may not have all the features of other office suits, but does allow easy collaboration & sharing. This easy-to-follow video explains how that works and why … learn more
Apache is free, open source web server software used by the majority of web sites world wide (including This manual from gives you additional information on … learn more
Another option for getting your information onto the web is to run your own web server — personally or at the school or district level. While running your … learn more
While web site hosting can be purchased for just a few dollars a month, one of the best ways your students can learn how the Internet works is … learn more
Free Web Hosting is a directory list of free web hosting providers, with over 400 of the best free web space hosting sites with reviews, testimonials, and ratings, … learn more
The style manual at Yale has been adopted by many schools and universities. Topics include graphical displays and positioning of information. Just as teachers have shown students models … learn more
With over 700 tutorials, this site helps new and growing website developers learn their trade, and provides tips, guides and reference sets they can use as they become … learn more
Use W3 School’s HTML Tutorial as a starting point to understanding the hypertext markup language (HTML) used on the World Wide Web. The site can be used as … learn more
wikiHow has a good overview on the steps needed when creating a web site. It includes the initial steps of answering “What is the purpose of your web … learn more
Today, a large percentage of your visitors (50% +) are using mobile or tablet type devices to view your site. Make sure your site is mobile friendly. Not … learn more
What does Responsive Website Design mean? Is my website responsive? Why should I care? Here is a quick explanation from a web design company.
Jakob Nielsen has a list of the ten most egregious offenses against users. Make sure your site doesn’t have these problems.
Getting started with WordPress involves a couple of steps, but is easy and straightforward. Give it a shot, start simple, and see how it evolves.
WordPress supports RSS feeds “out of the box”. This article explains why that can be useful and how to access them on your WordPress site.
SiteGround is one of the many third party companies that will host your WordPress web site at low or no cost. The advantage of these companies is you … learn more
This book takes you step by step thru the process of setting up your WordPress site, choosing a theme (i.e., the layout and colors of your web site), … learn more
This blog article addresses many of the common questions and myths around WordPress. It explains how WordPress is easy to use, beautiful, scalable and why it’s free.
WordPress has two main web sites. The first is, which allows you to create your own WordPress web site for free using their servers. While there are … learn more
This blog entry takes a closer look at how some tech-savvy teachers are using to create educational experiences that seamlessly blend the traditional and virtual worlds.
We know of whole schools and school districts set up a multi-user version of WordPress and give every instructor their own web site, ready to go. Here is … learn more
WordPress is used for way more than “just blogs”. Edublogs lists 10 different ways WordPress is being used in schools, along with examples to trigger your own inspiration … learn more
The Library Journal claims that 100,000 librarians read the online version of their management journal for librarians. It includes both national and regional headlines.
The ALA’s international counterpart, the International Association of School Libraries, in contrast, contains information primarily of importance to its professional members, though a few links for online resources … learn more
The American Library Association (ALA) has opened its Web site. It serves an integrative function for some of these other sites and provides a calendar of events.
Designed especially for K12 students, ProQuest has amassed magazines and other print media. The service is not free, but, as the costs of acquiring and maintaining these resources … learn more
Here’s another an example of a very simple library page. Check with your school or district’s webmaster about creating web page(s) for your school’s library.
LibriVox is a non-commercial, non-profit and ad-free project with over 24,000 free audiobooks placed in the public domain. It is powered by volunteers that record new content and … learn more
The Library of Congress has piblished a number of classic books of interest, broken out by age range. Titles include… Cinderella Jungle Tales of Tarzan The Arabian Nights … learn more
A collection of concept papers, such as the advantages and disadvantages of desktop videoconferencing in a library setting, was prepared by advanced library students at the University of … learn more
Based in California, Infopeople provides continuing education and professional development opportunities to library staff in and outside the state of California. Training formats include 2-6 week asynchronous online … learn more
Over the years, thousands of students and volunteer library and information science professionals have been involved in answering reference questions. This site, hosted by Drexel University, organizes that … learn more
The mission of the Virtual Learning Resources Center is to index thousands of the best academic information websites, selected by teachers and library professionals worldwide, in order to … learn more
Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, part of the University of Melbourne in Australia, fosters the preservation, promotion and development of the heritage of Australian science, technology and … learn more
The Oakland University Library provides on-line access to a diverse set of articles and databases.
