In a child’s eye, natural phenomena seem random. A special and startling lens for detecting patterns, such as fractals and illusions, will help sharpen their perceptions and awaken them to the mathematical and perceptual unity in nature and environments.
Integrating Math and the Arts

21 Math Art Projects for Kids to Try
Math art projects are a great way to combine right and left brain learning. Combining the two will help engage all your students. Projects include fish tessellation, symmetry… learn more

MIND Research Institute
See the Math, Change the World Mathematically Equipping All Students to Solve the World’s Most Challenging Problems We are a nonprofit social impact organization specializing in neuroscience and… learn more

Math with Art
TeachKidsArt has some easy projects to show that math can be beautiful, and fun. learn more

Song from Pi!
Musician David Macdonald created a melody to help him remember the numbers in pi, "since it's easier than recalling a long string of numbers". By assigning each number… learn more

A Mile of Pi
What happens when you print out Pi to a million digits? You get a piece of paper 1.05 miles long. Follow along as Matt Parker takes you on… learn more

Symmetry in Art and Math
Symmetry in art and math is illustrated by patterns in old Arabian rugs. learn more

Community Bridge at Skyline
The Community Bridge is an illusion. Painters turn an unremarkable viaduct-like bridge into computer art with tricks, such as "depth", to fool the eye. learn more

Double Pendulum Art
Devon has created Pendulus, one of his favorite projects. A stunning visualization of the beauty in chaos, Devon uses glow-in-the dark paint to trace the random movement of… learn more

Nico's Fractal Machine
This simple web page shows how simple concepts can expand into something complex and many times beautiful. Try clicking Animate, Color, Trails, and Random in that order. learn more

Optical Illusions & Visual Phenomena
Michael Bach has great collection of simple "illusions". Emphasis here is on the beauty of perceptual phenomena, on interactive experiments, and explanation of the visual mechanisms involved –… learn more

Origami and Fractals
Origami and Fractals: Shadowy Worlds Between Art and Mathematics looks at Jane Chafin's personal exploration into the world of origami and fractals. Includes a number of video links… learn more

Porta Estel·lar (Star Gate)
Porta Estel·lar (catalan for Star Gate) is an immersive light and sound installation inside a plane. Using strips of LED lights and sound sequences, it takes the audience… learn more