MathMol – Mathematics & Molecules
Molecular modeling (mathmol)takes advantage of the Web to display 3D models at the intersection of math and biology/chemistry and to mount a series for K-12 of hypermedia textbooks. … learn more
Free PreK-12 lesson plans, activities, and resources
Molecular modeling (mathmol)takes advantage of the Web to display 3D models at the intersection of math and biology/chemistry and to mount a series for K-12 of hypermedia textbooks. … learn more
Tree of Life depicts modeling by showing all of life. The Tree of Life Web Project is a collaborative effort of biologists and nature enthusiasts from around the … learn more
StarLogo TNG is a downloadable programming environment that lets students and teachers create 3D simulations (and games!) for understanding complex systems. Create different classes of objects (Boids) and … learn more
This non-technical article looks at Professor Ian Couzin’s work on how a group of individuals make decisions about how to move and where to go all at once? … learn more
How do schools of fish swim in harmony? How do the tiny cells in your brain give rise to the complex thoughts, memories, and consciousness that are you? … learn more
Bill Nye, the Science Guy, has assembled 40+ simple & fun experiments you can do at home or in the classroom. Create everything from a simple stethoscope or … learn more
CHECK OUT OUR FAVORITE EXPERIMENTS AND ACTIVITIES At Steve Spangler Science, we’re on a mission to inspire a new generation of scientists and engineers. A subscription to the Steve Spangler … learn more
Learn how you can make a solar powered hot air balloon with just tape and black plastic trash bags. An interesting project for a sunny day.
Think maker spaces are just for older kids and tech nerds? This video was created in one of Einstein’s Workshop’s stop motion animation classes, by Sophie and Allanna, … learn more
Marek Baczynski made a self driving potato. And then named him “Pontus” and adopted him as a pet. This video is part how-to-build, and lament on how adopting … learn more
Here is another maker space aimed at students and adults (big kids?). They encourage education through exploration, providing toys and tools to help students learn first-hand how science … learn more
Jennifer Turliuk and Andy Forest outline their recipe for success in this Make Magazine article: dedicated space, real tools, process and interest driven, kids teaching kids, exhibition and … learn more
A good way to see what all the excitement is about is to visit a nearby maker space. This map locates maker spaces in every part of the … learn more
Manurewa High School is one of the largest multicultural high school secondary schools in New Zealand, with an enrollment of about 2,000 students. After their new maker space … learn more
The makerspace (also referred to as hackerspace) concept is simple and as such it can take many forms. Give people tools, space and community and you get a … learn more
Here’s an easy way to get started. Have your students create a roller coaster out of nothing but construction paper, tape, glue and string. The objective: have a … learn more
This book by Nic Penny offers a wealth of ideas for making satisfying musical instruments from everyday and junk materials. It is aimed at children aged eight and … learn more
Sugru is a mouldable silicone rubber glue or clay that sticks to almost anything, moulds like play-dough, then cures overnight. You can create an inexpensive alternative using just … learn more
This resource provides simple experiments to ask questions and get answers, allowing your students to become scientists. Here are a set of experiments with ingredients you can find … learn more
Transform your smartphone into a powerful digital microscope with a stand you can build for for about $10.
A video showing the steps to build the platform and the gorgeous results. Check out Smartphone to Microscope for $10 on this page.
Styrofoam is a great material and can be used for many things like prototyping, prop making and even RC airplanes. Cutting Styrofoam can be very tricky though. The … learn more
Nick Penny makes an stringed guitar like instrument from simple junk materials, including a soda bottle (hence the name). One of the projects from his book.
