GeoGebra: Classroom Resources
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Free PreK-12 lesson plans, activities, and resources
Find over 1 million free activities, simulations, exercises, lessons, and games for math & science!
Free digital tools for class activities, graphing, geometry, collaborative whiteboard and more. Ditch those worksheets! This book serves as a collection of digitally interactive Open Middle exercises. Be … learn more
WHERE EDUCATION MEETS EXPLORATION Join Explorer Classroom — a live interactive session that connects young people with National Geographic Explorers — to hear behind-the-scenes stories and interact with … learn more
Explore educational opportunities that ignite the spirit of exploration and bring the wonder of the world to learners. National Geographic is where education meets exploration. We are transforming … learn more
Here are some great projects that will help you start writing code and get going with digital making.
EVERFI: Financial Literacy for High School is a digital education program that teaches students how to make wise financial decisions to promote financial well-being over their lifetime. The … learn more
Are you an elementary school teacher who is always looking for ways to save time? If so, you might want to consider using OpenAI ChatGPT in the classroom. … learn more
Rasberry Pi Foundation. Discover our range of free computing courses. Learn to code your own programs, make exciting projects, and build your computing skill set. Our online courses … learn more
Google Applied Digital Skills. These lessons help students understand agricultural practices and interact with their local communities
Identify potential careers and prepare to conduct an informational interview using Google Docs.
With the input of K-5 educators, each engagement activity is carefully crafted to help your students build relationships, interact with the world around them, think outside the box, … learn more
As a history teacher, you can make a big impression in leading young Americans to care about the history of the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and the Civil … learn more
Celebrate spring with these free science and engineering lessons, projects, and activities for enriching hands-on STEM related to spring weather, flowers, plants, and more! Science Buddies Lesson Plans contain … learn more
Recognize academic and social-emotional skills with these fun and colorful certificates. It’s that time again! Time to honor our students with end-of-the-year award ceremonies and recognition of the … learn more
SuperTeacher Worksheets. Awards to recognize student achievement can build kids’ self-esteem, encourage additional effort, and promote positive values.
Studying the past to inform the present and shape the future. Once a frontier is crossed, history changes. The National History Day® (NHD) 2023 contest theme invites the exploration … learn more
DocsTeach is a product of the National Archives education division. Our mission is to engage, educate, and inspire all learners to discover and explore the records of the … learn more
Whether you’re focused on your classroom, community, or capitol, we have tools to help you transform teaching and learning.
After assassinating Abraham Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth fled Ford’s Theatre and went on the run. His escape continued for the next twelve days and covered over ninety miles … learn more
There’s a lot of misinformation out there about legal rights and responsibilities in the digital era. This is especially disconcerting when it comes to information being shared with … learn more
A Community of Young Readers. What is Bookopolis? A kid-friendly social network and book discovery tool designed to ignite a love of reading in elementary and middle school … learn more
Meet Gizmos The world’s largest library of math and science simulations. Build inquiry, understanding, and a love of math and science. FREE Gizmos Get access to a rotating … learn more
Most science curriculum is created for classrooms with a full science block and funding for materials. Simplify Science™ provides engaging labs and activities that help teachers confidently teach … learn more
World History is an expansive subject with topics including the Beginnings of Human society and Early Civilizations (4000 – 1000 BCE) to The World Since 1945. John Green’s … learn more
Empower middle and high school students to take control of their financial futures. Educators can help students and their families explore comprehensive financial literacy resources to gain the … learn more
We put AI Chatbots Bard and ChatGPT Plus head-to-head. Find out which AI tool emerged victorious. Here’s a look at how Bard and ChatGPT Plus matched up after … learn more
Materials for Teachers Find poems for kids and teens, lesson plans, essays, and more. Lesson Plans by Theme
Earth Day 2023 is coming up on April 22. This is the 53rd time around the sun that more than a billion humans on Earth have paused to … learn more
Learn about the impact of food waste on the environment in this video animation from WNET. In this clip, students discover ways to reduce food waste. Refer to the … learn more
Human Impact on the Environment is a collection of resources that shows real-world effects of our actions on the environment. The collection supports teachers who wish to integrate environmental … learn more
Celebrating 12 Years of Constitution Education Programming! Teaching the relevance of the US Constitution and the principles of self-governance in our founding documents.
An analogy is simply a comparison between two things. In this way, it is similar to the simile and metaphor. We use analogies all the time informally. In conversation, … learn more
In this unit, students learn about the relationship between the government and the economy. Starting with the basics of the market economy, students learn about government regulations on … learn more
This lesson uses the topic of cell phone service to illustrate how government and the economy are related. Students learn the difference between market, command, and mixed economies. … learn more
Snake! Just say the word and for a lot of people, shivers go up and down their spine. Snakes have been objects of fascination or fear and suspicion … learn more
Nonfiction, at its Finest. Enrich your science, social studies, and ELA curriculums with engaging, standards-aligned nonfiction texts, at 3 Reading Levels.
