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Gifted Children
Check with the colleges and universities in your area for face-to-face and on-line programs. Getting a gifted student plugged in and engaged is imperative.
Keeping gifted students involved and interested can be a challenge in a mixed classroom setting. Access to the Internet and the resources listed here can turn a potential drop out into a star pupil.
Typically, as teachers, we put more time and energy into focusing on the students that have fallen behind or are struggling. That’s where our focus lies, however, that… learn more
NAGC is the nation's leading organization focused on the needs of gifted and talented children. Dedicated to uplifting and empowering those who support children with advanced abilities, NAGC… learn more
The Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth provides assessment ("Talent Search"), summer programs, on-line courseware and whole family programs. They see the family relationship is critical in nurturing… learn more
Center for Talent Development (CTD) at Northwestern University is another example of programs for the gifted community. Their goal is to ensure that gifted students receive the education,… learn more
In this TEDx talk, Heidi Hass Gable relates that being "gifted" often feels far from a good thing, especially when you're the one living it. And yet the… learn more
Psychology Today has a good article for parents (and educators) explaining gifted children, signs to look for, and the importance of proper assessment. That troubled student with poor… learn more
Marty Nemko, Ph.D, posits that all children are entitled to an appropriate education, and to not be bored too much of the time. But in today's mixed-ability classes… learn more
Gifted children often lead double lives. Intellectually, they may seem like small, eccentric adults, and they may prefer the company of adults, but in many ways they are… learn more