Middle School Earth Science

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PBS Learning Media: Earth & Space Science Resources

Explore Science Practices & Phenomena with NASA (K-12) Engage K–12 students with phenomena and science practices using this collection of supplementary digital media resources created by GBH in…  learn more

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2024 Solar Eclipse Headquarters

Kids Discover Online. On April 8th, 2024, you and your students may be able to take in a rare cosmic treat - a total solar eclipse! Let Kids…  learn more

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NASA Science: Space Place

Mission. Explore Earth & Space. Launched in 1998, NASA Space Place's mission is to inspire and enrich upper-elementary-aged kids' learning of space and Earth science online through fun…  learn more

Climate Change Education

With an emphasis on empowering students to be informed participants in the conversation around climate issues, the collection features a wide range of lesson plans, activities, and resources…  learn more

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Christa McAuliffe’s Lost Lessons

Christa McAuliffe was chosen to be the first teacher in space. Due to the tragic space shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986, she did not film the science lessons…  learn more

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45 Creative & Fun Solar System Projects for Kids

Engaging children in solar system projects can spark their interest in science, provide context for understanding Earth’s place in the universe, and inspire a lifelong fascination with astronomy.…  learn more

Planets For Kids

Free Astronomy Network for Kids. A lot of astronomy people like to think of the Solar System been made up in two parts. We have the Inner Solar…  learn more

USGS: Education Earthquakes

Tons of great resources for learning about the science of earthquakes. Find recent or historic earthquakes, lists, information on selected significant earthquakes, earthquake resources by state, or find…  learn more

Earthquake Glossary

USGS provides science for a changing world, which reflects and responds to society’s continuously evolving needs. As the science arm of the Department of the Interior, the USGS brings…  learn more

30 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day

Earth is our most precious resource. Our calendars set aside one day to celebrate the Earth. This year, let’s spend the entire month of April learning about ways we…  learn more

PBS LearningMedia: Climate Literacy

Find resources from a range of public media producers and curators that will help you learn and teach climate science literacy. The structure of this collection is based…  learn more

Weather Wiz Kids: Hurricanes

I’m meteorologist Crystal Wicker. I designed Weather Wiz Kids® especially for children to allow them to learn more about the fascinating world of weather. It’s also a wonderful educational…  learn more

Space Station Explorers Lesson Plans

Space-based science is supporting our nation’s goals in education. Space Station Explorers is a community of educators, learners, and organizations that make STEM learning fun and exciting through…  learn more

Geoscience Careers

AGI produces lessons, activities, and curricula for K-12 and informal earth science educators. Many of these resources are made in partnership with geoscience organizations whose work relates to…  learn more

Fun Daily Activities for Earth Science Week

Earth Science Week is October 8-14, and it is the perfect time to show our appreciation for our home planet! Each day of the week focuses on specific…  learn more

EarthWeek: A Diary of the Planet

Earthweek—A Diary of the Planet is a weekly syndicated newspaper column created by Steve Newman. It reports on events in Earth's natural history.  learn more

Earth Science Week

Celebrate "Earth Science Everywhere" October 13-19, 2024 Geoscience significantly influences our homes, products, roads, and transportation, offering vital insights into Earth's materials and dynamic changes impacting our lives.…  learn more

Videos of the Earth Science Literacy Principles

The Big Ideas and Supporting Concepts of Earth Science An accompanying set of short videos has been created for the Earth Science Literacy Principles by the American Geosciences…  learn more

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Earth Science Everywhere

“Earth Science Everywhere,” the theme of Earth Science Week 2024 (October 13-19), explores the many ways that earth science is conducted — by various types of people and…  learn more

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Geologic Map Day

Celebrate Geologic Map Day on October 18, 2024! Welcome to Geologic Map Day, a special event designed to promote awareness of geologic mapping and its vital importance to…  learn more

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The BEST Place to Learn about Rocks and Minerals.  learn more

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What is a Natural Hazard?

Storms like thunderstorms, blizzards, tornadoes, and hurricanes are natural hazards. We cannot stop storms. We can understand the patterns of where and when different types of storms happen.…  learn more

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Video How a Hurricane Develops

Hurricanes feed on warm moist air rising from the Atlantic Ocean. It’s because an area of the tropics that lies between five degrees north and five degrees south…  learn more

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Most Powerful Hurricanes in U.S. History

Most Powerful Hurricanes to hit the United States: Throughout the history of the United States, it has been struck by devastating hurricanes on many occasions. Many cause significant…  learn more

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Wind Map

This real-time wind map started out as a personal art project. Click the map to zoom in on your region. This map displays in real-time the current wind…  learn more

Space.com Skywatching

Space.com brings space down to Earth to provide an amazing journey celebrating exploration, innovation and discovery. Space.com presents current photos of the cosmos and encourages students to learn…  learn more

Free Back to School Resources for Earth Sciences

Do you teach Earth science (including climate change)? Know someone who does? Earth@Home has many resources that might be useful to you and your students this school year.…  learn more

