Abraham Lincoln


Abraham Lincoln Collection

Would Abe Lincoln have been awarded a Nobel Prize for Peace? Review thousands of documents about The papers of Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), lawyer, a representative from Illinois, and…  learn more

The Gettysburg Address

On this date in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous Gettysburg Address at the dedication of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Speech given by Abraham Lincoln…  learn more

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Abraham Lincoln for Kids | Learn all about the 16th president of the US

Abraham Lincoln is largely considered one of the greatest presidents this country has ever seen. In Abraham Lincoln for Kids, you will learn so many wonderful things about…  learn more

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Abraham Lincoln and Executive Power

The lesson, written by John J. Patrick, Professor Emeritus of Education at Indiana University, supplements the We the People: The Citizen & the Constitution text. It is designed to…  learn more

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Lesson Ideas for Abraham Lincoln

For Lincoln's birthday or any time of year, here are ideas to better acquaint students with the life, times, and work of the 16th president of the United…  learn more

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Abraham Lincoln Biography & Mini-Book

Students read a biography of Abraham Lincoln, and then put together an illustrated book about him.  learn more

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Abraham Lincoln Facts, Biography, and More (Free Google Slides)

Learn about the 16th president’s legacy. Our country has had many presidents, all with their own trials and contributions. Some of them stand out more than others, and…  learn more

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Abraham Lincoln: Man versus Legend

In this lesson, students interrogate their own assumptions about Abraham Lincoln in order to arrive at a deeper understanding of who Lincoln was. They investigate primary source documents…  learn more

Teaching Lincoln’s Assassination and Legacy

Explore the life, leadership, death and legacy of Abraham Lincoln through primary sources and lesson plans developed by our education staff and master teachers. We offer ready-to-use history lesson…  learn more

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Virtual Tour of Ford's Theatre

Explore Ford's Theatre National Historic Site and learn about Lincoln's assassination and the aftermath.  learn more

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Abraham Lincoln's Presidential Library & Museum: Lesson Plans

Understanding the importance of educating about President Lincoln’s life and legacy, as well as the history of the great state of Illinois, ALPLM’s Education Department works hand-in-hand with…  learn more

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American Battlefield: President Lincoln's Biograhy

Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States, was born near Hodgenville, Kentucky on February 12, 1809. His family moved to Indiana when he was seven and he…  learn more