Depression and Mental Health

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Conflict Resolution Education Connection

The Conflict Resolution Education Connection is divided into sections by group such as teachers and administrators. You can find classroom activities ,video resources and administrator how-to guides.  learn more

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Depression Resources - Tiny Buddha

Not everyone is comfortable opening up or talking with a professional. Tiny Buddha (not a site about the religion) posts curated stories, tips, and insights from readers of…  learn more

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Kintsugi: The Art of Embracing Damage

Students face abuse, neglect, are attacked and hurt. Many bounce back. Others are not so lucky. This video looks at the beauty of damage. How something that was…  learn more

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Let's Call Mental Health Stigma What It Really Is: Discrimination

This article by Lindsay Holmes looks at how we approach mental health and posits that society's reaction amounts to discrimination. Her proposition is that society's outlook on mental…  learn more

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Parent's Guide to Teen Depression

As a concerned parent, teacher, or friend, there are many ways you can identify and help a teen suffering from depression. Covers identification, treatment, and the importance of…  learn more

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Substance Abuse and Mental Health National Helpline

SAMHSA's National Helpline, 1-800-662-4357 (HELP), TTY: 1-800-487-4889, is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance…  learn more

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Teenager's Guide to Depression

This resource provides teenagers with tips and tools for helping themselves or a friend.  learn more

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What Is Depression?

PBS has developed this lesson plan for grades 9-12. In the lesson, students examine teenage depression: what it's all about, how it feels, and ways to deal with…  learn more

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Youth Mental Health First Aid classes

Youth Mental Health First Aid is a one day course designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, and others how to help an adolescent (age…  learn more