How 3D Printing Works

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Dr. Martin Leary hosts this short, non-technical explanation of how 3D printing works and what you can do with it. While the printers come in many shapes, sizes, … learn more


No matter where education takes place, Zoom can help engage students, faculty, and staff for learning, collaboration, and administration. See how Zoom supports remote and hybrid learning environments … learn more

How To Teach Students Remotely

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Danielle Rochford has been teaching online for over 10 years. She put together this 52 minute webinar to address issues like: How do I get started? What should … learn more

What is R0?

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When a new disease emerges, health organizations turn to a seemingly simple number to gauge whether the outbreak will spread. It’s called the basic reproduction number—R0, pronounced R-nought—and … learn more

Watch out for discrimination

“We have this tendency to confuse people who are sick with entire groups of people, and that’s what makes it discriminatory. When you single out entire groups of … learn more

How To See Germs Spread

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Mark Rober, a former NASA engineer and current “YouTuber and friend of science”, put together this video showing how easy it is to spread germs, including the COVID-19 … learn more

xkcd: Pathogen Resistance

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You’ve probably seen xkcd comics before – Randall Munroe has a very different outlook on life. In this installment he looks at the current COVID-19 battle from the … learn more

COVID Symptom Study

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Want to help advance the understanding of COVID-19? An easy way to help is downloading the COVID Symptom Study app onto your smartphone. It takes a few minutes … learn more

Does Your Mask Work?

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Given the wide variety of face coverings that people are wearing, how do we know which are effective? After explaining why masks are important, this post outlines two … learn more

ATLAS Communities

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Harvard created the ATLAS Communities project which stretches further and links teachers at the elementary, middle and high school level. Discussion groups and case studies illustrated the process.

Frank Potter’s Science Gems

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Frank Potter’s Science Gems is a collection of “gems” that could be used to introduce beginning teachers or teachers new to technology to the Web.

American Educational Research Association

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A special interest group under the auspices of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) connects researchers and teachers. AERA encourages scholarly inquiry related to education and evaluation, and … learn more

National Writing Project

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The National Writing Project has worked hard to cultivate the concept of teacher as researcher. Online collaboration and publishing have bound this community, spread all over the US, … learn more


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Nemours KidsHealth is the most-viewed site for dependable information on children’s health, behavior, and development from before birth through the teen years.

Learning First Alliance

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The Learning First Alliance, sponsored by almost all of the major volunteer and professional organizations in education, is dedicated to improving student learning in America’s public schools. They … learn more


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MOODLE allows you to quickly create – or experiment with – your own on-line learning environment. MOODLE is an acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment. Moodle is … learn more


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Brightspace provides online learning solutions that can be combined with face-to-face instruction, creating a blended learning environment that can be tailored to each student’s needs. Their solution includes … learn more

Edutopia: Professional Learning

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Edutopia Online, sponsored by the George Lucas Foundation, documents and disseminates innovative practices for administrators. Educators must always hone their craft. Discover the many formal and informal professional … learn more

NSTA Science Store

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The NSTA store offers a wide range of items to support their mission, including books, ClassPacks, and science objects. Check out their wide range of resources for implementing … learn more

ISTE Standards

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The ISTE Standards provide the competencies for learning, teaching and leading with technology, and are a comprehensive road map for the effective use of technology in schools worldwide. … learn more

ISTE Blogs

ISTE Blog, formerly EdTekHub, serves up ideas, content and resources for educators. Topics include digital citizenship, education leadership, media literacy, personalized learning, and tools & apps. A free … learn more

Get Educated

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Get Educated, a distance learning resource center serves the population of students, eligible for adult education. They publish a free monthly newsletter – back issues are available at … learn more

Teaching Tolerance

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Teaching Tolerance, part of the web site, serves as a clearinghouse of information about anti-bias programs and activities. Their goal is to present some of the more … learn more

Conflict Resolution Education Connection

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The Conflict Resolution Education Connection is divided into sections by group such as teachers and administrators. You can find classroom activities ,video resources and administrator how-to guides.

Parent’s Guide to Teen Depression

As a concerned parent, teacher, or friend, there are many ways you can identify and help a teen suffering from depression. Covers identification, treatment, and the importance of … learn more

What Is Depression?

