
Learning Sites
Learning Sites has created virtual worlds by reconstructing major archaeological sites in 3Dimensions. The discussion questions for students are very well-done and veer towards sound analyses of the… learn more

Becoming Human
The University of Arizona has also developed a site that illustrates evolution thoroughly and engagingly, Becoming Human. Becoming Human--the title of this site pretty much tells the story!… learn more

Garbage Doesn't Lie
This short video talks about how the study of garbage piles -- or middens as archaeologists call them -- paints the true picture of how we live. A… learn more

Odyssey Egypt
Odyssey takes you back to a dig in Egypt. You may encounter a hermit or a sandstorm or be invited to name the scholars' truck. You can almost… learn more

Why Salt & Pepper?
How did salt & pepper end up becoming the primary seasonings on everyone's table? This video looks at the historical as well as the chemical reasons that salt… learn more