Nothing helps comprehension like working with concepts in the real world.
Hands-on Physics

Online Tone Generator
A tone generator has a variety of uses. You can explore interference, waves, and the physics of music. Connect a bare speaker to your computer's earphone jack and… learn more

Science4Fun from Abdul Wahab Malik in Pakistan includes an extensive section on simple Physics explanations. In addition, there a number of easy-to-do physics experiments in the Science Experiments… learn more

Build a Putt Putt/Pop Pop Steam Boat
A true hand-on physics project appropriate for older, 6-8 grade kids. learn more

How To Make A Magnetic Compass
This video shows a simple way to create a compass. A great classroom demonstration project. learn more

Little Shop of Physics
The Little Shop of Physics at Colorado State is not horrific at all. It contains 60 experiments which use hand-on materials and computers. Students can explore their "blind… learn more

Soda Can Steam Engine
Janet Hoekenga shows hot to build a simple steam engine, known as a aeolipile or Heron's engine, using nothing more than a soda can, a needle and some… learn more

Two cans and a string
A string phone can be used to demonstrate critical concepts of physics. learn more

When Water Flows Uphill
In the Leidenfrost Effect, a water droplet will float on a layer of its own vapor. The physicists at the University of Bath used this effect to create… learn more