Project-Based Learning (PBL)

PBL (Project-Based Learning or Problem-Based Learning) eliminates the question, “When would I use this in the real world?”.

That alone makes it worth investigating.

Like any other instructional method, PBL should be applied carefully. It requires extra planning, but can yield richer learning and more efficient use of precious instructional time.

Working and sharing with colleagues, either locally or at remote sites, can make a big difference.

Another alternative approach to science curricula, in particular, is event-based science for very young students. Weather, current discoveries, etc. are harnessed as triggers for in-depth study.

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Empowering Creative and Critical Thinking With Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning (PBL) is more than just a teaching method; it’s a dynamic approach where students actively engage in real-world and personally meaningful projects. This immersive experience helps…  learn more

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Holiday Economics Christmas Project Based Learning PBL Wants Needs Goods Service

TeacherPayTeacher. This Christmas project based learning unit is the most fun way to embrace holiday craziness and turn your classroom into a North Pole workshop all while teaching…  learn more

TeachersFirst's Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning is a dynamic teaching method that encourages students to gain knowledge by working to actively explore problems and investigate authentic and complex questions or challenges. This…  learn more

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65+ Real-World Project-Based Learning Ideas for All Ages and Interests

What is project-based learning? Project-based learning (PBL) uses real-world projects and student-directed activities to build knowledge and skills. Project-based learning is a hot topic in many schools these…  learn more

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What is Project-Based Learning?

Tech & Learning Project-based learning (PBL) centers the learning around students meeting class objectives by engaging in practical real-world experiences that foster engagement. Below is everything you need…  learn more

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20 Different Types Of PBL Show Its Flexibility As A Learning Model

Project-Based Learning is simply a method of structuring curriculum around projects. These projects highlight the process of learning itself by offering authentic, inquiry-based activities for learners to access…  learn more

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Project-Based Learning: Everything You Need to Know

Project-based learning features students developing comprehensive projects instead of just answers. This form of learning often takes more time (can take several weeks) than the problem-based learning approach…  learn more

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25 Questions to Guide Teaching With Project-Based Learning

I’ve been thinking of the kinds of questions I consider when planning a project–or planning a unit when students plan a project on their own. There’s a lot…  learn more

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PBL Blog Posts: How-to Tips and Tools

Our exclusive focus is Project Based Learning. Why? Because PBL advances educational equity and empowers youth furthest from opportunity. We believe PBL is transformative for all kids. Through…  learn more

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Authenticity: How to Move Projects from Engaging to Empowering

In my work with schools that are implementing Project Based Learning, I often hear teachers and leaders ask, “How authentic is our PBL?”. At the root of this…  learn more

Planning a PBL: Design Thinking Backwards Planning for Teachers

Design thinking backwards planning is a way for teachers to plan a unit or project with the end in mind. Design thinking is an iterative process focused on…  learn more

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Creative Educator: Project-based Learning

Creative Educator focuses on effective ideas and strategies to foster creativity and engage students in the curriculum. Articles are designed to provide you with an informed and diverse…  learn more

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6 Strategies for Differentiated Instruction in Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning (PBL) naturally lends itself to differentiated instruction. By design, it is student-centered and student-driven, and it gives space for teachers to meet the needs of students…  learn more

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Ready-To-Teach Project-Based Learning

All units are complete and ready to teach, with no prep, no hassle, and no need to spend time building background knowledge. Each PBL unit includes everything you…  learn more

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Exploring Realistic Fiction Project Based Learning Unit

Develop characters and a setting for a realistic fiction story, create puppets and design a poster to represent them, complete a story map and write a draft using…  learn more

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Five Keys to PBL

Well-designed project-based learning (PBL) has been shown to result in deeper learning and more engaged, self-directed learners. This video from Edutopia outlines five core elements of successful PBL...…  learn more

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PBL - Best Practices

This page highlights PBL resources to help you in your efforts to create great learning opportunities for your students.  learn more

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The Buck Institute for Education shows teachers how to use Project Based Learning in all grade levels and subject areas. Their goal is to help teachers prepare students…  learn more

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Problem-Based Learning: An Introduction

This introduction to Project Based Learning looks at what it does, what it is, its historical origins and PBL's roles and procedures.  learn more