Fun and Easy STEAM Projects

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It’s fun to build toy-like projects. It’s educational to learn through applied physics. It’s invaluable to know that you are someone who can make something from nothing, and … learn more

Creative Crash Test Cars

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This maker challenge from TeachEngeneering challenges students to design or improve an existing passenger compartment so that it better withstands front-end collisions, protecting riders from injury and resulting … learn more

100 STEAM Projects For Teachers

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Instructables has created a collection of 100 STEAM Projects created for teachers and educators to do with youth. Each project encourages exploration, modification, and students to pursue their … learn more

STEM Grants

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Look to sites like STEM Grants for information on educational grants for K-12 and educational non-profits. Other sources for funding and support can be found by contacting your … learn more

Dept. of Education STEM Resources

In an ever-changing, increasingly complex world, it’s more important than ever that our nation’s youth are prepared to bring knowledge and skills to solve problems, make sense of … learn more


Underwriters Laboratories’ XplorLabs is a free resource designed to encourage students to “solve through science.” Aimed at middle school students, the site uses interactive videos, instructional experiences, hands-on … learn more

The JASON Project

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JASON’s goal is to provide curriculum and learning experiences in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) for K-12 students, and provide high-quality professional development for teachers. In addition … learn more

Successful STEM Education

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This site, a National Science Foundation initiative, provides information, events, and resources that highlight promising practices and tools in support of effective K-12 STEM education. The site highlights … learn more

STEM School

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This 16 minute film looks at STEM education at the STEM Magnet Lab School in Northglenn, CO. Some quotes include, “I’ve taught insects before, and I’ve never taught … learn more

Is Your STEM the Real Deal?

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Anne Jolly reviews how PLCs (Professional Learning Communities) were implemented, or not, and how STEM programs need a higher level of accountability. What, exactly, makes a particular curriculum … learn more

What is STEM?

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Aimed at educators, this introductory video defines STEM (integrating Science, Technology, Engineering & Math), outlines the benefits, and identifies areas like school organization, teacher preparation, and student assessment.