Since studies indicate that good curriculum development should precede technology implementation, finding your home base in such groups is essential.
Science Education Groups

The Geological Society
Our aims are to improve knowledge and understanding of the Earth, to promote Earth science education and awareness, and to promote professional excellence and ethical standards in the… learn more

National Earth Science Teachers Association: Teacher Resources
NESTA's purpose is the advancement, stimulation, extension, improvement, and coordination of Earth Science education at all educational levels. NESTA is an organization made up of and governed by… learn more

NSTA Science Store
The NSTA store offers a wide range of items to support their mission, including books, ClassPacks, and science objects. Check out their wide range of resources for implementing… learn more

Xplora - European gateway to science education
At XPLORA - the European gateway to science education - you can find educational resources, school projects, teacher explaining their pedagogical projects, approaches and methodologies, eCourses and more. learn more