According to the CDC, about 1 in 88 children has been identified with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Here are resources that can help.

CDC on Autism Spectrum Disorders
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also has a range of resources on Autism at the web site. learn more

12 Things I'd Like Teachers to Understand about Autism
Lisa Smith, the mother of seven, two with special needs, blogs about her experiences with her son Tate, who has autism. learn more

Autism Resources
A go to place from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for resources on everything from the latest news to therapy and coping information. learn more

Autism Speaks' School Community Tool Kit
This kit provides helpful information about students with autism, along with tools and strategies to achieve positive interactions and increase learning for all members of the school community.… learn more

The Autism Teacher Blog
Nicole Mays talks about teaching students with Autism. Includes personal insights and helpful ideas. Highly recommended. learn more