Google forms just got better. Most of us have come to rely on Google forms. They are a great way to collect information, check for understanding, poll a … learn more
This lesson plan is designed to provide educators with an avenue for Minecraft: Education Edition integration into their instruction. Minecraft: Education Edition provides a comprehensive collection of sample … learn more
The beginning of the school year is fast approaching and teachers will be walking in the front door for their first back-to-school inservice. This can be one of … learn more
Learn physics the fun way – through beautifully illustrated fairy tales! In Newton’s Laws: A Fairy Tale, you’ll read about young Kip, whose only inheritance from his father is … learn more
These charming tales and activities will build key skills. Through the art of storytelling, beginning readers develop listening, speaking, and vocabulary skills, all of which help to lay the … learn more
Improving the grammar and English language arts skills of children is crucial to their educational development. When we at built our language arts games online page, we … learn more
With the educational standards for reading in our elementary schools on the rise, decided to create a page full of fun reading games for kids. These reading … learn more In our dedication to provide free online math games for kids, we chose to create a page with a wide variety of math activities and number concepts. … learn more
Powtoon turns slides into video animations with easy for powerful presentations. Powtoon is a presentation tool designed for both business and school use, based on the idea to … learn more
This Powtoon lesson plan can be used to implement the tool into your instruction. Animation is the core of the online multimedia platform known as Powtoon, which is … learn more
The Grapes of Wrath, the best-known novel by John Steinbeck, published in 1939. It evokes the harshness of the Great Depression and arouses sympathy for the struggles of migrant farmworkers. The book came to be regarded … learn more
April is National Poetry Month! This themed packet was designed for elementary students, and includes a variety of activities including a close-reading graphic organizer, an exercise focused on … learn more
A collection of presidential speeches, addresses, and photos, all for public consumption.
Biography highlights newsworthy personalities and events with compelling and surprising points-of-view, telling the true stories from some of the most accomplished non-fiction storytellers of our time.| Biography website.
School is out. The weather is nice. And your kids are… bored out of their minds. While blog posts about letting kids experiencing boredom have gone viral, we know that … learn more
Earth Day is a day that was created to promote awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment and occurs each year on 22 April.
Earth Day is April 22. Earth Day celebrations aim to raise public awareness on environmental issues. Learn more about the day, fun activities for kids, and resources available!
Differentiation means providing a meaningful onramp to the content you are studying and supporting all students in skill mastery. We can differentiate the content, the process, the product, … learn more
These Earth Day STEM activities are an easy and fun way to celebrate Earth Day with your middle school students! They are great as extension or early-finisher activities, or given … learn more
Celebrate Earth Day while enhancing ELa skills and knowledge with this 9-square choice board menu for middle school. Create independent or group practice opportunities as a standalone Earth … learn more
As extreme weather in the U.S. impacts more people – with longer heat waves, more intense rainstorms, megafires, and droughts – discover how Americans are fighting back by … learn more
Teaching students to evaluate, analyze, and think critically about information is absolutely essential. With advancements in technology, communication, and artificial intelligence, it’s easier than ever before for falsified … learn more
April is National Poetry Month. Wondering how teachers can use AI-powered text and art tools to teach poetry? I’ve explored a few ways, and in addition to crafting poetry … learn more
Who doesn’t love a good scavenger hunt? Whether inside or outside, hunts with clues, or virtually interactive hunts, there’s a perfect scavenger hunt for every age and stage! … learn more
One big area of learning on most elementary educators’ minds? Reading comprehension. We all want our students to be strong readers who read for both information and enjoyment. … learn more
One of my favorite Google tools? Google Drive. It’s a phenomenal mixing board for getting things done, saving files, and more. If you have a Google Workspace for … learn more
How to create your first website using Google Sites. Richard Byrne Feb 28, 2019
Learn about exoplanets and celebrate Earth Day with our new lesson co-developed with NASA! Exoplanets are planets orbiting stars beyond our solar system. In Create a Travel Brochure for … learn more
Microsoft is planning to change the default behavior of the print screen button on Windows 11, which will open Microsoft’s new Snipping Tool experience instead of taking an instant screengrab of … learn more
QuestionWell is a new AI tool that generates reading comprehension questions from any document you specify. Richard Byrne Apr 11, 2023
Earth Day was first observed on April 22, 1970, when an estimated 20 million people nationwide attended the inaugural events at tens of thousands of sites including elementary and secondary … learn more
NOVA’s Earth system science collection highlights important Earth processes normally invisible to the human eye. The standards-based media resources below expose the intricate web of forces that sustain … learn more
Earth Day is celebrated worldwide every year on April 22nd in order to raise awareness for environmental protection. National Arbor Day is celebrated on the last Friday in … learn more
Embrace the Power of Play in Any Learning Environment Classroom Resources. Inspire students to harness inspiration and their own creative ideas to create real-world solutions. Students can investigate … learn more
#metkids made for, by, and with kids. #MetKids has been inspired, tested, and approved by real kids ages 7–12. We think that everyone can learn something from a kid-friendly … learn more
Edutopia. From full-fledged lesson plans and virtual field trips to expansive digital archives and opportunities for professional learning, museums have so much to offer beyond the in-person experience. … learn more
Here at ReadWriteThink, our mission is to provide educators, parents, and afterschool professionals with access to the highest quality practices in reading and language arts instruction by offering … learn more
Today, more than 500,000 families have already tried Learn Our History and millions of video lessons have been enjoyed by smart children across the United States. What’s more, … learn more
Are you ready to dedicate your career to education? Find out about teacher training programs, learn about state-by-state certification requirements, and get tips from time-tested educators on lesson … learn more
Learn about the chemical and physical properties of the elements with these periodic table resources.
