Open School BC: K‑12 Resources for Educators
Open School BC designs, develops and distributes educational resources and services to public sector clients and K–12 schools in Canada. It operates on a cost-recovery basis within the … learn more
Free PreK-12 lesson plans, activities, and resources
Open School BC designs, develops and distributes educational resources and services to public sector clients and K–12 schools in Canada. It operates on a cost-recovery basis within the … learn more
Olin Virtual Academy ‘s list of questions can give you a idea of why on-line high schools have become an alternative. Do you like to work independently and … learn more
The Virtual High School provides a way for schools and school districts to augment their local offerings with additional classes for students and professional development for teachers.
Arizona Virtual Academy is an example of the free-to-students on-line schools now available. With individualized learning approaches, their goal is to provide a quality education, and encourage interaction … learn more
The national PTA has issued parent involvement standards in schools. These could be incorporated into school handbooks.
ABC Education brings you high-quality educational content to use at home and in the classroom. All our resources are free and mapped to the Australian Curriculum. These videos … learn more
Figure This, a combo from the Department of Education and NSF, offers 80 real-life math challenges for grades 6-8 and emphasizes parent-student collaboration. Figure This! demonstrates challenging middle school … learn more
The American Library Association found out the following when doing a focus group with kids: The children told us they believe more kids would use public libraries if … learn more
Parents Magazine has a list of activities that are fun and can help with their development. We especially like Signature Storytelling, where your child adds their own twists … learn more
The incarceration of a loved one can be very overwhelming for both children and caregivers. It can bring about big changes and transitions. In simple everyday ways, you … learn more
Have you ever wished that your child or students came with an instruction manual? Sesame Street Tool Kits are a good start. Help children build healthy habits to … learn more
Here are a few tips Carly S. would have given her younger self regarding social media. Use this as a starting off point with talking with your child … learn more
Wonderville is a multi-award winning blended-learning platform recognized for STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) excellence and aligned with curricula across North America. Serving educators for almost thirty … learn more
Chateau Meddybemps has collected learning activities for preschool and primary elarners in addition to guides for parents about child development. Youngsters can practice alphabet skills and print their … learn more
Summer is a brilliant time to explore science outdoors with children. You don’t have to set up fancy experiments, even just looking at properties of plants and leaves or testing … learn more
Whether you are hiking, camping, visiting a lake or ocean, playing in your neighborhood park, touring a national park, or exploring your own backyard, there are tons of … learn more
The Franklin Institute site is a creative pacesetter for student exhibits. If you want to help students design their own exhibits, check out this museum. Dive deeper into … learn more
This guide takes your child through all the steps of creating a successful science fair project, from choosing a project and conducting research, to writing up a report … learn more
Free Resources and Free Access Want to create the best possible science project? You’re in exactly the right place! While you’re here browsing for the perfect project, don’t … learn more
Every year, Google has a competition open to students grades K-12 to submit artwork for the Google home page. Winners (broken out by grade level) will have their … learn more
Global Children’s Art Gallery showcases art from kids up to 12 years old from around the world, and welcomes new submissions.
Global Children’s Art Gallery showcases art from kids up to 12 years old from around the world, and welcomes new submissions.
The Job Corps is the nation’s largest and most comprehensive residential education and job training program for at-risk youth, ages 16 through 24. An excellent resource for kids … learn more
Peterson’s is another post-secondary educational site. The search engine makes it easier to match students with good colleges, just for them. And, visitors will find much information on … learn more
The Department of Education has compiled a comprehensive list of sources for Student Financial Aid. Definitely refer your juniors and seniors to this listing.
Florida maintains a clearinghouse for school-to-work resources. It is a good model for other states, especially since most pertinent networks match state boundaries.
The Institute for Adult Literacy at Penn State University offers lessons and tips for adults to acquire stronger English skills.
JobStar concentrates on career preparation, especially possibilities in the next century. They can be easily replicated in other locales. Look at Tryengineering.
O*NET OnLine, created for the U.S. Department of Labor, has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, students, researchers, and more!
