Collection of History Websites

100+ Online Resources about History
We are a group of dedicated international technology teachers with tons of experience in teaching K-18 tech, unraveling its problems, and making it exciting for kids (and adults). We… learn more

The Explorations of Lewis and Clark
Because computers can track and remember different points of view and alternative decisions so much more easily than people, we find this feature more frequently on the Web… learn more

Digital History
Digital History, from the University of Huston, provides a very rich and in-depth look at American History. You can search by era, topic or resource type. Resources include… learn more

History Channel
The History Channel offers a wide range of resources and videos. One area of special interest is the Famous Speeches page, with audio clips on everything from Amelia… learn more

Digital History Reader
The Digital History Reader is a content- and inquiry-based for teaching European and American history with illustrative, multi-media downloads. learn more