Students can compare the form and functions of various marine, mammalian brains at Manatee. Quite interesting.
Free PreK-12 lesson plans, activities, and resources
Students can compare the form and functions of various marine, mammalian brains at Manatee. Quite interesting.
BrainPOP is a commercial site but an especially engaging one–movies, experiments, etc. about blood, cells, hair. It is suitable for ages 6-14 but it does include sensitive topics … learn more
A huge collection of cross-sectional slides of the brain (more than 100 species) has been cataloged at the Brain Museum, co-sponsored by the University of Wisconsin, Michigan State, … learn more
The snooze button – one of life’s luxuries. But is it really helping you out, or making you more tired? A entertaining look at the biology of sleep. … learn more
In this TED Ed video, Alexandra Horowitz illustrates how the dog’s nose can smell the past, the future and even things that can’t be seen at all. You … learn more
The neuroscience project at Washington University has developed a special study of the olfactory system. The site is graphically appealing and utilizes some new technology tools such as … learn more
What makes yawning so contagious? To get more oxygen? To cool the brain down?!?! Why are yawns contagious? Why do some groups yawn less? The Yawn-O-Meter video — … learn more
Neuroscience For Kids is so successful that several other sites link to it as the primary source on this topic. Explanations for the aroma of flowers and the … learn more
The post looks at the impact of invasive plant species and illustrates the adaptation of non-native vegetation in different ecological environments.
Fast Plants was developed as research tool at the University of Wisconsin and has been used by K-12 teachers around the world for nearly 30 years as an … learn more
The images and drawings make Botany interesting to a wide range of students. This site provides in-depth resources and compendium of botanical art past and present for anyone … learn more
Plants communicate among themselves. This video shows the how and why. You’ll never look at a lawnmower the same way again.
The Great Plant Escape, appropriate for very young children, is similar to LifeLab’s content. Presented as mysteries, a half-dozen experiments, like “Is it dust, dirt, dandruff or a … learn more
Life Lab cultivates children’s love of learning, healthy food, and nature through garden-based education. LifeLab describes how a school can turn a patch of its open space into … learn more
The premiere software for learning anatomy — any age — is A.D.A.M. Definitely, worth this special recommendation.
At the PBS-WGBH site a viewer may actually place his finger on the pulse and observe the consequences of the heart’s actions.
This video looks at topics like the importance of eyesight in different species, nearsightedness and farsightedness, how your eyes change as you get older, and reasons for the … learn more
In a different vein, so to speak, Human Anatomy Online displays human anatomy thru drawings, animations and descriptions of the major systems of the human body. Using the … learn more
Have you ever wondered how you can eat the things that you eat or how you can breathe or move your arms? If you think about it, it’s … learn more
The Visible Human Project was an outgrowth of the NLM’s 1986 Long-Range Plan. The project created complete, anatomically detailed, three-dimensional representations of the normal male and female human … learn more
A simple explanation of how your eyes “see”, what the brain does with that information, and how your eyes/brain can play tricks.
BioInteractive, from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, provides high quality multimedia resources, including apps, animations, videos, interactives, and virtual labs, to bring the excitement of scientific discovery into … learn more
Not for the faint of heart. This National Geographic video explores everything from how rats can hold their breath for up to 3 minutes to how they squeeze … learn more
Have you or your students ever wondered what it might be like to work in a zoo or aquarium? The Association of Zoos & Aquariums has an answer… … learn more
This curated list from the American Farm Bureau features free resources for different age groups (K-12) and broken out by topic areas like animals, economy, environment and technology. … learn more
Witness the eerily beautiful growth of larvae into bees in this mesmerizing time-lapse video from photographer Anand Varma. Varma said the six-month project, for which he built a … learn more
Mandy Shaw likes bees and is an avid swarm catcher. Join her journey as a beekeeper, rescuing and relocating honey bees and bumble bees. The video looks at … learn more
Here’s what your life would be like if you were a dog. For starters, you would eat twice as much, sleep twice as much, and have 5x better … learn more
The International Science Teaching Foundation is a non-profit organization headquartered in London, United Kingdom. We are a global entity committed to the improvement of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, … learn more
Free Astronomy Network for Kids. A lot of astronomy people like to think of the Solar System been made up in two parts. We have the Inner Solar … learn more
In Telecommunications in Education News, vol 8, #1, published by ISTE, a cool project called “Houston…We Have a Problem” was implemented by linking schools in southern California, Hawaii … learn more
A resource to help scientists and educators conduct learning experiences and communicate about astrobiology. Resources A collection of fun and interesting astrobiology-related resources.
