Simulation & Modeling Tools

For K12, in particular, these new visualization tools are a boon for understanding complex phenomena.

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Explore Learning

Explore Learning, originally a dissertation project, allows students to visualize and alter parameters in topics such as mechanics and life sciences. Specific labs include mouse genetics, golf range…  learn more

The Demise of Java

Originally, most on-line simulations were written using Java. Java is the programming language with the coffee cup logo. And Java programs were called applets. Unfortunately, serious security issues…  learn more

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Education Arcade

The MIT Scheller Teacher Education Program and The Education Arcade focus on creating playful, powerful learning experiences using the affordances of new educational technologies. We leverage design-based research…  learn more

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How Do Sinkholes Form?

Here's an example of modeling a large, real world problem using a simple set up that can fit on a table. Erosion can occur in the subsurface as…  learn more

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The Tracker Video Analysis and Modeling Tool allows students to model and analyze the motion of objects in videos. By overlaying simple dynamical models directly onto videos, students…  learn more

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Use Simulations To Help Students Learn

Simulations have the potential to engage students in "deep learning" that empowers understanding as opposed to "surface learning" that requires only memorization. Simulations can be paused, giving time…  learn more