2024 Solar Eclipse Resources

eBooks, Resources, Activities, and Events on Solar Eclipse Resources curated by Ana Maria Perez  learn more

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PBS LearningMedia: Seasons on Earth

Using this Lesson Plan, students study satellite data and explore an example of long-term climate change to learn about the seasons, changes in climate, and the role of…  learn more

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PRI Earth & Environmental Science Teacher Resources

PRI offers a wide range of workshops and resources for educators of every stripe, including K-12 teachers, college instructors, museum educators, and homeschool and pod parents. If you…  learn more

NASA Solar System Explorations

The Solar System Exploration website is a real-time, living encyclopedia of the robotic exploration of our solar system. This website provides the public with reliable, accurate, up-to-date information…  learn more

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US Geological Survey: Web Tools

Check out web tools that include alert and notification services, data access, data analysis, data visualizations, digital repositories, and interactive maps.  learn more

2024 Earth Day Activity Guide for 6-8

Explore our guide with an Earth Day Theme, tailored for teachers with middle school students (6-8 grade), brimming with Earth Day lessons, hands-on activities, printable worksheets, Earth Day…  learn more

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Your Weight on Other Worlds

Ever wonder what you might weigh on Mars or The Moon? The Exploratorium has provided a chance to find out. Fill in your weight and see what you'd…  learn more

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Summer Solstice

How much do you know about the summer solstice day? Do you know what is the day is the longest day of the year?  learn more

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EarthShots, from the USGS, introduces remote sensing by showing how satellite imagery is used to track change over time. The site provides outstanding images of sites around the…  learn more

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Maria Mitchell: America’s First Woman Astronomer

Maria Mitchell (pronounced Ma-RYE-ah) was an astronomer, librarian, naturalist, and educator. She discovered a telescopic comet in 1847, for which she was awarded a gold medal by the…  learn more

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Farmer's Almanac for Kids

40+ Stories and Activities for Kids. Here are free stories and cool activities to explore.  learn more

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Guide to Reliving the Wright Way

In the spirit of the Wright Brothers, NASA is using aeronautics technology to provide access to space. These fundamentals and lessons will help you understand their journey of…  learn more

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Extinct, Endangered, and Threatened Animals Activity

Using reference materials, students will research the habitats of extinct, endangered, and threatened animals listed in this printable. Then they will write a report about efforts to save…  learn more

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Weather Wiz Kids

I’m meteorologist Crystal Wicker. I designed Weather Wiz Kids® especially for children to allow them to learn more about the fascinating world of weather. It’s also a wonderful educational…  learn more

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PBS LearningMedia: Biomes

The distribution of plants and animals around the world is anything but random. Instead, it is a result of the interplay of individual environmental tolerances of species and…  learn more

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50 Fun Earth Day Crafts and Activities Using Upcycled Materials

Earth Day is fast approaching (April 22), though there really is never a bad time to celebrate Mother Earth. It’s important to teach students the environmental benefits of…  learn more

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PBS LearningMedia: Climate and Our Planet

This collection of supplementary digital media resources offers a range of options for engaging middle and high school students with key questions in climate science: How do the…  learn more

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National Air & Space Museum: Learning Resources

From videos to ready-to implement classroom activities, help learners get excited about air and space.  learn more

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NSTA: Eclipse Resources

A Total Eclipse in 2024.  Kick-start  planning for the upcoming eclipse event. Solar Eclipses are exciting astronomical events that can provide a great opportunity for teachers and students…  learn more

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Why Do We Have Seasons?

Explore what causes seasons on Earth in this interactive adapted from NASA materials that features four cities at different latitudes. Use this resource to view how Earth’s axial…  learn more

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Two eclipses will take place during the 2023-2024 school year and will be visible in North America. An annular solar eclipse and a total solar eclipse. The total solar eclipse is…  learn more

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30+ Activities for Teaching Weather Including Tornadoes, Lightning, and Rainbows!

Spring is the perfect season to study the weather and get your students outdoors for hands-on activities. From reading and writing about the weather to conducting experiments and…  learn more

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Cloud Guide: Types of Clouds and Weather They Predict!

“What type of cloud is that?,” this piece is for the budding nephologist (person who studies clouds) in you. By observing clouds, you can predict the incoming weather! See…  learn more

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50 Sensational 7th Grade Science Fair Projects and Classroom Activities

Engage every student with these 7th-grade science fair projects, whether they’re interested in biology, chemistry, physics, environmental science, or any other discipline. Plus, find interesting classroom demos, experiments,…  learn more

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Conservation Station

Explore the unexpected connections at the heart of the energy-water nexus and discover how you and your students can conserve water and energy at school and at home.  learn more

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Sally Ride EarthKAM

Middle school students around the world can request images of specific locations on Earth during Sally Ride EarthKAM missions – periods when the Sally Ride EarthKAM camera in…  learn more

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National Snow and Ice Data Center

