General References

Many Internet and Web Yellow Page-type books and search services hold pointers to various general international references. The quality varies and some time can be dissipated searching for good sites.

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The World Bank - Education

The World Bank specializes in sustainable development all around the world, especially in underdeveloped countries. This site, mostly of interest to high school students, includes the charts, maps,…  learn more

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International Affairs Resources

This section of the WWW Virtual Library system is a frequently updated Internet directory of over 2000 annotated links to high-quality English-language resources for a wide range of current international…  learn more

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Institute for Global Environmental Strategies

The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies focuses on sustainable development, the atmosphere, land formations such as volcanoes, and energy. Web resources are integrated along with offline resources and…  learn more

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San Diego Earth Times

There are regional Earth Times sites, like the one in San Diego, that look at issues on a local, rather than global, basis.  learn more