Clipart for Teachers & Students

Stunning free images & royalty free stock. Free images, videos and music you can use anywhere Pixabay is a vibrant community of creatives, sharing copyright free images, videos… learn more

Euducation World: Clipart for Students and Teachers
Bring life and color to your materials with Education World's library of free clipart. Public or private school educators can simply copy and paste the clipart into school newsletters, flyers,… learn more

Classroom Clipart
Clipart - Pictures - Images - Graphics - Photos Classroom Clipart Over 100,000 free clip art images, clipart, illustrations and photographs for every occasions. Over 2,000 clip art… learn more

Pics4Learning is a curated image library that is safe and free for education. Teachers and students can use the copyright-friendly photos and illustrations for classroom projects, web sites,… learn more

Best Sources for Teacher Clipart (Including Lots of Free Options!)
We Are Teachers. Jill Staake on June 18, 2021. Looking for ways to jazz up your Google Slides or Seesaw activities? Trying to find the right printable images… learn more