Kids Python

The objective is to prepare the best Python materials and lessons for kids to learn the programming language easily.

Lou Frey Institute of Politics & Government

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Our work promotes the development of enlightened, responsible, and actively engaged citizens through civic education programs that encourage thoughtful debate and discussion about current policy issues; through experiential … learn more

PBS LearningMedia: Native America

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Native America reaches back 15,000 years, examining ancient city planning and early systems of science and spirituality and extends to present-day exploration of Indigenous knowledge and language preservation.

SplashLearn: Teaching Tools for Teachers

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Transform your teaching experience with interactive teaching tools for Kindergarten-Grade 5, designed with valuable input and feedback from teachers. These digital resources feature fun educational tools and virtual … learn more

Presidential Election Lesson Plans

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Dive in with ready-to-use lesson plans for high school and middle school classrooms that consist of readings, vocabulary development, graphic organizers, and active participation opportunities.

Snappy Words Visual Dictionary

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What is Snappy Words visual English dictionary? Interactive English dictionary and thesaurus.  It’s an online interactive English dictionary and thesaurus that helps you find the meanings of words … learn more

September 11: A Testimony

This outstanding book contains photographs taken by the staff of Reuters after the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001. This book serves as a … learn more

YouTube: iCivics

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iCivics develops new and innovative approaches to civic education. iCivics’ game-centered curriculum provides middle and high school students with the tools they need for active participation and democratic … learn more

English Language Arts

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Explore and share tips, strategies, and resources for helping students develop in English language arts.

Madden Science

Madden Science aims to inspire awe and wonder and help viewers learn science by highlighting fun and interesting concepts in our natural world.  The website covers AP Biology, … learn more

48 Ways To Teach Social-Emotional Learning Every Day

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In addition to all the reading, writing, and arithmetic that students learn in school, they’re also learning social-emotional, or SEL, skills. Social-emotional skills include self-management, self-awareness, social awareness, relationship building, … learn more

Middle School Math Man

All teachers understand the difficulty of finding affordable classroom materials for the math classroom. Below, are a sampling of some of the free middle school math activities available … learn more

Hispanic Heritage Month Biography Posters and Passages

Help your students take an in depth look at the lives of these 10 important Hispanic leaders by reading the biography articles and completing the included poster. It includes a portrait, important facts, character traits, famous words and … learn more

Read Write Think: Lesson Plans

Find hundreds of standards-based lesson plans written and reviewed by educators using current research and the best instructional practices in language arts.

Read Write Think: Comic Creator

The Comic Creator invites students to compose their own comic strips for a variety of contexts (prewriting, pre- and postreading activities, response to literature, and so on). The … learn more

Founders and the Constitution

Who were the Founders of the United States of America? Introduce students to twenty-four individuals who had a direct impact on the founding of our constitutional government. Explore … learn more

High School Government Resources

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Build a foundational understanding of the constitutional system of United States government and how the system evolved over the course of U.S. History. Each resource contains full lesson … learn more

Career: Earth Scientist

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Carve a career path as an Earth scientist. It’s time to start your journey and learn about the branches of Earth science and career options. Earth scientists need … learn more

What Are the 5 Themes of Geography?

resource URL thumbnail focuses on environmental science and our planet Earth. The team of Earth Science evangelists are passionate about all aspects of learning. The focus is on being clear, … learn more

Continents Of The World

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There are seven continents in the world: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia/Oceania, Europe, North America, and South America. However, depending on where you live, you may have learned that … learn more

Themes of Geography

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Geography is a complex subject that encompasses multiple educational disciplines. It has been divided into five themes to facilitate the teaching of geography. These themes provide a structured … learn more

5 Themes of Geography

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To make geography easier to use and to make it more useful, geography is divided into five themes – location, place, human-environment interaction, region, and movement. Geography In … learn more

Educated Choices Program Library

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The Educated Choices Program is a nonprofit providing free food-related education programs to schools. They empower students to make informed decisions about their food, building a healthier, more … learn more

7 Popular Science Museums

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This collection of 7 popular science museums are featured in Google Arts & Culture. You can use resources in your teaching to help students learn more about science … learn more

Celebrate Latinx History

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Google Applied Digital Skills. Use these lessons to explore the importance of Latinx history, express your identity, and celebrate the contributions made by the Latinx community during Hispanic … learn more

Finding Credible News

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The web is full of questionable stuff, from rumors and inaccurate information to outright lies and so-called fake news. So how do we help students weed out the … learn more

The Aspirations of Sonia Sotomayor

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In this biography worksheet, fourth and fifth grade readers will discover the challenges Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor faced in her childhood, and read about how she used those … learn more

Famous Hispanic Americans

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Celebrate Hispanic heritage with coloring pages dedicated to some notable Hispanic Americans. Click on a worksheet in the set below to see more info or download the PDF.

Ducksters Educational Games

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A variety of educational games include word, puzzle, math, geography, arcade, sports, and typing games. Some are educational games (i.e math, geography, etc.) and some are just for … learn more