Claira’s First Flight

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This video shows the first flight of the final version of the MF-35 Thunder, designed and built by Claira, an 8th grade student. And it shows some of … learn more

FT STEM Introductory Video

Flite Test STEM is an educational program that helps students soar. Developed by Flite Test, a company specializing in the design and production of remote-controlled (RC) aircraft, the … learn more

NASA Student Launch Challenge

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NASA’s Student Launch is a researched-based, competitive, experiential exploration activity. It includes yearly challenges reaching a broad audience of middle and high schools, colleges and universities, and non-academic … learn more

National Association of Rocketry

The NAR provides educational resources and a list of nearby clubs. National Association of Rocketry is the oldest and largest sport rocketry organization in the world. Take advantage … learn more

Saturn V Vacuum Rocket Launcher

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This launcher project uses air or a lack thereof, not water or pyrotechnics, to launch the spacecraft. Uses a vacuum pump, acrylic cylinder and simple 3D printed parts. … learn more

The America Rocketry Challenge

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The Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC) is the world’s largest rocket contest, designed to encourage students to study science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Sponsored by the Aerospace … learn more

Rockets Educator Guide from NASA

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Few classroom topics generate as much excitement as rockets. The scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical foundations of rocketry provide exciting classroom opportunities for authentic hands-on, minds-on experimentation. The … learn more

Awesome Film Canister Rocket

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On of the easiest ways to build a rocket uses plastic 35mm film canisters and Alka-Seltzer. We saw these being demoed at a science day and everyone enjoyed … learn more

Autodesk Instructables

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A PROJECT FOR EVERY LESSON. Instructables is committed to helping teachers inspire, engage, and prepare students through hands-on projects to make in the classroom. Always free, and always … learn more

Starry Night

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The Starry Night software shows what the local sky will look like at 8pm on a given evening as well as patterns of movement of the constellations.

Once in a Blue Moon

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Once in a Blue Moon … is a common way of saying not very often, but what exactly is a Blue Moon? Learn the answer and more with … learn more

Earthsky Earthcare

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EarthSky Earthcare’s topics and resources are divided between today and tonight. Its main dissemination source is the radio. Earth & Sky started out as 2-minute broadcasts on radio … learn more

Akkana’s Astronomy Page

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Akkana Peck has compiled a wide range of astronomy resources, from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Moon and Galilean Moons of Jupiter (an interactive web page) to his … learn more

Your Weight on Other Worlds

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Ever wonder what you might weigh on Mars or The Moon? The Exploratorium has provided a chance to find out. Fill in your weight and see what you’d … learn more

The American Meteor Society

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The American Meteor Society has an excellent site about meteors and includes a calendar of upcoming meteor showers–capture your students’ dreams via just the naked eye.

Windows to the Universe

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Windows to the Universe, from the University of Michigan, just seems to grow more and more incredible each month. Astronomy is a hook to interdisciplinary resources in the … learn more

How Zero-gravity Flights Work

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How do they simulate weightlessness without escaping the gravitational pull of the Earth? To experience a free fall safely, an aircraft climbs at a steep angle, levels off, … learn more

Dog Goes Weightless

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Think you need a NASA sized budget to experience weightlessness? As you can see from this fun video, all you need is a personal airplane and the right … learn more

UEET Kid’s Pages

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No, UEET is not some strange South American bird. It’s NASA’s Ultra Efficient Engine Technology. These Kid’s Pages were developed by NASA during the Centennial of Flight Celebration … learn more

Bird’s eye view of flight

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For everyone who’s dreamed of flying like a bird, here’s what it would look like. Taken in the French Alps around Chamonix.

Make a Mini-Helicopter From Paper

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Students can make a mini helicopter using just paper and paper clips. This activity from the Exploratorium includes a template you an print out, full directions, “what’s going … learn more

Molecular Flipbook

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Molecular Flipbook is a free and open source platform for the scientific & education community. Molecular Flipbook features a much more accessible and simple user experience than most … learn more

Google’s Cardboard VR headset

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What can you do with some cardboard and misc. parts, plus your cell phone? How about a functional 3D viewer. Here’s how it works.

