Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about the K-12 Internet Resource Center.

Is this website really free?


You can access the entire resource center without any payment or registration. The vast majority of resources we link to are also free!

How can you provide all of this for free?

Funding for this entire project comes from the Bonnie and Marty Tenenbaum Foundation. It is their gift to the K-12 education community. This website receives no corporate or government funding.

Can you add a link to my resource?

The short answer is probably not.

We were getting literally 100’s of requests per week to add links. It got so bad, we finally had to shut down our email addresses.

We do keep an eye out for content directly relevant to the K-12 education community — free content that “teachers can use now” in their classroom. Web links mainly promoting a product or book are of no interest to us.

I’ve found a link that’s dead or no longer appropriate.

Please let us know!

The easiest way to contact us is thru our Facebook group. That’s also a good place to ask questions and meet your fellow K12IRC users.

Do you have resources broken out by the  ______  Standard?


The problem with education standards is they change every few years. They are treated like fashion standards, not engineering standards. Then each state has their own mix of standards and changes them regularly.

We have a small staff and could never hope to maintain valid links to the ever-changing mix of standards.

Instead, we recommend using the search function to locate resources and ideas that address specific items in your standards.

Don’t see your question answered here?
Let us know on our Facebook group.
We will be glad to answer it.