Education Networks & Organizations

The efforts from many corners to link curriculum standards and projects underscore the feedback from practicing teachers to meet this need.


Texas Association for Literacy Education

TALE's Mission: The mission of the Texas Association for Literacy Education is to promote literacy that will enhance the lives of all Texas citizens personally, socially and economically.  learn more

CAST: Professional Learning

CAST is a multifaceted organization with a singular ambition: Bust the barriers to learning that millions of people experience every day. We do this by helping educators and organizations apply…  learn more

National Association for Gifted Children

NAGC is the nation's leading organization focused on the needs of gifted and talented children. Dedicated to uplifting and empowering those who support children with advanced abilities, NAGC…  learn more

CCSESA Arts Initiative: Arts Education Learning Resources

The California County Superintendents Arts Initiative focuses on theater,dance, music and visual arts.  learn more

The National Association for Media Literacy

NAMLE envisions a day when everyone, in our nation and around the world, possesses the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create, and act using all forms of communication. Media literacy…  learn more

ISTE - The International Society for Technology in Education

ISTE, the International Society for Technology in Education, has developed matrices for implementing skills, standards, and activities into both teacher education methods courses and field experiences. Rather than…  learn more

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National Association of Elementary School Principals

NAESP, National Association of Elementary School Principals, can be differentiated from related sites, because it includes an online bookstore and an exchange registry by areas of interest and…  learn more

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National Humanities Center

From an academic standpoint, the humanities include the study of history, philosophy and religion, modern and ancient languages and literatures, fine and performing arts, media and cultural studies,…  learn more

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

ASCD (formerly the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) is an educational leadership organization dedicated to advancing best practices and policies. They provide a wide variety of resources,…  learn more

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ASCD Resources

ASCD empowers educators to achieve excellence in learning, teaching, and leading so that every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. Read, Watch & Listen to Top…  learn more

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National Virtual Teacher Association

NVTA Certification. Being a great teacher in the classroom is an amazing accomplishment. Learning how to do it both in-person and online allows you to really push the…  learn more

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American Association of School Librarians: April School Library Month

School Library Month is the American Association of School Librarians' celebration of school librarians and school libraries. Every April school librarians are encouraged to host activities to help…  learn more

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National Academy of Science

The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is a private, non-profit society of scholars, charged with providing independent, objective advice to the nation on matters related to science and…  learn more

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AACE - Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education

The AACE is a pioneering organization in Internet technology. They are an international, not-for-profit, educational organization with the mission of advancing Information Technology in Education and E-Learning research,…  learn more

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The National Association of Biology Teachers

Since its establishment in 1938, the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) has been the recognized "leader in life science education." Thousands of educators have joined NABT to…  learn more

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The Internet Scout Project

Internet Scout Project is maintained by the National Science Foundation and includes lists of relevant conferences and innovative uses of the Internet, in addition to discussion of key…  learn more

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Bread Loaf Rural Teacher Network

The Bread Loaf Rural Teacher Network is a national organization of teachers sponsored by Middlebury College's Bread Loaf School of English and is dedicated to foster fundamental improvement…  learn more

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US Department of Education

This site is a treasure trove of resources, including access to many searchable databases, legislative, grant and targeted projects (eg. school-home partnering and technology projects), time-sensitive items (monthly…  learn more

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National Council for Geographic Education

National Geography Standards  represent the consensus of the geography education community around what students should know and be able to do by the time they graduate from the…  learn more

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American Association of School Administrators

The American Association of School Administrators offers a wide range of resources, including sections for professional development, cultural exchange, children's programs, and public policy resources.  learn more

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Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators

The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) has a range of publications available on their web site, most available for free. AMTE is devoted to the improvement of…  learn more

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National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is the premiere professional organization for math teachers. Their web site includes sections on classroom resources, standards, research and professional development.  learn more

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National Council for History Education

The National Council for History Education provides professional and intellectual leadership to foster an engaged community committed to the teaching, learning, and appreciation of diverse histories. Through historical…  learn more

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National Art Education Association

Founded in 1947, the National Art Education Association is the leading professional membership organization exclusively for visual arts, design, and media arts education professionals. Members include preK, elementary,…  learn more

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Texas Computer Education Association

Helping educators advance teaching and learning. TCEA is a member-based organization devoted to advancing technology in education. Our primary focus is on integrating technology into the PreK-16 environment…  learn more

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NAME: My Classroom

This resource from the National Association for Music Education contains current information, news, tips, lessons, and networking opportunities you need as a music educator.  learn more

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National Earth Science Teachers Association: Teacher Resources

NESTA's purpose is the advancement, stimulation, extension, improvement, and coordination of Earth Science education at all educational levels. NESTA is an organization made up of and governed by…  learn more

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The national PTA has issued parent involvement standards in schools. These could be incorporated into school handbooks.  learn more

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The National Literacy Institute

Practical PD to Help Teachers Win in the Classroom  Reading, Writing and Coaching. Teachers matter. In fact, a good teacher has two to three times the impact of…  learn more

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The Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning

MACUL. To lead pedagogical change, build relationships, and provide meaningful professional development and supports in the field of educational technology.​ Empowering educators with high quality professional development in…  learn more

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National Association of Special Education Teachers

The National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET) is a national membership organization dedicated to rendering all possible support and assistance to those preparing for or teaching in the…  learn more

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National Teachers Enhancement Network

The National Teachers Enhancement Network (NTEN) offers online, graduate-level science courses from a world-class public research university. NTEN was one of the first online professional development programs for…  learn more

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National Educators Association

The National Educators' Association, sometimes at odds with school boards, has elected to offer a variety of resources about technology as well as other topics like "Health, Safety…  learn more

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National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools, & Teaching

NCREST works to advance education stakeholders' understanding of the complex and challenging work of restructuring schools. They conduct research, foster connections, and share expertise, resources, and images that…  learn more

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International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement

IEA conducts large-scale comparative studies of educational achievement and other aspects of education, with the aim of gaining in-depth understanding of the effects of policies and practices within…  learn more

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With thousands of direct subscribers and participants, EDTECH plays an influential role in determining the future directions of the uses of technology in education for many universities and…  learn more

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Consortium for School Networking (CoSN)

CoSN is a membership organization with a nominal fee in exchange for comprehensive services, including a new national conference (real and virtual).  learn more

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American Federation of Teachers

AFT has a wide range of resources and support for educators. Areas they tackle include bullying, Common Core, healthy & hunger-free students, workplace harassment, and student loan issues.…  learn more