Media Search Tools

Search tools are not just about text. There are a wide range of options to search for audio, video and image files.

As with all original material, pictures, video and audio are copyrighted. Make sure your students know what is and isn’t allowed.

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Bing Video Search

Bing has gotten high marks for its video search feature. Google and Yahoo also do video searches. Most of the results are YouTube videos. If you are not…  learn more

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Google Image Search

Google Images has indexed millions of images on the Internet. Odds are you can find an image for just about any topic here. Bing and Yahoo can also…  learn more

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Creative Commons Image Search

I’m happy to formally announce that CC Search (with the new name Openverse) is now part of the WordPress open source project. Both Matt and I are long-time…  learn more

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Baidu Image Search

Baidu – China's version of Google – provides image search. While the site is in Chinese, it will easily process English search terms.  learn more