FIRST sponsors a series of competitions each school year, including a robotics challenge. Dean Kamen, founder of FIRST, feels that “FIRST is more than robots. The robots are … learn more
This video shows what it takes to make a simple autonomous robot using an ultrasound sensor and Arduino computer board. The parts list, code, and written instructions can … learn more
Using recycled boxes from cereal boxes and other household items, maybe some construction paper, and paper fasteners your younger students can build their own “robots”. When the robots … learn more
Learn how to make your own soft robotic tentacle using silicone rubber and some ball point pens! This project is an easy and affordable way to demonstrate soft … learn more
Not all projects require soldering or electronics. This simple hand explores many of the concepts of robotics, but is created from cardboard, drinking straws, string and a hot … learn more
If you’re a beginner just starting out these eight projects will help hone your skills. Could be the basis for a class or after-school project lab.
John Park builds some lively and inexpensive miniature robots. Starting with a simple vibrabot made from a scrub brush, John assembles a solar junkbot and a slightly more … learn more
Howtoons is what happens when you combine a comic book artist, an inventor, and a toy designer. Howtoons provides engaging content that teaches kids how to build things, … learn more
Check out Hands On Learning and the Related Topics links below to see more STEM project ideas.
Purple Plow Challenge, from the American Farm Bureau, encourages students to research scenarios related to food, hunger and sustainability and build their own prototypes to solve the defined … learn more
It’s fun to build toy-like projects. It’s educational to learn through applied physics. It’s invaluable to know that you are someone who can make something from nothing, and … learn more
This hands-on experiment and lesson plan from TeachEngineering provides students with an understanding of the issues that surround environmental cleanup. Student teams create their own oil spills, try … learn more
OK, now you have your PVC pipe bent, how do you make it looks like something other than PVC pipe? This video shows you how to remove the … learn more
PVC can be a cheap building material. But it’s not easy to bend into different shapes … until now. Heating sand on a portable induction cook top or … learn more
This maker challenge from TeachEngeneering challenges students to design or improve an existing passenger compartment so that it better withstands front-end collisions, protecting riders from injury and resulting … learn more
The problem with STEM is that teachers often have to purchase the materials at their own expense. Sarah has assembled this collection of STEM engineering challenges that are … learn more
Instructables has created a collection of 100 STEAM Projects created for teachers and educators to do with youth. Each project encourages exploration, modification, and students to pursue their … learn more
Look to sites like STEM Grants for information on educational grants for K-12 and educational non-profits. Other sources for funding and support can be found by contacting your … learn more
In an ever-changing, increasingly complex world, it’s more important than ever that our nation’s youth are prepared to bring knowledge and skills to solve problems, make sense of … learn more
Underwriters Laboratories’ XplorLabs is a free resource designed to encourage students to “solve through science.” Aimed at middle school students, the site uses interactive videos, instructional experiences, hands-on … learn more
This video looks at Westfield Vocational High School and shows how their teachers and students are reinventing vocational education to be relevant for today’s students. This school is … learn more
JASON’s goal is to provide curriculum and learning experiences in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) for K-12 students, and provide high-quality professional development for teachers. In addition … learn more
A growing body of research suggests that creating video games can be a highly engaging way for children to learn a range of STEM skills. Moreover, it encourages … learn more
This site, a National Science Foundation initiative, provides information, events, and resources that highlight promising practices and tools in support of effective K-12 STEM education. The site highlights … learn more
To prepare for the STEM adventure, PBS station KEQD offers this checklist of five questions your school needs to consider.
This post defines six characteristics of a great STEM lesson. Our favorite is: STEM lessons allow for multiple right answers and reframe failure as a necessary part of … learn more
This 16 minute film looks at STEM education at the STEM Magnet Lab School in Northglenn, CO. Some quotes include, “I’ve taught insects before, and I’ve never taught … learn more
Anne Jolly reviews how PLCs (Professional Learning Communities) were implemented, or not, and how STEM programs need a higher level of accountability. What, exactly, makes a particular curriculum … learn more
Aimed at educators, this introductory video defines STEM (integrating Science, Technology, Engineering & Math), outlines the benefits, and identifies areas like school organization, teacher preparation, and student assessment.