The season of Thanksgiving offers a unique opportunity in education to delve into the rich historical and cultural aspects of this American holiday. It serves as a moment for students to learn about the early settlers and Native Americans who came together for a historic harvest feast, forming the foundation of the holiday. This period also allows educators to reinforce vital social-emotional concepts such as gratitude, thankfulness, and empathy, helping students develop a deeper understanding of these values.
Educational Goal: The primary educational focus is to help students understand the history of the holiday while instilling social-emotional concepts like gratitude, thankfulness, and empathy.
Don’t forget the section on Library & Media where the following resources are available every day:
- Educational Videos
- Encyclopedia and Reference Sites
- Kids Safe Search Engines
- Online Dictionaries
- Monthly Activity Calendars
- Maps & Globes
Enjoy the season of Thanksgiving
Pamela Choate
Director K12IRC