Before accessing sites it would be wise to review your local curriculum guides and then match resources to your framework. Articulation with other grades is important. As exciting as these resources are, students can easily become confused if this topic is jumbled across different grade levels.
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Edison Electric
The Edison Electric Institute offers 80 some experiments in basic concepts of electricity for grades 4-8. learn more
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Windmills: Putting Wind Energy to Work
What better way for students to learn about energy and energy transformation than building their own windmill. This post from PBS includes a lesson plan, worksheets and templates. learn more
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Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles Data Center
The Alternative Fuels Data Center provides maps, data sets and tools on alternative energy options. learn more
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Biofuel From Algae At MIT
The viability of biofuels has been debated, especially among scientists. Since it requires multi-disciplinary understandings, students would be well-served to learn about it. learn more
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Center for Environmental Journalism at CampusPress at Colorado
The Center for Environmental Journalism in Colorado is a useful 'zine model from which students can learn publishing skills in this particular domain. learn more
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EIA Energy Kids Page
The Department of Energy has a wide range of resources for K-12 classrooms at it Energy Kids Page. learn more
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How Fuel Cells Work
Learning about fuel cell technology always rears up when an energy crisis appears. Go to How Stuff Works for an understanding of alternative fuels. learn more
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Should a Person Touch 200,000 Volts?
An entertaining video by Steve Gagnon showing what happens when you touch 200,000 volts, how lighting rods really work, and why 120 volts could hurt you but 200,000… learn more