From the Arctic to the Antarctic, snow and ice play a vital role in regulating Earth’s climate and providing freshwater resources to people, plants, and animals. The National…  learn more

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National Oceangraphic and Atmospheric Administration

Opportunities and resources from across NOAA for students, educators, and curious people everywhere. The NOAA Education Portal is your one-stop shop to connect with learning and teaching resources…  learn more

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NASA: Artemis Camp Experience

This set of hands-on activities tells the story of NASA’s Artemis Program that will land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon. Intended for…  learn more

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Help Teaching: Online Self-Paced Earth Science Lessons

Use these self-paced Earth Science lessons to help students develop an understanding of Earth's processes and the interconnected relationship between human activity and our Earth's systems. The lessons…  learn more

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CK-12 Earth Science for Middle School

CK-12 Earth Science for Middle School FlexBook® covers core earth science concepts and includes PLIX, real world examples, videos, and study guides.  learn more

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Digital Encyclopedia of Earth Science

Welcome to the free, open-access Earth science textbook.  Initial subjects covered include big ideas, minerals, fossils, climate, and climate change. Earth@Home is a free educational resource created by…  learn more

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25 Fun Food Web and Food Chain Activities

Any kid who’s ever seen The Lion King certainly already knows a bit about food chains and food webs (“It’s the CIIIIRRRR-CLE … the circle of LIFE!”). It’s a topic…  learn more

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The Geological Society: Lesson Plans

A collection of lesson plans and links for Earth science classroom activities. Our aims are to improve knowledge and understanding of the Earth, to promote Earth science education…  learn more

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NASA Climate Kids

NASA's Climate Kids website tells the story of our changing planet through the eyes of the NASA missions studying Earth. Targeting kids ages 8 and up, the site…  learn more

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NOAA Scijinks: All About Weather

NOAA SciJinks inspires and engages students to learn about weather, satellite meteorology and Earth science. Our fun articles, games and videos are targeted toward middle- and high-school aged…  learn more

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Earth Science Teaching: Lessons & Activities

A Collection of Classroom Activities and Lesson Plans. Here is a list of teacher resources that can easily be modified and incorporated into the Earth science classroom.  learn more

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Geology and Earth Science News

Geology.com is one of the internet’s leading websites for Earth science articles, news, and geographic information. Every day thousands of people visit Geology.com to read articles about rocks, minerals, gems, oil and…  learn more

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NASA Space Place: Educator Resources

Mission Launched in 1998, NASA Space Place's mission is to inspire and enrich upper-elementary-aged kids' learning of space and Earth science online through fun games, hands-on activities, informative…  learn more

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Earth Sciences & Map Library

The Earth Sciences & Map Library at U.C. Berkeley is sufficiently comprehensive that is can be used as a test-bed for secondary students to learn research skills. This…  learn more

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EarthScience WesternAustralia

Earth Science Western Australia (ESWA) is a not-for-profit working to strengthen earth science education across Western Australia. Welcome to the free learning management system for the teaching of…  learn more

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NOVA: Earth System Science

NOVA's Earth system science collection highlights important Earth processes normally invisible to the human eye. The standards-based media resources below expose the intricate web of forces that sustain…  learn more

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NOVA: Finding Life Beyond Earth

Powerful telescopes and unmanned space missions have revealed a wide range of dynamic environments—atmospheres thick with organic molecules, active volcanoes, and vast saltwater oceans. This ongoing revolution is…  learn more

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iTeachly Earth Science Archives

Below are some of our Free Earth and Space Science Lessons, Labs, and Activities for you to use with your classes. These are full of resources to help…  learn more

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Earth Day STEM Choice Board for Middle School

These Earth Day STEM activities are an easy and fun way to celebrate Earth Day with your middle school students! They are great as extension or early-finisher activities, or given…  learn more

Science Buddies: Astronomy Lesson Plans

Astronomy is science that will challenge your imagination. How many stars in a galaxy? How many galaxies in the known universe? How many strange worlds are out there…  learn more

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Biomes of the World in VR

Learning about the world’s biomes should be fun. It should get you into the places and become immersive. If you have access to a smartphone or a VR…  learn more

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U.S. National Parks Service: Geology

America’s Geologic Legacy Come and explore the world's most magnificent rock collection—your National Parks. The science of geology will help you to better understand park scenery and Earth…  learn more

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Sky Image Lab

Sky Image Lab is a custom image laboratory that has been in business for over 20 years. We specialize in producing museum quality, digitally remastered, prints of our Earth,…  learn more

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Encyclopedia of Earth

The EoE is still a free, expert-reviewed collection of content contributed by scholar/professionals who collaborate and review each other's work. We have been offline for much of 2016 while we…  learn more

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UCAR Learning Zone

Supporting weather and climate learning, The UCAR Center for Science Education provides online educational resources and professional development opportunities for educators. How does a cloud form? What's a…  learn more

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Middle School Earth Science Curriculum

An Earth science curriculum focuses on the study of the planet, and its place and relation to the rest of the universe. An Earth science course teaches students…  learn more