In this SciShow video, Hank answers a viewer’s most pressing question about what happens if the human body gets exposed to space. Would your head really explode? (Sorry, … learn more
The Exploratorium in San Francisco is offering astrobiology, the understanding of extreme forms of life on our planet and, more importantly, other planets and space bodies. Visit laboratories … learn more
Train Like an Astronaut Space Camp has been helping inspire the next generation of explorers for more than 32 years. This internationally known program with more than 700,000 … learn more
“All About That Space” is a fun music video created by interns at NASA’s Johnson Space Center. It was created as a parody of Meghan Trainor’s “All About … learn more
This project has students creating their own version of Juno, the Jupiter orbiter, and using it to detect magnetic field variations in “Jupiter”. A good hands-on project for … learn more
Space News is an up-to-the-minute resource with classroom lessons, videos and images. To understand scale in our solar system look at
Whyville is a virtual world where children ages 8 to 15 play, explore, create and learn together. From solving math puzzles to protecting coral reefs, from programming robots … learn more
Along comes a virtual telescope at Skyview. The interface can be amateur or professional to view the long radiowaves and high energy traces. This virtual capability is especially … learn more
The Lake Afton Public Observatory’s star charts (Kansas) could be compared and contrasted with those at JPL (California) — different views from different states. While much of the … learn more
The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory is most appropriate for very sophisticated students. Daily updates from this observatory will allow them to investigate phenomena alongside scientists.
Now, if you would prefer a view from the north pole of our Sun for which you can set the controls for time and date and orbit of … learn more
The resources at the Mt. Wilson Observatory facilitate student learning of the constellations. As students (grades 4-12) progress thru a quizgame at the Mt. Wilson site, additional explanations … learn more
Stellarium is a free, open source planetarium program for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars … learn more
NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, is responsible for many hundreds of different programs and functions, from the International Space Station to building better airplanes – and … learn more
StarChild is another resource aimed at young children with activities emphasizing space and astronomy. The site includes lesson plans which show you some of the ways you can … learn more
NASA offers a wide variety of topics to explore and excite older students. An example is microgravity, the appearance of floating in space. Gravity is a force that … learn more
NASA has indexed hundreds of resources by subject, grade level, type and keyword. These lesson plans and teaching materials can be used to support your STEM curriculum. Spark … learn more
These downloadable, high-resolution images of Earth’s city lights were created with data from satellites originally designed to view clouds by moonlight. It turned out they could also map … learn more
NASA Kids Club is targeted towards kids in lower elementary school, while almost all other sites aim at older children. The cartoon-like format evokes question-asking, such as when … learn more
here are jobs and there are careers. But at NASA, our work is more than just a profession—it’s a lifelong pursuit, a passion—and a chance to change the … learn more
Classifying Galaxies demonstrates how scientists classify galaxies for identification and function. It comes complete with a lesson plan!
In today’s tutorial, I will be showing you how to shoot stars with an Android smartphone. For this to work, you will need an Android smartphone with shutter … learn more
The night sky is an awe-inspiring. With light pollution, most students never see the night sky as it really is. That’s unfortunate because the night sky is amazingly … learn more
Exhibits at the National Air and Space Museum web site are altered to match a spotlight in the real museum.
The National Air and Space Museum hosts a searchable library of digital images and video. Images include Museum events and behind-the-scenes activities, historic photos, and pictures of artifacts … learn more brings space down to Earth to provide an amazing journey celebrating exploration, innovation and discovery. presents current photos of the cosmos and encourages students to learn … learn more
The Hubble Space Telescope (and most telescopes) only takes photos in black and white. To make those beautiful space photos like the ones here, scientists add the color … learn more
In addition to the main image site, NASA has additional areas dedicated to specific topics. For Astronomy buffs, NASA posts each day a different image or photograph of … learn more
NASA’s image library consolidates imagery spread across 60 collections into one searchable location. Students can embed content in their own sites and choose from multiple resolutions, including the … learn more
According to the FT STEM site, the initial start up cost for FT STEM is similar to a robotics program at approximately $100 per student. However that initial … learn more
Many STEM programs revolve around robots. While robotics is becoming an important 21st century skill, spending hours in front of a keyboard debugging control programs or working with … learn more
This video from Flite Fest – an annual Flite Test meetup – shows kids, of all ages, having fun and learning new things, creating and building airplanes of … learn more
This video from MESArc shows Megan and Susannah trying to tame the Toothless Dragon! This video shows that you learn from failure and the value of not accepting … learn more
