Focuses on the production, processing, and sustainability of food and natural resources.
Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources

11 Food 3D Printers to Feed the Future
While most 3D printers today "print" with plastic, there is a lot of experimentation and new products that can print on other media. If you can push it… learn more

Educated Choices Program Library
The Educated Choices Program is a nonprofit providing free food-related education programs to schools. They empower students to make informed decisions about their food, building a healthier, more… learn more

Know Where Your Food Comes From! 5 Free Nutrition Education Video Lessons for Your Classroom
Food has an incredible way of bringing people together and generating good conversations, and it can have that same positive impact in the classroom. The food choices we… learn more

American Veterinary Medical Association - Educators
Tools for K-12 educators. Teachers, counselors, parents, and advisors play important roles in guiding students – including future veterinarians – toward rewarding careers. AVMA materials are available to… learn more

Types of Careers in Ecology
Ecologists study the relationships between living things and their environment. Ecologists often have to study and explain how human actions affect other living things and their environment. Ecologists… learn more