Middle School Life Science


Study.com: Plant Life Cycle Activities

The materials in this chapter on plants and ecology can help you create interesting, engaging lessons for your students. These lessons can be useful as homework help, classwork,…  learn more

Plants Lesson Plan

7th Grade Science Lesson incorporating transpiration, absorption, response to stimulus, dormancy and relating it to the function of plants.  learn more

15+ Plant Science Activities and Lessons

Use these free lesson plans and activities to teach students about plant science—hands-on STEM options for all grade levels! Plant science, botany, plant ecology, and plant biology can…  learn more

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Education.com: Life Cycle of a Plant

Students will be able to recite and draw the life cycle of a plant. Students will be able to name the three things plants need to grow.  learn more

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33 Free Plant Life Cycle Activities That Grow the Learning Fun

Looking for creative plant life cycle activities? We have 33 fun and free teaching ideas including videos, hands-on experiments, printables, and more. Your students will love learning about…  learn more

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Free Flip-Book Lesson on the Stages of Mitosis

Looking for a new way to teach your students the stages of mitosis this year? We’ve partnered with our friends at Ward’s Science to create a hands-on lesson…  learn more

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Arthropods - Invertebrate Powerhouses

About 75% of all animal species are arthropods. There are more different types of arthropod than any other group on the plant. Arthropods include insects, spiders, crabs, lobsters,…  learn more

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Kids Discovery: How Bones Work Inforgraphic

Everyone knows bones are hard. They’re made from some of the same minerals found in rocks, such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphates. In fact, about two-thirds of a bone’s…  learn more

Cells Alive Glossary

The CELLS alive! website was provided free of charge. This version is provided free of charge as well. You are welcome to share it freely with others with the…  learn more

TeachersFirst's Human Body Systems - Science Resources

This collection of resources will help you research information about human body systems. Read the descriptions to find out whether a site sounds right for what you want…  learn more

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Digital Teaching Boxes: Middle and High School Life Science Resources

The Teacher Institute has supported middle and high school science teachers in assembling “teaching boxes,” helping them to collect lessons, activities, assessments, and inexpensive supplies for a specific science unit…  learn more

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Butterfly Life Cycle Resources (Free Google Slides and More)

The butterfly life cycle is a popular topic in science classrooms, and for good reason. The process of complete metamorphosis never fails to amaze! Here, you’ll find lots…  learn more

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Here you'll find a wealth of resources and information aimed at helping educators bring genetics, bioscience and health alive in the classroom. A companion to the popular Learn.Genetics website, Teach.Genetics…  learn more

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Wildlife Week: April 1-7

National Wildlife Federation. Join our “wildlife watch” for an exciting look into the ways wildlife behave in their habitats across America. Through live wildlife cams and fun animal…  learn more

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PBS LearningMedia: SciGirls | Plants Count

Naturalists study animals and plants in the wild and have sharp observational skills. They can spend hours in the field observing and recording data to understand how plants…  learn more

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Texas Parks and Wildlife: Snakes

Snake!  Just say the word and for a lot of people, shivers go up and down their spine. Snakes have been objects of fascination or fear and suspicion…  learn more

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50 Sensational 7th Grade Science Fair Projects and Classroom Activities

Engage every student with these 7th-grade science fair projects, whether they’re interested in biology, chemistry, physics, environmental science, or any other discipline. Plus, find interesting classroom demos, experiments,…  learn more

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Surviving Winter: Animal Adaptation Strategies | Mountain Lake Journal

Join naturalist Mark Fraser on a nature walk to see how the animals of the Adirondack Park in upstate New York prepare for the tough winter ahead and…  learn more

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PBS Learning Media: Cool Ways Animals Adapt For the Winter

Spot on Science shares how animals survive the winter, including warm layers, hibernation, and torpor.  learn more

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5 Free Photosynthesis Worksheets for Middle and High School

Teaching photosynthesis this year? You’re in the right place! Five fantastic photosynthesis worksheets are ready to help your students learn and review this essential topic. There are activities…  learn more

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CK-12 Life Science for Middle School

CK-12 Life Science for Middle School FlexBook® covers core life science concepts and includes PLIX, real world examples, and videos.  learn more

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Top Strategies for Teaching Anatomy and Physiology

Find top strategies for teaching anatomy and physiology to bring it alive in the classroom with resources that will draw students in, hold their interest, and maximize their…  learn more

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Cells Alive

CELLS alive! represents 30 years of capturing film and computer-enhanced images of living cells and organisms for education and medical research. The majority of the site is free of…  learn more

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PBS: Human Impact of the Environment

Human Impact on the Environment is a collection of resources that shows real-world effects of our actions on the environment. The collection supports teachers who wish to integrate environmental…  learn more

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Middle School Life Science Curriculum

A life science course is typically the recommended course for sixth grade students. A life science curriculum aims to teach students about the diverse life forms found throughout…  learn more