Middle School Physical Science

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PBS LearningMedia: Calculating Pi with Darts | Physics Girl

Pi can be calculated using a random sample of darts thrown at a square and circle target. The problem with this method lies in attempting to throw "randomly."…  learn more

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PBS LearningMedia: Simple Machines | DIY Science Time

This episode couldn’t get any more simple. Mister C and the Science Crew are learning about simple machines! We’ll be building a catapult and Archimedes’ screw. Plus we’ll…  learn more

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School Physics

Schoolphysics online is freely available to all. This is an invaluable resource base for all 11 to 19 year old Physics students and their teachers.  learn more

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21 Fascinating Periodic Table Activities for Chemistry Students of All Ages

The periodic table of elements is key to understanding and mastering chemistry concepts. These periodic table activities are fun and engaging, and you can use many of them…  learn more

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50 Sensational 7th Grade Science Fair Projects and Classroom Activities

Engage every student with these 7th-grade science fair projects, whether they’re interested in biology, chemistry, physics, environmental science, or any other discipline. Plus, find interesting classroom demos, experiments,…  learn more

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PBS: Physics Girl

Discover the immersive, perplexing, and hands-on side of physical science with Dianna Cowern, host of Physics Girl. In this series from PBS Digital Studios, Dianna shows us how…  learn more

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Candy Pumpkin Pong - Halloween Lab

iTeachly. In this Candy Pumpkin Pong halloween science experiment your students will be competing against each other. Competition always brings out the best thought in activities like this.…  learn more

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CK-12 Physical Science for Middle School

CK-12 Physical Science for Middle School FlexBook® covers core physical science concepts and includes SIMs, PLIX, real world examples, and videos.  learn more

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iTeachly: Physical Science Units

Science Curriculum For Teachers That Value Their Free Time! Below are some of our Free Physical Science Lessons, Labs, and Activities for you to use with your classes.…  learn more

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Periodic Table of Elements

Many of the elements from the periodic table we know today were originally discovered by the early chemists who worked to purify ores. In doing this, they realized…  learn more

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Middle School Physical Science Curriculum

A physical science curriculum should provide an overview of scientific principles and procedures, and leads students toward a clearer understanding of matter, energy, and the physical universe.  It…  learn more