The Library of Congress

If your community is fortunate enough to send students on trips to Washington,D.C., perusing the Library of Congress ahead of time is good preparation. In any event, exposure to the mountains of knowledge and rare books and exhibits in the LOC, even at a distance, is awe-inspiring.


The Library of Congress

The Library of Congress maintains "miles" of references and showcases special exhibit of all types. You can start at their home page or explore some of the other…  learn more

The Archive of Folk Culture

This archive was originally founded as the Archive of American Folk Song at the Library in 1928. Today the Archive includes over three million photographs, manuscripts, audio recordings,…  learn more

Library of Congress- Classroom Materials

Created by teachers for teachers, these ready-to-use materials provide easy ways to incorporate the Library’s unparalleled primary sources into instruction. Free primary-source-based professional development from the Library of…  learn more

A Quest for Full Citizenship

The African American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship showcases the African American collections of the Library of Congress, with more than 240 items, including books, government documents,…  learn more

Panoramic Photographs - American Memory Project

Panoramic Photographs at the LOC will yield 4000 photographs of significant events and ordinary life from 1851-1991. We found the primary source photographs detailing California history fascinating.  learn more

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Library of Congress: Meeting of Frontiers

Meeting of Frontiers is a project, originally funded by the United States Congress, devoted to the theme of the exploration and settlement of the American West, the parallel…  learn more

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Hundreds of Research Guides for Students

The Library of Congress offers fantastic online resources for students, if you know where to find them. Here's an overview of how to find and access research guides…  learn more