This site indexes 1,000’s of newspapers around the world that publish an on-line edition, broken out by location and language. Want to interest students in a particular place … learn more
OCLC is a nonprofit library cooperative providing research, programs and services that help libraries share the world’s knowledge and the work of organizing it.
The Library of Virginia provides a glimpse of the vast library resources, accumulated at universities, upon which older students will rely as they progress towards and in college.
The Library at the University of California, Berkeley contains some of the finest research collections in the United States. Library holdings include over 8 million print volumes, and … learn more
Throughout American history, teachers and parents have used objects–from colonial–era slates to modern electronic calculators–to help students master abstract mathematical concepts. These math teaching tools reflect society’s hopes … learn more
The Smithsonian Magazine is now online for your perusal. Check it out.
Check out over 100 on-line exhibits, covering a wide variety of subjects from Fantastic Worlds: Science and Fiction, 1780-1910 to Views from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera and … learn more
The Smithsonian Institution is the world’s largest museum, education, and research complex. We are a community of learning and an opener of doors. Join us on a voyage of discovery. Explore our vast … learn more
In addition to the Learning Lab, the Smithsonian has a very wide range of on-line resources, with everything from the National Postal Museum and the National Portrait Gallery … learn more
This archive was originally founded as the Archive of American Folk Song at the Library in 1928. Today the Archive includes over three million photographs, manuscripts, audio recordings, … learn more
Meeting of Frontiers is a project, originally funded by the United States Congress, devoted to the theme of the exploration and settlement of the American West, the parallel … learn more
Panoramic Photographs at the LOC will yield 4000 photographs of significant events and ordinary life from 1851-1991. We found the primary source photographs detailing California history fascinating.
Created by teachers for teachers, these ready-to-use materials provide easy ways to incorporate the Library’s unparalleled primary sources into instruction. Free primary-source-based professional development from the Library of … learn more
The Library of Congress maintains “miles” of references and showcases special exhibit of all types. You can start at their home page or explore some of the other … learn more
Nothing gets a student’s attention like money. Use the on-line resources here to take a virtual (or in person) tour of your nearest U.S. Mint. You can bring … learn more
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has created a special exhibit area at its Atlanta headquarters, opening its doors to the thousands of visitors who request … learn more
GovTrack follows the status of all bills in Congress from introduction to enactment. Read the text of bills and see how bills change through their life cycle. You … learn more
A companion to, this Library of Congress web site archives selected Congressional documents from the first 100 years of the U.S. Congress (1774-1875). Beginning with the Continental … learn more is the official website for U.S. federal legislative information. The site provides access to accurate, timely, and complete legislative information for Members of Congress, legislative agencies, and … learn more
The national library of Japan has a wide range of on-line resources, including digitized books and publications, historical recordings, an earthquake archive, and an online gallery.
The National Library of Canada has an extensive collection of images & ancestor records available on-line. This site is in both English and French, making it a nice … learn more
This page has links to national libraries for most countries, including a link to an English version, if available.
Some students will use Sketchnoting as a way to take notes during lectures. Others prefer to use it only when working alone or in small groups to organize … learn more
Kevin Thorn defines Sketchnoting as a “a form of Visual Writing by expressing ideas, concepts, and important thoughts in a meaningful flow by listening, processing, and transferring what … learn more
Carrie Baughcum is a Special Education Teacher and a “a passionate believer that all children can learn, we just need to find out how”. This beginners guide gives … learn more
Flow Charts Mind Mapping Sketchnotes Timelines Visual Note Taking Visual Thinking Skills
Claudine Delfin answers the question of why do visual note-taking – it enhances memory and improves understanding of the lessons. She then goes on to explain the basics … learn more
Doug Neill looks at how how you might weave sketchnoting in your curriculum: build it into the arc of your course. During the first half of the course, … learn more
Doug Neill takes a look at what is Sketchnoting, why it’s important, and how it’s not one-size-fits-all. He lists some of the skills to be developed, various forms … learn more