Free PreK-12 lesson plans, activities, and resources
Build A Rocket
Nothing gets students involved in STEM like hands on experiments. And what could be better than building your own rockets!
While rocketry congers up images of dangerous chemicals and impossible insurance requirements, your students can explore rocketry with nothing more than water or compressed air.
Engaging your students with rockets and space travel can open the door to instruction in math, physics, chemistry, biology, and even history.
Check out the Fly Rockets and the National Association of Rocketry lists of local clubs, and invite a nearby club to come to your school to demonstrate and talk about rockets.
The NAR provides educational resources and a list of nearby clubs. National Association of Rocketry is the oldest and largest sport rocketry organization in the world. Take advantage… learn more
Few classroom topics generate as much excitement as rockets. The scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical foundations of rocketry provide exciting classroom opportunities for authentic hands-on, minds-on experimentation. The… learn more
NASA's Student Launch is a researched-based, competitive, experiential exploration activity. It includes yearly challenges reaching a broad audience of middle and high schools, colleges and universities, and non-academic… learn more
On of the easiest ways to build a rocket uses plastic 35mm film canisters and Alka-Seltzer. We saw these being demoed at a science day and everyone enjoyed… learn more
This launcher project uses air or a lack thereof, not water or pyrotechnics, to launch the spacecraft. Uses a vacuum pump, acrylic cylinder and simple 3D printed parts.… learn more
The Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC) is the world's largest rocket contest, designed to encourage students to study science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Sponsored by the Aerospace… learn more