Discover Engineering offers younger visitors motivating topics like a water slide to interest them in this field. Authentic and practical problems! DiscoverE works to provide every student with … learn more
Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes, and trends shaping the world. We conduct public opinion polling, demographic research, … learn more
The NSTA Learning Center provides journal articles, book chapters, events (online and in-person), professional learning goals and activities tracker, and connections with other teachers through 14 topical forums … learn more
Grass-roots efforts to solidify connections between children and nature are growing. The Children and Nature Network illustrates the benefits to children of direct experience with nature on a … learn more
Hundreds of fun activities (puzzles, sentence puzzles) are available.
Duolingo is a free language-learning site using a simple game like structure. The service is designed so that, as users progress through the lessons, they simultaneously help to … learn more
A bilingual site for educators and families of English language learners. Colorín Colorado is a national multimedia project that offers a wealth of bilingual, research-based information, activities, and … learn more
At WyzAnt, tutors have shared their knowledge so that your students won’t be confused as to what a preposition is. They can brush up on irregular verbs and … learn more
For ambitious librarians who want to create their own web site to help students with their homework, the Multnomah County Library Kids page would be a good model.
Handling homework for younger kids is more than “did you get your homework done?”. Where they do homework, how to support them, and what to do when the … learn more
Shy Lama has created this video for students, giving tips & tricks for staying organized and getting homework done. Everything from writing down goals and keeping a calendar … learn more
Slither is similar to the snake games that were popular on early phones. Using your mouse, you glide around, eat to grow longer, and try not to run … learn more
COLLEGEdata offers a wide range of tools for college bound students, including a comprehensive list of scholarships based on ethnicity, gender, major, GPA, location and/or area of study. … learn more
Mike Rowe, host of the TV series Dirty Jobs, started this site in 2008 as part of a national PR campaign for skilled labor. The message is that … learn more
With so many college scholarships websites out there, it might be confusing to decide which ones are worth using! Going Merry breaks down some of the most popular … learn more
Mike Rowe rants on the term “Alternative Education”. He posits that learning a trade or skill is as good as or maybe better than a college degree, and … learn more
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education.
Brian Crosby, an upper elementary teacher for 29 years, works with at-risk students, grades 4-6 in Sparks, Nevada. See how he guides the learning in a model technology … learn more
Thomas Suarez is a 6th grade student at a middle school in the South Bay of Los Angeles. “For soccer you could go to a soccer team … … learn more
This link shows the wide variety of topics that can be covered at a single TEDx event.
Caroline Phillips cranks out tunes on a seldom-heard folk instrument, a hurdy-gurdy, a.k.a. the wheel fiddle. A fun lesson on its unique anatomy and 1,000-year history.
These are videos filmed at independently organized TEDx events and uploaded by the organizers. Enjoy the collection: 11,000+ videos from organizers in 120+ countries! Hint: Rather than scrolling … learn more
Interested in checking out a TEDx event. There’s probably at least one event within an hour or two drive of your location.
The TEDx Program is designed to help communities, organizations and individuals to spark conversation and connection through local TED-like experiences. You can combine local live presenters and/or TED … learn more
How small-scale solar products (like solar-powered LED lightbulbs) could transform lives, but that despite their value, they won’t simply sell themselves.
This page shows the wide variety of topics covered by TED talks. Using this page, you can find an introductory video for an upcoming class topic.
TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out, in 1984, as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Talks are … learn more
With more colleges shifting courses to the online classroom and high school teachers and students alike expressing a strong desire to move away from rigid, mandated lesson arcs, … learn more
Sir Ken Robinson, in an entertaining talk, outlines 3 principles crucial for the human mind to flourish — students are diverse, curious and inherently creative — and how … learn more
Psychologist and teacher Angela Lee Duckworth took a look at why some students fail and others succeed. The key factor turned out not to be things like I.Q., … learn more
Rita Pierson, a teacher for 40 years, once heard a colleague say, “They don’t pay me to like the kids.” Her response: “Kids don’t learn from people they … learn more
The main page for the evening of talks, including the list of speakers, all their talks, and a link to the PBS special.
SoulPancake and Edutopia asked teachers to write a letter to themselves on their first day teaching. This is their thoughts. Hang in there.
A humorous compilation of the wit and wisdom of teachers and teaching. Includes a collection of some of the best sayings and thoughts about the meaning and purpose … learn more
Teaching is a lot harder than it looks. How many times can you see yourself in this video?
Seriously…the English language is insane. Enjoy this fun look at this confusing language called English.
What better way to cheer yourself up, but to look at funny photos.
