Handheld Devices: Smartphones and Tablets

In the words of the ASCD article, “There’s a lot of promise here, but there are barriers to overcome to realize that promise.”

Make no mistake, smartphones will invade education. We now need to move on to “how do we best use them?”

During this century, currently unimaginable technologies will emerge to advance learning. Like Bob Tinker, it is our job to keep a lookout for applications of the technology to learning rather than wizardry.

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The Concord Consortium

Bob Tinker, founder of the Concord Consortium, has pioneered the use of remote sensing devices, linked to computers, and hands-on physics experiments. (Activities for both these approaches are…  learn more

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Best Online Learning Apps in 2021

Besides suiting the needs of students of all ages, the best educational apps also cover a wealth of subjects and skills. Whether it’s academic subjects, such as math,…  learn more

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50 Smartphone Apps For Teachers

In The 50 Best Smartphone Apps For Teachers Arranged By Category, Terry Heick discovers a seemingly endless collection of smartphone apps that teachers can put to work in…  learn more

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Sample Education BYOT Policies

In this article, TeachThought looks at 11 sample education BYOT (Bring Your Own Technologies) policies. The goal to help you craft or update a BYOT policy for your…  learn more

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GLOBE Observer

Sponsored by NASA, GLOBE Observer is an international network of citizen scientists and scientists working together to learn more about our shared environment and changing climate. To participate,…  learn more