Cosmic Voyage

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From the IMAX movie Cosmic Voyage. It puts big and small into perspective and takes you on a voyage through the universe! Narrated by Morgan Freeman. A modern … learn more

Explore Learning

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Explore Learning, originally a dissertation project, allows students to visualize and alter parameters in topics such as mechanics and life sciences. Specific labs include mouse genetics, golf range … learn more

Cargo Bridge

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The student’s goal is to build a bridge so workers can retrieve cargo from the other side of the valley. An interactive game that teaches physics, planning and … learn more

Sylvan Math Tutoring

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Whether your child is struggling with math class, needs help with homework or needs more practice and added challenges, Sylvan can help! We’ll create a personalized math program … learn more

Real-World Math

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Math teacher Dan Meyer show how tossing a basketball can be a math problem. (starts about 50 seconds into the video) Math teacher Dan Meyer explains how presenting … learn more

Sports Science for Kids

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Enjoy sports science for kids with our awesome range of free games, fun experiments, science fair projects, interesting quizzes, amazing facts, cool videos, and more! Learn about forces … learn more

National Math + Science Initiative

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We update our library of free sample lessons regularly to help teachers while school system leaders consider how to partner with NMSI. We’re also grateful to our incredible … learn more


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The Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing (CEISMC) (pronounced like “seismic”) at the Georgia Institute of Technology is working to ensure that K-12 students receive the … learn more

Real Estate Lesson Ideas

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This article notes that students often have trouble seeing their school lessons as relevant to real life. They suggest that real estate requires skills in math, science, English, … learn more

Are Submarines Waterproof

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James May looks at whether or not submarines are waterproof, and goes on to explain exactly how they work. A great starting point for integrating math and physics. … learn more

Math/Science Nucleus

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Math/Science Nucleus serves as an online science resource center to assist teachers around the world. Their major goal is to develop problem solving capacity through science for the … learn more

A Mile of Pi

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What happens when you print out Pi to a million digits? You get a piece of paper 1.05 miles long. Follow along as Matt Parker takes you on … learn more

Optical Illusions & Visual Phenomena

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Michael Bach has great collection of simple “illusions”. Emphasis here is on the beauty of perceptual phenomena, on interactive experiments, and explanation of the visual mechanisms involved – … learn more

Porta Estel·lar (Star Gate)

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Porta Estel·lar (catalan for Star Gate) is an immersive light and sound installation inside a plane. Using strips of LED lights and sound sequences, it takes the audience … learn more

Nico’s Fractal Machine

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This simple web page shows how simple concepts can expand into something complex and many times beautiful. Try clicking Animate, Color, Trails, and Random in that order.

Origami and Fractals

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Origami and Fractals: Shadowy Worlds Between Art and Mathematics looks at Jane Chafin’s personal exploration into the world of origami and fractals. Includes a number of video links … learn more

Double Pendulum Art

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Devon has created Pendulus, one of his favorite projects. A stunning visualization of the beauty in chaos, Devon uses glow-in-the dark paint to trace the random movement of … learn more

Community Bridge at Skyline

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The Community Bridge is an illusion. Painters turn an unremarkable viaduct-like bridge into computer art with tricks, such as “depth”, to fool the eye.

What are Fractals?

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This article from the Fractal Foundation describes fractals as a never-ending pattern, created by repeating a simple process or mathematical formula over and over again. Fractal patterns are … learn more

Describing Nature With Math

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This post by Peter Tyson and NOVA looks at how you can describe a tree or cloud, a rippled pond or swirling galaxy using numbers and equations. This … learn more

Map Projections of The Earth

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Cartographers face the “orange peel” problem when mapping the surface of Earth onto a flat piece of paper. The mathematician Euler proved that this can not be done … learn more

Mercator Puzzle

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A fun on-line game to show how the Mercator projection changes the apparent size of a country depending on its latitude. The goal of the game is to … learn more

Africa vs. the world

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Africa doesn’t look that big on the map. In reality, Africa is bigger than the United States, China, India and a couple of European countries … combined!