Kid President believes we’re all teachers and we’re all students. What are you teaching the world? Who are you learning from? We should all be awesome!
In this BBC comedy skit, Kevin the teenager (Harry Enfield) has a crush on his teacher and is attending a parents-teachers evening. Great ending.
This teacher has a policy that if your phone rings in class, you have to answer it on speakerphone. Worked well until the students turned the tables on … learn more
NSTA hosts a number of Awards and Competitions. For many years, NSTA has awarded grants for community-based science projects, particularly in environmental studies and physical studies. Absorbing the … learn more
The Gates Millennium Scholars Program, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, provides outstanding African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander American, and Hispanic American students … learn more
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has a web site dedicated to K-12 education with support for both students and teachers.
A high school teacher has developed an online site to match school proposals with donors. The mission of DonorsChoose is to help students in impoverished schools. It serves … learn more
eSchool News identifies grants — billions of dollars according to one estimate — for school funding and education technology. EDUCATION RESOURCE CENTERS
Fundsnet Services has a huge listing of foundations, journals, and news. The site also includes other business-sponsored grants. Resources for parents and scholarships are in separate categories.
Our goal is to empower teachers to power tomorrow. Solving the future’s biggest challenges starts with fueling creativity in the classroom today. The Salt River Project, an electrical … learn more
A Twitter chat is where a group of Twitter users meet at a predetermined time to discuss a certain topic, using a designated hashtag (#). This post provides … learn more
ProCon’s goal is to promote “critical thinking, education, and informed citizenship by presenting controversial issues in a straightforward, nonpartisan, and primarily pro-con format.” They have an extensive set … learn more
Topics come up out of the blue, and an immediate response is usually called for. This article from the University of Michigan suggests taking these 3 steps.. Acknowledge … learn more
The Lawrence Hall of Science in Berkeley is holding an interdisciplinary workshop on the interaction between human life and the environment. A small selection of STEM activities with … learn more
The United Nations maintains a list of conventions, workshops, seminars and training programmes on environmental education. For each event, an overview and links for more information are provided. … learn more
Lisa George and Lori Pretty explored an integrated approach to teaching mathematics to their 1st and 2nd grade students. The result? “The students are excited about math and … learn more
YouTube can be a great resource for math training and example videos. There are videos on everything from teacher training to math visualizations to math and _____. The … learn more
Another example of a regional conference is the annual conference Science Teachers of Missouri. While these conferences may be smaller, they actually facilitate more interaction between participants and … learn more
The CUE conference is held in the fall in Northern California and at a southern site in California or the southwest in the spring. The large number of … learn more
Welcome to the science topics section Here you will learn many science topics to Increase your Science knowledge. All the topics are entertaining and informative with a lot … learn more
Ask a Biologist looks at all things biological, from Parts of the Cell and The Nervous System to How Animals See Color and Viral Attack.
Ask Dr. Universe will answer questions like “Why don’t spiders stick to their own webs?” and “Do frogs sleep?”
RefDesk lists experts in science from A-Z–birds, bugs, chemistry what-have-you. At times it appears that an expert site was identified and a question devised rather than vice verse. … learn more
Bill Beaty has a wide ranging collection of science projects and observations, everything from “safe” high voltage generators to highway traffic “waves” (how car traffic behaves like a … learn more
The Mad Scientist Network at Washington University in St.Louis is maintained by graduate and medical students. Questions from more than 20 different fields can be submitted to 200 … learn more
The Math Forum at Drexel University enjoys an excellent reputation. Not only are their lessons sound but the site was designed for online access so it is interesting … learn more
US Courts provides an overview of our complex judiciary system. An advantage of this site is that it is up-to-date; it is often hard to find very recent … learn more
History Matters , first developed at City University in NYC and George Mason near Washington, contains teaching materials, primary source documents and threaded discussions with leading U.S. history … learn more
Commanding Heights, a PBS series about the future of the world economy, has been webified so that the 150 interview with major world leaders has been segmented for … learn more
In December of 2012, Nebraska adopted state social studies standards requiring districts to incorporate economics instructions for K-12. Resources for Teaching Economics & Personal Finance in Nebraska. The … learn more
Washington State Council for the Social Studies provides a number of links to history and social studies units.
NCSS is the umbrella professional organization for social studies teachers, including all the academic disciplines associated with history and social science. The site has been re-designed to include … learn more