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PBS has developed this lesson plan for grades 9-12. In the lesson, students examine teenage depression: what it’s all about, how it feels, and ways to deal with … learn more

Kids Health in the Classroom

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KidsHealth in the Classroom offers educators free health-related lesson plans for PreK through 12th grade. Each Teacher’s Guide includes discussion questions, classroom activities and extensions, printable handouts, and … learn more

Inside The Teenage Brain

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PBS’ FRONTLINE chronicles how scientists are exploring the recesses of the brain and finding some new explanations for why adolescents behave the way they do. These discoveries could … learn more

The Teenage Brain Explained

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Being a teenager is hard. Especially when hormones play their part in wreaking havoc on the teenage body and brain. In this episode, Hank explains what is happening … learn more

How To Handle Disrespectful Students

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Michael Linsin says one of the biggest classroom management mistakes teachers make is that they take disrespectful behavior personally. Better to simply and dispassionately follow your classroom management … learn more

Benefits of Collaboration

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Collaboration is not just for students. This article looks at the benefits of collaboration for teachers as well as students. For example, working with a small group of … learn more

Collaborative Learning How To

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Similar to the idea that two or three heads are better than one, educational researchers have found that through peer instruction, students teach each other by addressing misunderstandings … learn more

Facilitating Group Collaboration

This post from the San Francisco Unified School Districtlooks at a number of questions surrounding Group Collaboration. Why bother with groupwork? Is groupwork good for learning? Characteristics of … learn more

Teaching Students to Work Together

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Integrated curricula, team teaching, and technology tools have built up the academic achievement and self-esteem of these rural Louisiana middle school students. An interesting video on showing students … learn more


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This resource, appropriate for older high school students and adults, looks at cyberstalking and what to do if you are a victim. It looks at the difference between … learn more

Cyberbullying Infographic

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Cyberbullying is a real problem that is dominating the bullying trends in schools today. This infographic can be used to as a resource by your students, and to … learn more

Be A Buddy – Not A Bully

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This set of 5 short videos was created by students in the Video Production elective class at Palm Middle School in Los Angeles, CA. The students made a … learn more

Kids react to bullying

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Kids react to a bullying video and discuss the topic. Each one has a different perspective.

Danimal’s Army

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Danny Keefe has apraxia of speech, meaning he has a hard time getting words out clearly enough for others to understand. He also likes to wear a jacket, … learn more

Stop Bullying

Resources for kids, young adults, parents and educators. Webisodes talk about how to take a stand against bullying. Get ideas for things you can do to make the … learn more

National Teachers Enhancement Network

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The National Teachers Enhancement Network (NTEN) offers online, graduate-level science courses from a world-class public research university. NTEN was one of the first online professional development programs for … learn more

The Question is the Answer

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From Now On’s “The Question is the Answer” page tells you how to create a Questioning ToolKit to encourage student questioning and research. Quite good.

From Now On

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From Now On publishes an educational technology journal with topics, such as “After technology – What then?” looking at how the introduction of technology does not help without … learn more


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SciCentral editors aggregate breaking research news from the most reputable and reliable sources. Check out Today’s Highlights on the home page or drill down into an area of … learn more

Education Week

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Education Week is available online. You can explore particular issues and search the archives. In an early September issue a calendar of key conferences nationwide is published by … learn more

SmartBrief Education News

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SmartBrief highlights articles of interest to educators from across the Internet. View the latest articles on-line or subscribe to their newsletter.

Education Northwest Blog

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Education Northwest conducts nearly 200 projects annually, working with schools, districts, and communities across the country on comprehensive, research-based solutions to the challenges they face. Their blog discusses … learn more

Best Evidence Encyclopedia

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The Best Evidence Encyclopedia (BEE) is intended to give educators and researchers fair and useful information about the strength of the evidence supporting a variety of programs available … learn more

Medicines In My Home

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The United States Food and Drug Administration in collaboration with NCPIE and Montgomery County, Maryland, have developed a middle school curriculum called Medicines in My Home–about safe use … learn more

NSTA Lesson Plans

National Science Teacher Association (NSTA) has a section on lesson plans on a variety of science topics for elementary, middle school, and high school students


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MiddleWeb is all about the middle grades — with a sharp focus on teaching and learning in grades 4-8. Topics range from bullying to history lesson redesigns to … learn more

Constitution Day and Citizenship Day

September 17 is Constitution Day and Citizenship Day (Constitution Day). This day commemorates the September 17, 1787 signing of the United States Constitution.

A Vision of K-12 Students Today

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This video was created to inspire teachers to use technology in engaging ways to help students develop higher level thinking skills. Equally important, it serves to motivate district … learn more

Chalkboard Project

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Founded in 2005 by a coalition of Oregon’s largest philanthropic foundations, Chalkboard worked with partners across the state of Oregon to advocate for the revival and revision of … learn more

Cultivating Thriving Schools

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Brian Stecher is a senior social scientist and the associate director of RAND Education. Stecher’s thesis is that our current system of assessment is innately inadequate and counterproductive. … learn more

Teacher Policy Research

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Teacher Policy Research (TPR) is a research partnership between the University of Virginia, Stanford University and the University at Albany to develop policies that will attract and retain … learn more

American Association of School Administrators

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The American Association of School Administrators offers a wide range of resources, including sections for professional development, cultural exchange, children’s programs, and public policy resources.


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EdSource contains resources and links about every topic which school administrators must tackle today–from teacher quality to school finance. EdSource is a non-profit consultancy devoted to California education. … learn more