What Does Earth Look Like?

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Michael Stevens has an interesting look at perception and how our maps have shaped the perception of the Earth. Use the YouTube link to access all the resources … learn more

Stats Tutor

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Dr Alun Owen at Loughborough University in England developed this site to help students and teachers. The site covers a wide variety of statistic topics and includes videos, … learn more

Integrating Math and Social Studies

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Students used math to examine an on-line Cost Comparison map and explore the causes and consequences of food and transportation cost inequities (or differences) between the Canadian North … learn more

High School Statistics Curriculum

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Math Is Fun has a good collection of statistics related activities, including topics like How to Do a Survey, Categorizing Quantitative Data, Accuracy & Precision, and Fair Dice.

MIND Research Institute

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See the Math, Change the World Mathematically Equipping All Students to Solve the World’s Most Challenging Problems We are a nonprofit social impact organization specializing in neuroscience and … learn more

Math with Art

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TeachKidsArt has some easy projects to show that math can be beautiful, and fun.

Song from Pi!

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Musician David Macdonald created a melody to help him remember the numbers in pi, “since it’s easier than recalling a long string of numbers”. By assigning each number … learn more

Currency Conversion Activity

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This activity shows how to convert money between different currencies by constructing an exchange rate table using current data from the Internet and a calculator. Travel to many … learn more

Money and Finance for Kids

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This site covers a number of interesting money related topics, including topics like Counting Money, Making Change, Money Word Problems, and Filling Out A Check. Other topics include … learn more

Abraham Lincoln Collection

Would Abe Lincoln have been awarded a Nobel Prize for Peace? Review thousands of documents about The papers of Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), lawyer, a representative from Illinois, and … learn more

Nobel Prize Archive

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Welcome to the Nobel Prize Internet Archive! Since 1901, the Nobel Prize has been awarded annually as per Alfred Nobel’s last will and testament. This site maintains information on all … learn more

Mark Twain Quotes

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Mark Twain wrestled with cultural environments in the US and abroad. The site of his biography includes historical links, too. And refer to the Twain Quotes site for … learn more

Lawrence Berkeley Library

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Particle physics is the prime topic at the Lawrence Berkeley Library. While many physics resources can be found on the Web, the interesting feature of this site is … learn more

Toys In Space 2

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NASA has so much fun with Toys In Space, they created a sequel. Gravity (or a lack thereof) can effect rotation, force, acceleration, magnetism, magnetic fields, center of … learn more

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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Lawrence Livermore National Lab has programs for both teachers and students. The Teacher Research Academy is a professional development program where middle school, high school, and community college … learn more

The Lawrence Hall of Science

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With our interactive apps and activities, learners of all ages can unlock science concepts anytime, anywhere. Explore the surface of the sun from your living room. All of … learn more

Toys In Space

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NASA had fun, taking a number of children’s toys into space. Check out what they found. Things behave very differently in Zero-G. Younger students will enjoy their favorite … learn more

Project Harmony

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PH International was founded in 1985 for the purpose of cultural and educational exchanges between the then-USSR and the United States. Over the past twenty-eight years, more than … learn more

Directory of U.N. Organizations

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For quick access to all of the UN organizations (including the NGOs) check the Directory of United Nations System Organizations.

iEARN Collaboration Centre

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The iEARN project has encouraged on-line communications between students in the US, Eastern Europe and Latin America through over 100 active global projects. For example, as a result … learn more

Sim City and other simulation titles

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Maxis (now Electronic Arts) pioneered environmental simulation software for students. The series includes SimEarth, SimCity and, recently, the Sims (probably not appropriate for students). Each involves constructing a … learn more

Kids Do Ecology

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This project facilitated by U.C. Santa Barbra and the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis provides an inquiry-based approach to science that is fun and meaningful. Ecologists … learn more

Sustainability games

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Computer games allow players to be stakeholders in the events that occur on the screen. Here are examples of games being developed that help people learn about the … learn more