This video shows the first flight of the final version of the MF-35 Thunder, designed and built by Claira, an 8th grade student. And it shows some of … learn more
Claira, an 8th grade student, came up with the idea of turning the MESArc MF-35 Lightning model aircraft design into a workable delta style wing. Her goal was … learn more
Flite Test STEM is an educational program that helps students soar. Developed by Flite Test, a company specializing in the design and production of remote-controlled (RC) aircraft, the … learn more
NASA’s Student Launch is a researched-based, competitive, experiential exploration activity. It includes yearly challenges reaching a broad audience of middle and high schools, colleges and universities, and non-academic … learn more
The NAR provides educational resources and a list of nearby clubs. National Association of Rocketry is the oldest and largest sport rocketry organization in the world. Take advantage … learn more
This launcher project uses air or a lack thereof, not water or pyrotechnics, to launch the spacecraft. Uses a vacuum pump, acrylic cylinder and simple 3D printed parts. … learn more
The Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC) is the world’s largest rocket contest, designed to encourage students to study science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Sponsored by the Aerospace … learn more
A simple bottle rocket launcher build out of a length of PVC pipe, some glue and a disposable pen. (Nice music, too)
Few classroom topics generate as much excitement as rockets. The scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical foundations of rocketry provide exciting classroom opportunities for authentic hands-on, minds-on experimentation. The … learn more
On of the easiest ways to build a rocket uses plastic 35mm film canisters and Alka-Seltzer. We saw these being demoed at a science day and everyone enjoyed … learn more
A PROJECT FOR EVERY LESSON. Instructables is committed to helping teachers inspire, engage, and prepare students through hands-on projects to make in the classroom. Always free, and always … learn more
You will want to take a few more safety precautions, but this video shows how easy it is to build a rocket.
The Starry Night software shows what the local sky will look like at 8pm on a given evening as well as patterns of movement of the constellations.
Once in a Blue Moon … is a common way of saying not very often, but what exactly is a Blue Moon? Learn the answer and more with … learn more
EarthSky Earthcare’s topics and resources are divided between today and tonight. Its main dissemination source is the radio. Earth & Sky started out as 2-minute broadcasts on radio … learn more
Akkana Peck has compiled a wide range of astronomy resources, from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Moon and Galilean Moons of Jupiter (an interactive web page) to his … learn more
Ever wonder what you might weigh on Mars or The Moon? The Exploratorium has provided a chance to find out. Fill in your weight and see what you’d … learn more
Science doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, for most of the history of our investigation of the universe we used nothing more than sticks and stones. Just … learn more
The American Meteor Society has an excellent site about meteors and includes a calendar of upcoming meteor showers–capture your students’ dreams via just the naked eye.
Here you will find a collection of multi-disciplinary, interactive exercises and activities based on the Sun and solar science, most geared to grades 4-12. Most of these have … learn more
Windows to the Universe, from the University of Michigan, just seems to grow more and more incredible each month. Astronomy is a hook to interdisciplinary resources in the … learn more
The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum has a complete on-line collection of planes (and space craft) with pictures and descriptions of over 356 aircraft. For a details … learn more
How do they simulate weightlessness without escaping the gravitational pull of the Earth? To experience a free fall safely, an aircraft climbs at a steep angle, levels off, … learn more
Think you need a NASA sized budget to experience weightlessness? As you can see from this fun video, all you need is a personal airplane and the right … learn more
EAA Chapter 1093 at the Midland Barstow Airport in Michigan created this video to describe how EAA’s Young Eagle Program works.
Since 1992, the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) has been giving kids ages 8-17 the opportunity to fly in a small airplane at no cost to them, introducing them … learn more
No, UEET is not some strange South American bird. It’s NASA’s Ultra Efficient Engine Technology. These Kid’s Pages were developed by NASA during the Centennial of Flight Celebration … learn more
For everyone who’s dreamed of flying like a bird, here’s what it would look like. Taken in the French Alps around Chamonix.
Students can make a mini helicopter using just paper and paper clips. This activity from the Exploratorium includes a template you an print out, full directions, “what’s going … learn more
Molecular Flipbook is a free and open source platform for the scientific & education community. Molecular Flipbook features a much more accessible and simple user experience than most … learn more
What can you do with some cardboard and misc. parts, plus your cell phone? How about a functional 3D viewer. Here’s how it works.
Molecular biologist (and TED Fellow) Janet Iwasa introduces a new open-source 3D animation software — Molecular Flipbook — designed to bring scientific hypotheses to life. Includes interesting incites … learn more
From the IMAX movie Cosmic Voyage. It puts big and small into perspective and takes you on a voyage through the universe! Narrated by Morgan Freeman. A modern … learn more