While some search engines will turn up sites in other languages, bi-lingual educational sites are still rare, especially for K-12 students. This opportunity is very exciting — not only because it draws in foreign language teachers to the online world but also because students can learn specific knowledge and words in another language which are up-to-date. Your foreign language students might consider creating a multi-lingual web site, covering anything from local history to community resources to regional attractions.
Foreign Language Websites

Ethnologue: Languages of the World
Ethnologue is a comprehensive reference work cataloging all of the world's known living languages. Since 1951, the Ethnologue has been an active research project involving hundreds of linguists… learn more

Languages Spoken in Each Country of the World
This page lists the official language of each country as well as other major languages spoken. For some countries, the percent of the population that speaks each language… learn more

More ways to explore, more ways to learn Learn a new language through quick lessons, live online classes, podcasts & more learn more

Online Foreign Language Learning
Time4Languages are online foreign language courses available to active Time4Learning members for an additional fee. Powered by Rosetta Stone®, an award-winning language learning program, Time4Languages helps students learn… learn more

Fantastic Features We Don't Have In English
There are lots of interesting features in other languages, some of which English would really benefit from having. Tom Scott talks about four of them: time-independence, clusivity, absolute… learn more

Hello to All The Children of The World
A fun song for younger students showcasing how to say hello in nine different languages. learn more