Many of the elements from the periodic table we know today were originally discovered by the early chemists who worked to purify ores. In doing this, they realized … learn more
OTIS is Online Technology and Instructional session. Our virtual professional development courses provide the training, support, and inspiration to help you transform learning. Explore the technology, tools, and … learn more
High-quality, standards-aligned classroom resources, lesson plans, teaching inspiration, and professional development opportunities—all inspired by our mission that Global Civics is essential for twenty-first century citizenship. See why World101 … learn more
History For Humans is devoted to creating engaging video-based history lessons that interest and challenge students to think deeply about the past and its importance today.
MySciLife is a FREE educational social media site designed to enrich middle-level science instruction—for a lesson, a unit, or all semester long. In MySciLife, students design identities based … learn more
In this video, I do a quick head-to-head comparison of results from using the same prompt in Google’s Bard AI vs. Chat GPT. Teachers, this is not a … learn more
Learn how to use the built-in whiteboard feature on your Windows 10 device. CottenTechCoach (2.20m)
Enter ancient worlds, meet famous people and discover fascinating facts by exploring a wide selection of historical games and activities.
Study Jams is a multi-media free educational website with more than 200 interactive lessons in math and science. There are tutorials, video lessons, practice problems, slide shows, games, … learn more
To provide and apply relevant earthquake science information and knowledge for reducing deaths, injuries, and property damage from earthquakes through understanding of their characteristics and effects and by … learn more
Our climate, our future. As educators, you are at the forefront of shaping our children’s minds and hearts, helping them make sense of this changing world and inspiring … learn more
Find great suggestions for using Beverly Cleary’s Ramona books in your classroom. This teacher’s guide includes an interview with the author, book descriptions and extension activities for Beezus and … learn more
Reading aloud to children has been shown to improve reading, writing and communication skills, logical thinking and concentration, and general academic aptitude, as well as inspire a lifelong … learn more
Whether you’re looking for something to help your child with math, give them a little extra grammar practice, or even if you’re just curious and want to learn a … learn more
An IEP meeting is when a student’s team comes together to create or update the student’s Individual Education Plan, or IEP. But it doesn’t stop there. Teams come together … learn more
Reading is simply a sequence of symbol interpretation. By understanding that letters make sounds, we can blend those sounds together to make whole sounds that symbolize meaning we … learn more
Whether you’re a teacher looking for ideas for your classroom, a homeschooling parent wanting to supplement your curriculum, or a parent who’d like to try some fun activities … learn more
Learning to read, appreciate, and write poetry can be such a joyful experience in the classroom. But that last one is probably the trickiest. To help you out, … learn more
Book reports are a great way for kids to recall what they’ve read, help with reading comprehension, and improve writing too. But not all kids enjoy filling out … learn more
Test anxiety can be a huge blockade for many kids during their education. Help your child relax for his next test with these helpful strategies. This printable list … learn more
TechNotes Blog. Test anxiety is a common experience for many students. It can lead to feelings of stress and unease before, during, and after tests. One study confirmed … learn more
Test anxiety is a type of performance anxiety. It can affect everyone from kindergarteners to PhD candidates. If you have test anxiety, you may have anxiety and stress … learn more
Test anxiety is actually a type of performance anxiety — a feeling someone might have in a situation where performance really counts or when the pressure’s on to … learn more
Test anxiety is a combination of physical symptoms and emotional reactions that interfere with your ability to perform well on tests. Many students experience varying levels of test … learn more