3D Printing And The Arts

3D Printing can be a part of STEM and STEAM (the A = Arts). Here are some artistic ideas and tools for your school’s 3D printer.

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3D Printing Your Photos - Lithophanes

Lithophanes were first created in the 1820s using porcelain. By varying the depth of the material, you can create a seemingly 3 dimensional black & white image that…  learn more

Looking for a project to incorporate both STEM and art that will challenge your students?

Have them create a kinetic art item. It can be completely 3D printed, like the Marble Machine, or incorporate 3D printed parts, like hinges, pivot points, or connectors.…  learn more

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Rhino Wall Sculpture 2D

3D printed artwork can take many forms, including 2D wall hangings. Here's an example of what you can do when you take a line drawing and convert it…  learn more

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Smiling Baby Groot

Brian T. from Arizona shows how you can remix 3D files and create new items. There are a number of baby Groot sculptures in Thingiverse. Brian got tired…  learn more

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The 3D Printed Marble Machine #3

We're not sure if this should be classified as an art or a STEM project. The 3D Printed Marble Machine #3 by Tulio Laanen shows how you can…  learn more

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Vica Sculpture Time Lapse

No only are 3D prints intriguing, but watching the process can be mesmerizing. Here's an example time lapse video (no sound). Adding a simple time lapse camera can…  learn more

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Wire Printing in Cura 4.0

Chuck shows you how to use Wire Printing experimental feature in CURA 4.0 to create unique pieces. He shows the settings you'll need in Cura 4 and how…  learn more

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Desk Top Mobile Art

This print can be used as a springboard to get students thinking about how they can create their own kinetic art objects.  learn more

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How to Do That Cool 3D Printing Timelapse Effect

Here's a way of taking great 3D printing time-lapse videos. It's a bit unorthodox, but it works great and definitely doesn't involve burning your hands. Look for a…  learn more

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Vica Illusion Sculpture

This sculpture is pretty much impossible to create using conventional manufacturing techniques. But 3D printing makes it easy.  learn more

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Turn a Kids Drawing into a 3D Printed Toy

This post by Josh Price goes into more detail on the steps needed to turn a drawing into complete articulated 3D objects with Fusion 360. While has a…  learn more

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Turning a drawing into a toy using 3d printing!

Want to do more than just extrude a 3D drawing? Need more control or accuracy? This video by Josh Price shows you the steps needed to trace over…  learn more

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Drawing Extruder

Here's a step-by-step guide to take your students' black & white drawings and convert them into 3D sculpture prints. Your students can create prints similar to The Girl…  learn more