Education News

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Taking Notes vs. Photographing Slides

New research shows that taking notes helps you to remember more from lecture than photographing slides. A picture isn’t always worth a thousand words. New research has found…  learn more

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Are Kids Anxious or Unprepared? The State of Digital and Media Literacy Education

There’s increasing concern about rising anxiety levels among youth, and technology often gets the blame. As we navigate a world where technology is an integral part of life,…  learn more

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NewsWeek: Education Expert: A Love to 'Read by Three' Is the Answer to Success

A reading crisis has been building for decades, with every new round of test results and surveys shedding greater light on the reality that many children struggle to…  learn more

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SmartBrief Education News

SmartBrief highlights articles of interest to educators from across the Internet. View the latest articles on-line or subscribe to their newsletter.  learn more

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Math scores are down from pre-COVID levels, the National Report Card finds

Math and reading scores for students across the country are down following years of disrupted learning during the pandemic. On Monday, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP),…  learn more

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K-12 Education News

K-12 Dive provides in-depth journalism and insight into the most impactful news and trends shaping K-12 education. The newsletters and website cover topics such as leadership, school models,…  learn more

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eSchool News: Top Stories

eSchool News identifies grants -- billions of dollars according to one estimate -- for school funding and education technology.  EDUCATION RESOURCE CENTERS  learn more

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Best Evidence Encyclopedia

The Best Evidence Encyclopedia (BEE) is intended to give educators and researchers fair and useful information about the strength of the evidence supporting a variety of programs available…  learn more

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The Edvocate

The Edvocate was created in 2014 to argue for shifts in education policy and organization in order to enhance the quality of education and the opportunities for learning…  learn more

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Education Northwest Blog

Education Northwest conducts nearly 200 projects annually, working with schools, districts, and communities across the country on comprehensive, research-based solutions to the challenges they face. Their blog discusses…  learn more

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Students can get to class without bells, but schools need to adapt

From phones and apps, to microwaves and doorbells, there are all kinds of chimes and alarms that tell people where to put their attention. On campus, the sound…  learn more

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Learning First Alliance

The Learning First Alliance, sponsored by almost all of the major volunteer and professional organizations in education, is dedicated to improving student learning in America's public schools. They…  learn more

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National Center for Education Statistics

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education.  learn more

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Center for School Turnaround & Improvement

Sponsored by WestED, CSTI provides a range of school improvement resources, and connects users with specialists and other educators to share school turnaround research and promising practices. Their…  learn more

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Teacher Policy Research

Teacher Policy Research (TPR) is a research partnership between the University of Virginia, Stanford University and the University at Albany to develop policies that will attract and retain…  learn more

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EdSource contains resources and links about every topic which school administrators must tackle today--from teacher quality to school finance. EdSource is a non-profit consultancy devoted to California education.…  learn more

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From Now On

From Now On publishes an educational technology journal with topics, such as "After technology - What then?" looking at how the introduction of technology does not help without…  learn more

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The State of the Digital Divide

Despite progress closing the digital divide, millions of students remain on the wrong side of it. Advocates say the solution is more funding that includes digital knowledge education.  learn more

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Engage every learner, anywhere with the most comprehensive solution for video recording and streaming, video content management, audience engagement, content creation, and assessments.  learn more

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Education Week: Assessment

Standardized testing. Formative assessment. Competency-based learning. Report cards. Explore EdWeek’s full coverage of student testing  learn more

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Education Week

Education Week is available online. You can explore particular issues and search the archives. In an early September issue a calendar of key conferences nationwide is published by…  learn more