It takes a village to keep a website going.
Here are some of the people and organizations that have helped propel K12IRC over the years.
Dr. Bonnie Tenenbaum
Dr. Tenenbaum was instrumental in the creation of the library and continued to curate content and provide guidance right up until her passing in October, 2020. She will be greatly missed.
You can learn more about Bonnie here.

Pamela “Pam” Choate
An educator for 35 years, both in K-12 and higher education.
Pam is now taking over for Bonnie as our “head librarian” .

Chris Daley
Chris Daley, owner of Lodestone Systems, is the webmaster for He created all the programing used for the current site and helps maintain the collection.

The Bonnie & Marty Tenenbaum Foundation
The Bonnie & Marty Tenenbaum Foundation — and Marty Tenenbaum in particular — has provided continuing support for K12IRC.

Richard “Rick” Loek
Richard “Rick” Loek provided the initial programming support when Dr. Tenenbaum first adopted the site after it lost it’s NSF funding.
Cinthia Schmidt
Cinthia Schmidt was instrumental in the “makeover” of Alice, our site mascot.

Jason Grotte
Jason Grotte created a great set of icons that were used in an earlier version of this site.

Joaquin Mariscales
Joaquin Mariscales contributed additional artwork and layout ideas for the site.
Lodestone Systems
Lodestone Systems has been involved with the site since 1999 and provides web site hosting and technical support.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
The Virtual Public Library Instructional Media Center was originally developed in part under the auspices of the National Science Foundation through a contract to TERC (formerly the Technical Education Research Centers) in Cambridge, MA with a subcontract to CommerceNet.
No endorsement of the contents of the current website by NSF or TERC is implied.
CommerceNet did much of the original work to create the web site, and donated web hosting for the website thru May, 2000.